Dear experts,
I am new to the subject of bitwise operator.
I know some of the basics like the gates and how the gates function eg. and gate, or gate, exclusive nor gates. And also how to change decimal numbers to binary numbers.
But I am not quite sure about the rest of changing parts and how did the 0x47 come from and how to use it.
So I need help from your to give me a basic education on how they are use and please start from the most fundamental discribtion to a more complicated term thanks.
I will be online frequently to check the post. Please help me out thanks.
An example to the question I don't know:
To turn bit 3 of a variable to 0. the correct way is to:
Ans: Not sure how to do but I think I know it involve some thing about Mask and flags.
Hence I hope that your can help me out by typing what your can know on this post and I will try my best to learn. Thanks:)