13,153 Topics

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Hello All, Would someone please help explain If not IsPostBack to me and give me some examples as to when to use it and where in the code I have to use it? When do I need to set AutoPostBack to True? Any info on this is greatly appreciated! Thanks …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for vinayphadke

Hello all, I'm performing the oracle bulk copy upload operation. There are 10 columns data which needs to be uploaded in oracle database table. The data is getting uploaded in the table for these 10 columns using a datatable. A datatable is being populated from the list. However, there are …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for ku.heng.7

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MyMaster.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="UserRegistration.aspx.cs" Inherits="MyProject.UserRegistration" %> <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server"> <div id="content"> <!-- Begin Slider --> <div id="slider"> <div class="slider-frame"> </div> <ul class="slider-items"> <li><img src="Styles/css/images/slide1.jpg" alt="Slide 1" /></li> <li><img src="Styles/css/images/slide1.jpg" alt="Slide 1" /></li> <li><img src="Styles/css/images/slide1.jpg" alt="Slide 1" /></li> <li><img src="Styles/css/images/slide1.jpg" alt="Slide 1" /></li> <li><img src="Styles/css/images/slide1.jpg" alt="Slide 1" /></li> …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for chamnab

$.get("CommentCount.aspx", function (data) { count = data; alert(count); }); this code will get data from CommentCount.aspx and i wrote it in html but when i run html nothing happen unless i open CommentCount.aspx first then html.How can i still get it when i only run html ?

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for brenton_77

Hi, I'm trying to redirect the admin user from my login.aspx page to the admin.aspx page and any other domain user to the default.aspx page. I have no problems getting the domain users redirecting or having a message displayed when the credentials are incorrect, however when I enter the admin …

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Member Avatar for ashwininytym

how can i detect only a face from an image...i want to tak an image fron a user..nd display only the face part..how can use ajax for the same ...

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Member Avatar for munyaradzi.marawanyika

i am working om a project using vb.net and asp.net .its an online restaurent management system.can the two languages work together.

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for kumar89hitesh

I wanna create page such like it- http://www.gadyakosh.org/gk/%E0%A4%AE%E0%A5%81%E0%A4%96%E0%A4%AA%E0%A5%83%E0%A4%B7%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%A0#.UTXv7zC3PiQ please see this home page and i wanna create this like page in asp.net language. i tryed all ideas but unsuccessful. please help me.

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for kumar89hitesh

How to give margin both side in left or right and as well as up and down in asp.net?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for pwolf

I'm new to c# programming, and I am a little stuck on how to make a variable available across multiple forms. I read that i should make a public static class, however, my code is as follows: private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { accountNo = txtBoxAccntNo.Text; valid = validate(); …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for nakor77

This snippet will allow you to easily work with session variables in your applications. This example is using a string type but it works the same for any data type, you would just need to change the default return value from string.Empty to something more appropriate.

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for kumar89hitesh
Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for almighty_08

Hi everyone...im doing final year project for the coming semester.i m making it on 'online matrimonial portal' where i can get diz easily. can anyone email me diz.. my email id <email removed>

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for vimit

Hello, I am creating a page in which i have used autocomplete extender with textbox. i am displaying fields like first name, last name and pic of the user from TABLE and showing in when person type a name in texbox. The problem is that i have one another field …

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Member Avatar for korathualex

Get listbox values added via javascript on server side via hidden field.... See more: ASP.NET Get listbox values added via javascript on server side via hidden field....

Member Avatar for hometownnerd
Member Avatar for techinvest

How to display image or picture from database to crystal report.In database i have only picture name.n picture are store in folder.

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Member Avatar for happygeek

...and the Microsoft AJAX Library, err, and the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit. Yep, Microsoft has not only finally come up with an official name for the AJAX technologies which until now have been known collectively as ‘Atlas’ but has also split it into three individual products. All are expected to …

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Member Avatar for skliz

Please I am little bit confused about the difference a web service and a website. Please could someone just tell me the difference and practical projects were you need to apply a webservice. I read some document on google but am still alittle bit confused on when exactly you need …

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Member Avatar for Syed Nasir ali

Hi I use tooltip property of aspx control I want to change the tooltip image and increase the font size and it also work on tap ? Thanks

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for pereubu123

The logo header contains one or two logo image file supplied by clients with variable size. There is a several lines of text, which varies from one product to another used by our clients. So the usual header is not of constant size. That is our big and important problem …

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Member Avatar for timon.bijl

Hello , I had this question how to make your calendar recognize a date and how to make by example change your backgroundcolor when it is the 31 october (halloween) if you can answer this question , please do it! thx

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for yisman

hi fellows, my server seems to be sometimes returning wrong html to webclients. in order to debug this issue, id like to trace the html that asp.net is sending. in the Global_asax_PreRequestHandlerExecute i can access the response code and status, but cant seem to find the body html i tried …

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Member Avatar for korathualex
Member Avatar for pratham3090

How to clear defaulttext in textbox by clicking on it and bring back defaut text in textbox when clicking outside of same textbox.

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Member Avatar for korathualex

How to find email address format(@) in word or pdf files stored as binary file via indexing in sql server 2008...I am able to retrieve files with keyword search using sql where contains query,...How to find email address format in stored binary files via indexing..

Member Avatar for korathualex
Member Avatar for Hakoo

I am developing app where I need to capture an Information from Webpage after giving credentials automatically. Some how I managed to do Automatic login and redirection of page. Here is my code : HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("https://abcd.com.au/categories/A_dfn/sdf"); HttpWebResponse res = req.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); byte[] …

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Member Avatar for fsefsef23

I'm making a calculator that performs operations sequentially (from left to right, not precedence), using ASP.NET/C#, but I'm having trouble trying to get the loops going through the input box string in my code behind. Obviously to me the logic seems to make sense, but for some reason, I get …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for coder91

So on the page I have there is already an increment method in place to add to the count, but I need the option for the user to remove a count. A stored procedure is in place for the increment and Im assuming I can use another for the decrement …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Dhanish

Hi evry1, I am currently doing an assignment on a video streaming website where I need to register users, log them in and out, upload videos, stream them, comment on them, etc Everything works out fine just tat after some seconds my session gets killed automatically or should I say …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for nagiub2007

i know this website [write-check](https://www.writecheck.com/static/home.html) his functionality is uploading a file(PDF,Doc) and check percentage of redundancy between the file uploaded and a lot of websites ,books,researches and after user upload file and result shows that result show redundancy percentage and highlight on copied paragraphs . that paragraphs were repeated in …

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The End.