13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for cyberdaemon

Good day, I am having trouble on how should i clear the value of my controls in the modalpopupextender. Assume the i have 1 textbox in it. oce i clicked the button with any name. all i want is to clear the value of the control.. thanks

Member Avatar for cyberdaemon
Member Avatar for raajsj

public string generateEmployeeid()*//here i am getting this error 'objdataclassname.generateEmployeeid()'.' not all code paths return a value'* { objDataBaseClass = new DataBaseClass(); if (Designation == "Student") { int id; int count = 01; string typ = "SID-"; objDataBaseClass = new DataBaseClass(); Table = objDataBaseClass.GetDataTable("spGetEmployeeID");// passing storerprocedure name if (Table.Rows.Count > 0) …

Member Avatar for cyberdaemon
Member Avatar for raajsj

Hi., I'm developing a web application,in this application using a gridview data control and show Employee details like Empid, EmpName, designation like that. i need when i click the "Empid" field, to show popup window and list that Employee all details in child window. how to do this? please Anyone …

Member Avatar for cyberdaemon
Member Avatar for sanket.patil

Hi friends i have used autocompletextender in my C# asp.net form . but it's not working fine. i have used following code. <%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="asp" %> <asp:ScriptManager ID="script" runat="server" EnablePageMethods="true"> </asp:ScriptManager> <asp:TextBox ID="txtServiceCityLocal" runat="server" Style="width: 292px; margin-left: 150px; border: solid 1px #747474"> </asp:TextBox> <asp:AutoCompleteExtender ID="AutoCompleteExtender2" runat="server" TargetControlID="txtServiceCityLocal" ServiceMethod="GetCountries" …

Member Avatar for cyberdaemon
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

HI Part 1: I have 4 classes Handler, ResultE, QueryE and the HealthMonitor. The Handler, ResultE, QueryE classes have to send a message every 1 min (for example, the time is defined in each class) to the HealthMonitor. So i implemented the Observer patter. The Handler, ResultE, QueryE as Subjects …

Member Avatar for anisha.silva
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

hi i have an drop down list in the web paage and it has Item A, Item B, Item C as items in the drop downlist. when i run the page how can i make it to display the Item B which is the 2nd item to be displayed in …

Member Avatar for anisha.silva
Member Avatar for NFS1

I am creating a online car booking system, where a user is able to rent a car by per hour or all day. Below is the form i have created using formview: [IMG]http://i697.photobucket.com/albums/vv333/POLO_GTI_6N2/booking.jpg[/IMG] And here is the C# code i have created so far to transfer the data to the …

Member Avatar for NFS1
Member Avatar for cyberdaemon

Good day, I am stuck at his moment figuring how could i solve this porblem.. I created a method that will retreive a value from the dbase and place it in the dropdownlist.. so here is my code protected void ddlSalesOrg_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { _lkpPlantEntities.plant = ddlPlant.SelectedValue; _lkpCustomerEntities.txtSalesOrg = …

Member Avatar for cyberdaemon
Member Avatar for jaimin4829

Hi i am developing a web site to download softwares.I want to get total no of downloads of softwares.hOw can i get actual values of downlod?? Protected Sub ImageButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton1.Click Response.Redirect("../Mysoftwares/" & dset.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(1).ToString() & ".exe") End Sub 'code to redirect at softwares …

Member Avatar for hometownnerd
Member Avatar for izzywizzy

Hello! I am currently developing a web interface that has access to an MS ACCESS database. However, I am unable to key in more than 6 Values into the database using the INSERT INTO sql code. Here are the codes that I am using: protected void bnAddPart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) …

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi what i want to do is to code a checkbox list. herewith i have attached an imaage. as in the image, if i check business all the checkboxes below it should get checked and if i uncheck all the check box should get unchecked, how do i code this …

Member Avatar for prashant9928
Member Avatar for CriticalError

I need some routing help, I am using asp.net web pages and I just want to make routing an automated processes. URLS like this will work http://localhost:24/tutorials/visualbasic/vb-select-case URLs like this will not work: http://localhost:24/sitemap http://localhost:24 In the _AppStart I have this code now: RouteTable.Routes.MapWebPageRoute("{rcPageName}", "~/Default.cshtml", new {rcPageName = "default" }); …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for xanawa

