hi all i am reading excel file from c# into dataset
everything working fine but the problem is it takes first row of excel as header's of column and i have
"TRANSACTION DATA FOR CDs MANAGED BY TCBILs FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 2012" in first row of excel ant it takes header of first column same but due to some size restriction it comes only "TRANSACTION DATA FOR CDs MANAGED BY TCBILs FOR THE MONTH OF DEC" problem is thata i want to take "DECEMBER 2012" from full string but it is not comming so any body please tell me the way how can i take this

If I understand you well. Can you not change the worksheet cell, before you feed it to the dataset?

I create an Excel file with a header data "TRANSACTION DATA FOR CDs MANAGED BY TCBILs FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 2012" and export to datagrid with the no shorten.

My code below:

            Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
            Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
            this.dataGridView1.DataSource = sheet.ExportDataTable();

I use a compnent introduced in this project: http://spreadsheet.codeplex.com/

Thank you NanaYee for your help but i am unable to find


LoadFromFile Method
i am ussing vs 2008 and framework 3.5

Its working. Not support in vs2010

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