13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for drspock

Hi, I am developing an ASP .NET website that needs to create images using a custom font. Obviously, to do this, I need the font installed on the web server. As I am using a hosting site, and I have no direct access to the server the site will be …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Calvin Nguyen

Hi, Do you know a way of doing this? Namely, customize the look and size of the AsyncFileUpload's 'Browse' button while hiding its textbox. Thanks, Calvin

Member Avatar for EddieC

With the release of any new OS release, the question facing developers is whether or not to port existing applications. Often the answer hinges on two major factors: Will the operating system be widely adopted and what's downside of doing nothing? In the enterprise the decision is often made for …

Member Avatar for Shade01
Member Avatar for the_shark

[B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] Hi everybody, I am developing my senior project using ASP.NET. This project has basically a calendar subsystem to be used by the users of the system which will be designed (the calendar) as .aspx code. My concern is as follows: Since most of us are using the Microsoft Outlook …

Member Avatar for inspirekarthick
Member Avatar for balajicodeit

Hi, I have a C++ code which reads a file [vtk file - its similar to text file only]. and try to store it in string. here's the code: [code]String^ ParallelProjectionRenderer::GetVolumeDataAsString(String^ FileName) { vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSetWriter> sWriter = vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSetWriter>::New(); String^ FileName = "D:\\Users\\..."; char * sptName = static_cast<char *>(Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(FileName).ToPointer()); sWriter->SetFileName(sptName); sWriter->Register(nullptr); sWriter->SetInput(this->dataSource); …

Member Avatar for Mongz

Hi guys, i've deployed asp application, now the problem im facing is it doesn't connect sql database. At first the database was attached with the application and it failled to connect the database, secondly i attached the database on SQL server and configured connection string still it doesnt connect. When …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for mIssy_ricco

i want to store into a store procedure where a hyperlink from the gridview ir datalist can also function as a save button. the problem is that the list is from the database aswell. and there is a parameter from the table that i do not know how to pass.

Member Avatar for miracle007
Member Avatar for rajaseeth

Hi, I am showing a list of files for a user in an i frame. I getting all the files from the user's folder and the i use the <a href> tag like [CODE]<a href="http://localhost/files/filename.txt">filename.txt</a>[/CODE] When i click on the link, i am able to see the file contents in …

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for sanjanaa
Member Avatar for sanjanaa
Member Avatar for rtcary

I have ~10 years with PHP coding and for the apps I have constructed in recent times, I use a class for each table. These contain the connection and queries. I would like to follow the same approach, however I am not sure where to create them. Global.cs? Another question …

Member Avatar for ritu verma

Suppose i have one label & one button. Suppose labe text is [url]http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/showforum30.htm[/url] I Want that on button click,my form is redirtected to the above URL using JS. [B]FIRST METHOD[/B] [code] protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button2.Attributes.Add("onclick", "navigated()"); } <script language ="javascript" type ="text/javascript" > function navigated() { …

Member Avatar for mail2saion
Member Avatar for san_crazy

in data controls (GridView, DetailsView, FormView......) when we add columns using a popup window, we get an option for converting any field to Template Field. What are the advantages of converting any field to template field? I mean what extra we can do with these template fields what we can't …

Member Avatar for mail2saion
Member Avatar for umairraja52

I want to develop my website using ASP.net but which is best and easy to use with ASP.net C# or VB.net.

Member Avatar for mail2saion
Member Avatar for ricksvoid

Ive downloaded these "would be" awesome controls from the excentric world web site. One of them is calendar pop up. The problem lies in the fact that when i try to insert the data into sql 2005; it inserts "..." instead of the selected value. Anyone know a way around …

Member Avatar for mania_comp

hi frnds.. I want to create an online chat application in ASP.NET. I want to put facility of Chatting online and add as friend facility. Also video sharing. If you guys had develped such application or if you know any link then help would be appreciable.. :)

