13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i am getting error ERROR: The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address. but when i pass static email address , it works , why ? protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString); String command = "select visitorEmailID from tblvisitorSubscriptions"; …

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Member Avatar for snoowball

1) On the page_load event, Bind the dropdownlist to a database using SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("blablabla"); SqlDataAdapter ddAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM products", conn); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ddAdapter.Fill(ds); 2) On the DropDownList1_selectedIndexChanged, - When user select a value (the productName) from the dropdownlist - All the …

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Member Avatar for korathualex

Read a Text "Email:" via stream reader without looping ...Is there any easy method to get it fast as i am checking large number of files at a time....

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for korathualex

How to find candidate email Id from a resume (word or pdf file) in asp.net during bulk upload...I am able to extract the email ids using RichEditDocumentServer..But how to get exactly the candidate email id from a CV..Please provide a solution at the earliest..

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi how do i create an application in ASP.net C# for HTTPWebRequest, HTTPWebResponse to send and get data back

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde

Hi, I am new in asp.net. i have an task to read xml file from server folder and insert these values to sqlserver 2005 database. how i can do this. thanks in advance.......

Member Avatar for softwareskill
Member Avatar for buffalo0

Hi I have what I think is a simple problem but after much searching cant seem to find a solution. I have an xml file stored on an web server and I need to read the data using vb.net for a smart device application. I also need the ability to …

Member Avatar for softwareskill
Member Avatar for jkdil33

Hi, I have a problem I want to save the values in user controls(textboxes) to an XML file(If not to text file) I want this to be done when client clicks on save data button I want to read the values in XML file(If not to text file) to user …

Member Avatar for softwareskill
Member Avatar for notconfirmed

Hello, I develop a simple script that capture the product using .net WebBrowser control. this is the link http://www.groupon.cl/descuentos/multiple-locations/desde-39900-por-8-sesiones-de-depilacion-ipl-en-axila-rebaje-de-bikini-con-opcion-a-zona-facial-en-estetica-carola-rodriguez-hasta-90-off I have a problem in getting the time in jquery count donw control. Please help me to find a solution. Regards, jeffrey

Member Avatar for cursedbustah
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

HI, I need to create an application that access API of libraries. I am trying to do this in ASP.net C#. Could someone please give me some information on how to start ths. I am net to this. apppreciate a reply, thanks

Member Avatar for anisha.silva
Member Avatar for Gaving30

Hello, On my website i am trying to get my site to display the users address details if they are logged in have tried a stored procedure: ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.showAddress @userid nvarchar(256) AS SELECT Fullname, Address, County, Postcode FROM Addresses WHERE @userid = UserId RETURN But i get an area …

Member Avatar for daniel955
Member Avatar for jtok

Sorry for everything being marked as code. It wouldn't let me post it unless I did (and, yes, I did try using the Inline Code option as you can see by the single quotes around much of what is written here). I have a page with an updatepanel that contains …

Member Avatar for jtok
Member Avatar for MARKAND911

I have a datagrid "dgData" AutoGenereateColumns="true" In this i have 2 templateFields. Now i want to populate all the data between these 2 template fields. How can i do this using C#

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for DeepAnalyzer

Hi, I'm new to ASP.NET MVC framework.Previously i was worked with ASP.Net forms.Now the issue is i want to implement a login page.I have already done the other stuff.I want to know where to add "FormAuthenticationTicket class"? I'm using MVC3 and .Net framework 4.

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for BUGSIE91

Hello... I stumbled upon a template created using html 5 and css3 and was wondering if it could be used as a master page... I know the normal method where we will have a css file and one index.html file whose code should be copied under ,aster page.. the css …

Member Avatar for java.beansbureo
Member Avatar for kirtee2209

Hi. Does anyone know how to migrate a Merge Module project from .Net Framework 2.0 to 3.5? I have been able to move the WindowsFormApplications and msi project but got stuck with the msm. Thanks

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Member Avatar for SpyrosMet

Hey everyone, so I have this project for windows phone i have to do and I have to put some pins on a bing map, but in order to do that I make an API request to google for google places. I get back an XML file and it's like …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for thechampp

I have entity instance(north) NorthdatabaseEntity north = new NorthdatabaseEntity(). The problem is that i don't have access to ObjectContext methods.I tried to call them with object "north" but i didn't found the method "AddObject" or any other from ObjectContext. I thought that any entity object has all methods from ObjectContext …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for brightline

Hi all; I want to preview a live video in a page in my asp.net site(the same as preview a live match). I want to know details about the idea and more details about the implementation. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for pln89

I have question about json data. I can convert data from database to json data in asp.net web service but they come with xml tags. I need to remove string tags and xml information from this data. The appearance of the data is : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <string xmlns="http://tempuri.org/"> …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for hirenpatel53

Hi all i am developing application with visual studio 2008 and using ajax asyncfileuplode control to upload file ,i am not able to take fully qualified fide od selected file by upload control so please give me some idia how to do this thanks in advance

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for anglwthnati2de

So.... I am just wondering which would be the better one to learn for todays market - ASP.net or JSP. I have to take one or the other and am not sure which one is the better choice. If it were up to me I would say neither and go …

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Member Avatar for gsowmyashri

am not able to run web page in Visual studio 2008 The ERROR is "Could not load file or assembly 'WebApplication1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. Access is denied."

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for harishbansal90

Hi, I want to get the External IP address in console application using C#.net. External IP is different from local machine IP. any help? Thanks

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for imonbayazid

I want to translate a string using Google Translator with HtmlAgilityPack; . I want to use HTML Agility Pack to parse HTML documents. I tried this: using HtmlAgilityPack; ............. var webGet = new HtmlWeb(); var document = webGet.Load( "http://translate.google.com/#en/bn/this%20is%20my%20string"); var node = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes( "//span[@class='short_text' and @id='result_box']"); if (node != null) …

Member Avatar for IdanS
Member Avatar for while(!success)

Hi Guys, I have a checkboxlist and a function to update the checkboxlist which are found inside of an updatepanel. The update button calls a function which deletes values from a table and uses a sqlbulkcopy to map a the boxes chosen to a sql table. I've stepped through the …

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Member Avatar for ash07

Hi All I am planning to develop an event website. Registrant rate depends on their type i .e. member or non member. I am little confused about its logic to identify members and nonmebers. initially I was thinking about email/domain name to identify but when I saw current data it …

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Member Avatar for GolDRoger00

Hi I am really new to c#(I used to do vb.net) and I need some help with a problem. I am wondering what the equivalent of a datalist or detailsview in asp.net is in a c# winforms application and how to use it. I have data in a database and …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for korathualex
Member Avatar for korathualex

Open with body,cc,subject dyanamically and Close outlook without using interop.word.dll on button click...proveide a solution at the earliest..

Member Avatar for JorgeM

The End.