13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i tried reverse engineering option in Mysql workbend 5.1, 1stly i imprted DB's script and then created it, Its done :) but when i try to create ERD via Reverse Engineering option , then it doesn't show relations ships btw tbl, it only brings table to front ! why ? …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

hi i have checkboxes , textboxes and drop down list boxes in an aspx web page, how do i get the data that is being entered by the user. and where should i write the code or it thanks appreciate a reply thanks

Member Avatar for BMXDad
Member Avatar for 4567

i wantto know how to delete,update,insert a specific row using oracle10g as database in visual studio with asp.net, using gridview checkbox and sqldatasource.

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for behnamm

How can we, with a button, move(cut) all items of listbox1 to another listbox? in other word cut from lsb1 to lsb2?

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for gpriya govind

Generate the auto generate number with current month and year. Its Should auto generate. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for tricket_7

Ok, I have searched all over the internet and have had no luck here so far. When someone fills out the form and clicks submit, the information entered will automatically be emailed to the "admin" and the page will be redirected to a "newAccount" page welcoming the new user, stating …

Member Avatar for tricket_7
Member Avatar for Neethaa

Hai I have written a code for a hyperlink and now I need to redirect this page to another page,how can I do that? HtmlAnchor htmlanchor = new HtmlAnchor(); htmlanchor.HRef = "#"; htmlanchor.InnerText = myLabel1.Text; this.form1.Controls.Add(htmlanchor);

Member Avatar for hometownnerd
Member Avatar for Pankaj18

Hi, I am using below code to check only one radio button which is in gridview item template. But it allow multiple selection as CheckBoxes. My code: [code=asp.net]<columns> <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Select"> <ItemTemplate > <asp:RadioButton ID="rd1" GroupName="rdBox" runat="server" /> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField> </columns>[/code] Please help me. Thanks ! Pankaj Singh

Member Avatar for arun1123
Member Avatar for raajsj

hi, i am developing a web application in asp.net, i need to generate UserId and Password for different users. so the UserId is should be in their designation(like EIDPRO-0025,EIDMM-0025,EIDTL-0026).The EIDPRO,EIDMM,EIDTL is different users, I need the Numeric value (0025,0026,0026) should be increment. how to do this? Anyone give me solution …

Member Avatar for raajsj
Member Avatar for cyberdaemon

Good day, I am having problem with displaying my image on the my form.. the image is already uploaded and saved on the folder. so all i want is to retreive it and place it on the other form. This is web application here is my code private void GetImages() …

Member Avatar for cyberdaemon
Member Avatar for korathualex

I wish to focus to the top portion of aspx page on changing the view of multiview under button click...I have set update panel but triggers are given for some and hence post back occurs...Provide a solution at the earliest...

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for korathualex

Prevent aspx page jumping to the top portion under button click..I have set update panel but triggers are given for fileupload and few other given...Hence post back occurs....But still i want the aspx page to remain where it is...

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for skliz

I am trying to build an enterprise chat application in asp.net (c#) but I am new to c sharp and I want to know the best approach to doing this. Though I have done some research. I discovered web sockets for javascript, pushback mechanism. But I want to know if …

Member Avatar for shrikant24
Member Avatar for ketan1234
Member Avatar for Neethaa

How do I write a C# code to like and dislike comments in disccussion forum?

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for sundog1

Hi again guys... I have a little but of an issue with a select statement I cannot seem to fathem out. Below is the code: else if (radioButton3.Checked == true) ; { //Looks at the row Selected in the GridView and then takes the Account Number and Stores in a …

Member Avatar for sundog1
Member Avatar for harsh93

I have 2 website in Sharepoint 2010 There is only one login for both websites. I want to put provision that some users can only use second website and some can first website. so after logged in by 1st type users they will redirect to first website and same thing …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for S2009

Hi, I want to keep track of the number of visitors to my site. I tried the following code in the Global.asax class, [code] public static int count = 0; void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { Application["myCount"] = count; } void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { count = Convert.ToInt32(Application["myCount"]); Application["myCount"] …

Member Avatar for mohan221
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi I have a code that i get a value from a text box in the web page and i want to display the result in another web page. how do i do it? the code is below: string key = "aaaa"; string isbn = TextBox1.Text; string sUrl = ("https://api.bookshare.org/book/isbn/" …

Member Avatar for anisha.silva
Member Avatar for while(!success)

Hello All, I am new to writing regular expressions and have been trying to write a regex for the following criteria: Cannot contain ~, #, &, {}, asterisk, {}, \, :, <>, ?, /, +, |, or " It cannot start with a period or an underscore Cannot have two …

Member Avatar for while(!success)
Member Avatar for korathualex

I want to send mail to large number fast asp.net....It takes some time for me...My code as follows string s14 = "select email from CandidateReg1"; // string s14 = "select top 2 email from CandidateReg1"; DataTable d7 = cn.viewdatatable(s14); for (int m = 0; m < d7.Rows.Count; m++) { email …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dispicable0me

hi , i have to make a web page to insert ward names of a city, if user adds new ward then a 8 digit ward no. shud be generated automatically which represents uniquely the distric, and state of the ward, for examle "wardname hajratgang ,wardNo.= UP320001 ", here wardNo. …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for jaimin4829
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

is it true that no. of rows affected by select statement (ado.net) , is always -1. i.e. NO. OF ROWS AFFECTED BY SELECT STATEMENT = -1 ; if it is then why ?

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for korathualex

I want to show Modal Progress until whole process is over under button click ...I am doing bulk mail sending and modal progress has to remain until its over...Its disappearing after some time as the default time interval is 90 sec or so...

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for korathualex

I tried the following code and its not working...Base class inheriting error for the customised control ....Its working in a new project....Followed this link http://www.asp.net/web-forms/tutorials/ajax-control-toolkit/htmleditor/how-do-i-use-the-html-editor-control-cs ..But somehow control not inheriting correctly..

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for hirenpatel53

hi all i am reading excel file from c# into dataset everything working fine but the problem is it takes first row of excel as header's of column and i have "TRANSACTION DATA FOR CDs MANAGED BY TCBILs FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 2012" in first row of excel ant …

Member Avatar for remunance
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i am sending emails to more than 1000 users at time , so i used a datatable to fetch email addresses from DB's table and then i loop over it voa foreach and then send it to each user via net.mail namespace's code that's ok, Done But problem is that …

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Member Avatar for mshauny

I having been working on java web-start applet for serial communication which I now need to integrate and make it invoke able from an ASP .NET webpage / application. I have tried numerous ways of doing this which all have not yielded anything progressive. including but not limited to the …

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The End.