Member Avatar for gowthamkg

Hi, I'm developing an video based site, i want to get an thumbnail for videos for creating video gallery,but without ffmpeg,since i dont get any shared hosting which allow ffmpeg.Please help me to get thumbnail of videos

Member Avatar for sanjanaa

Hi, I have a dataset which is having 5 tables. I want to get only two tables from that dataset and assign into a single datagrid. How can i do this? Thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for neomatrix2

iam trying to call javascript on createuserwizard validation with following script [CODE] function ShowModalDialog() { Page_ClientValidate(); if(!Page_IsValid) $find('<%=AddUserValidationSummary_ModalPopupExtender.ClientID%>').show(); } [/CODE] and my trying to call it for on pageload on create user button click event [CODE] btn.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ShowModalDialog();"); [/CODE] now it works but it fires blank for databse validation like …

Member Avatar for mldardy

Does anyone know how to do FileUpload in asp.net 1.1. My current code works for 2.0 but I need to do this for 1.1. I know that FileUpload.HasFile doesn't work.Here is my code: [CODE]<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="Promethius.PCMSPro.UploadFile" %> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <script runat="server"> Protected Sub …

Member Avatar for nirveshverma
Member Avatar for DJMJB

Dear all, Please help me to solve this. I have a gridview with 3 columns.One column contains label control.Next column contains checkbox. But in the third column ,it can have either text box or dropdownlist. How to add there rows dynamically? Thanks, DJ.

Member Avatar for mansi sharma

There is no label click evnet in ASP.net? I want to perform some action on label click . When i double click on it Label1_Load EVent is generated?

Member Avatar for Dhaneshnm
Member Avatar for rapture

I'm fairly new to asp.net and trying to use a session counter to check for when someone has tried to log in three times it counts and when reaches three it locks them out. I know it's easy but my brain is fried. [code] Protected Sub btnLogin_Click(ByVal sender As Object, …

Member Avatar for rapture

Another problem in my program is that I can't get my access database to update. It works on the other fields here is the code [code] Public Sub Lockuser(ByVal path As String, ByVal userId As String, ByVal access As Boolean) Dim sqlConn As OleDbConnection Dim oCommand As OleDbCommand Dim stmt …

Member Avatar for naush83

Hi, I am using active direcory based windows authentication in my intranet application as explained in the article [url]http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2006/07/12/Recipe_3A00_-Enabling-Windows-Authentication-within-an-Intranet-ASP.NET-Web-application.aspx#457094[/url]. Everything works fine. But I need a mechanism "Log in as another user" like in sharepoint portals. When user clicks on "Log in as another user" button, the borwser must prompt …

Member Avatar for naush83
Member Avatar for nirveshverma

hi to all of guy's i recently have a idea in my mind to start a new video sharing website like youtube but i don't have any idea that where to start. meanwhile i hava solid knowledge about CSS,HTML. And working on ASP.net . so please give your valuable idea …

Member Avatar for aero100

Hello, I'm trying to make a checkbox list which when items are selected are put into session state. I want the items selected to be put into session state so I can display them on the postback url page. As for the items in the checkbox list (data) I want …

Member Avatar for Ritushido

Hi, I have searched for ages trying to find a solution for this but I cannot. I'm still learning asp.net so apologies if this is a noobish question, but could somebody please look at my code and tell me what's wrong? I have a small cms that uses fckeditor to …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for sandeep_1987

I want to create a User Control,that contains two textboxes & button.Can anybody tell me how to create user control with events??

Member Avatar for sandeep_1987
Member Avatar for apgriffiths

I have a datalist that is populated using an ArrayList. When this is rendered i want to set the background image depending on a list item value, at the moment i have set the image in CSS but i dont know how i would change the image depending on the …

Member Avatar for apgriffiths
Member Avatar for julseypart

hi, i copied my aspx files to httpdocs/ but when i navigiate to the index.aspx page i get an error saying : To update your index page modify the file /httpdocs/index.html is this the right folder to put them in or is there some configuration to do? its looking for …

Member Avatar for cherice

The End.