Hi i have the following code public void allocateUserRole(CommonDB.user user, CommonDB.role role) { user.roles.Add(role); this.Entities.SaveChanges(); } It is giving me the following error because i am trying to insert the userRoles. Where tblUser haas an intermediary table with tblRole ** The relationship between the two objects cannot be defined because …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for samsylvestertty

Hi, I have developed an ASP site. I have a function to check the session's validity. I check whether the ReferrerURL is null and redirect to a session expired page if it is null. It works fine for all pages. But after a file download ( using the response.TransmitFile ) …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for jaimin4829

Hi i am developing a website to downlod softwares online.From general page of softwares user is allowed to download software after login or register.after login it must be go to user panel's main download page with taking id of software on which a person has clicked..i code below at login …

Member Avatar for hometownnerd
Member Avatar for anton.yakushin

I am wondering if anyone could recommend the best CMS for an Airbnb-style marketplace that allows people to sublet their apartments, and other people to search, filter, and pay for the apartments listed. These are the main requirements: - Ability to sign up both buyers and sellers. - Accounts for …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for brenton_77

Hi All, I have a textbox on my ASPX page the when clicked loads the 'jQuery datepicker' object to select a date. The issue is I want the user to be able to leave the textbox blank if they want all results to be returned when they click the search …

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Member Avatar for cooldude1988

Sorry, If It is a stupid question but I am new to WCF. I have a C# project in which, I am loading a XML document (contains name of students and Id) using Linq to xml and I have to get the associated data (their due date, amount and stuff …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for syazreen.rahman

i want to filter contents in a table which is showing only all the informations filter only by month and years only. i need the solution ASAP because my task aint gonna complete just because of this problem. this is my HTML table form : <asp:HyperLinkColumn Text="Link" Target="_parent" DataNavigateUrlField="CompanyName" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="../DefaultBilling.aspx?id={0}" …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for touseef4pk

I have idea about StateManager in Backbone.js and read its [Documentation](https://github.com/crashlytics/backbone.statemanager) and I also realized how to switch beteen different states. But i still don't know how can I store my application level data or models using statemanager and secondly are my states object which I addd into statemanager, they …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for christie.smoot.3

Once I have logged in, the "loggedIn.aspx" page is to display: IP Address: Contact: Date: I am able to get the IP address to display, but really have no clue on how to show both the username and current date. This was a conversion from .asp to c#.net Here is …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for adrian.mcguinness

Hi I have been getting an error when posting a page on somee.com. Here is the error I get when loading my page: HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid. Detailed Error Information: Module …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

hi how do i get the value of the checkbox list from a web page? appreciate a reply thanks

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for korathualex

I am redirecting using different roles superadmin,hr assistant etc to aspx pages with in folders respectively..But in foreign iis <!-- For more information on how to configure your ASP.NET application, please visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=169433 --> <configuration> <configSections> <sectionGroup name="devExpress"> <section name="settings" type="DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.SettingsConfigurationSection, DevExpress.Web.v12.1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a" requirePermission="false"/> <section name="compression" type="DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CompressionConfigurationSection, DevExpress.Web.v12.1, …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for josverhoeff

My vb6 to vb.net converted application performs about twice as slow as the classic ASP version. Here is the setup: I have an old ASP application that uses for most of its function calls a vb6 dll of 30000 + lines of code. I managed to convert the dll into …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for sundog1

Hi Guys.. Hoping you can help here.. I'm dabbling with Linq as I'm wanting to pass a Node Value from the XML file into the Connection String. Currently my Code seems to be working and holding the Value in the System.(Code Below:)(Screenshot attached also) XDocument testXML = XDocument.Load("C:\\twDB.xml"); var DataBases …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for sanket.patil

Hi Friends, i want functionality like to search item in textbox and textbox having one image on click of that image i also want to display all items. plz provide me solution.

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for micah.david1

Please i need an assistance on a c# project that am doing. i want to create a sales report application that will add product amount and total quantity of items bought by a customer and then display the total price on a textbox. please any help?

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for bylandsend

Hi, having a problem implementing partial page postbacks using a scriptmanager and an update panel. Here is a test page using a web form to call a user control. I am hitting the else statement in the code behind that confirms I do not have a functioning partial post back. …

Member Avatar for arun1123
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

hi i am creating a web site in C# .net. I have a class called hadler, health monitor and proxy. what happens is there is 2 instances of the handler. so every 1 second the handler has to send a msg to the healthMonitor saying that the handler is alive. …

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The End.