13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for anjclaire
Member Avatar for simmy7

I am using .Net 2 in Vs 2008 and I am trying to get the onclick event for a checkox to fire when clicked. Unfortunately it is not firing. I can see the code is added to the checkboxs html. This is the checkboxlist: [CODE]<asp:CheckBoxList runat="server" ID="chkSides" RepeatColumns="3" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" DataValueField="ItemNo" …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for ashu2409

Hi, i have a window service in C#,in which i am fetching the html from diff URLs, now i need to click the button on html page for pagination. i tried with web browser, but window service is not firing the Browser_DocumentCompleted event, does C# Window Service supports Browser_DocumentCompleted event …

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Member Avatar for khusani

I am developing a multi file uploader user control. after researching for it. the trick is to build a custom HttpHandler to perform the upload process from the context.request.files. here is the code for my handler: [COLOR=#0000ff]namespace[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] PSUpload[/COLOR] { [COLOR=#808080]///[/COLOR][COLOR=#008000] [/COLOR][COLOR=#808080]<summary> [/COLOR][COLOR=#808080]///[/COLOR][COLOR=#008000] Custom HttpHandler to perform uploading files from client …

Member Avatar for sanjaycedti
Member Avatar for sakhi kul

Hi to all, I am developing asp.net website using VB. In my website user registerd to access facilities but I want to give that authority for 1 month only. after 1 month user has to renew his account. I am inserting date when he registerd in our site. But the …

Member Avatar for sanjaycedti
Member Avatar for anjclaire
Member Avatar for anish.anick

Hi All, I got the following error on creating a new virtual directory for a working web service version. What could be the issue? Since the same Web service build works fine on another machine. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review …

Member Avatar for phoenix_dwarf

Hi, I'm trying to move "leftover" data from one database table to another after the user clicked on a button. Please can anyone give me some advise. This is kinda really urgent plz. Everytime i run my app it gives no error but also doesn't move my data. :angry: I'm …

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Member Avatar for ricksvoid

Im a recent grad working on my first paid project as an aspiring freelance .net developer. I have no idea what to charge for the project description below: Client needs a web app to manage sales leads. Sales reps, managers, and call center will all be able to insert a …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for arunkumars

Hi I Have a problem in Windows application in .net. I have a PDF file which is stored in my local drive. At run time i need to print that PDF Document using C#. Can you help me out from this problem ? Help appreciated.. thanks in advance..

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for samcaleb05

Hi Frnd's... I'm new to webservice concept.Can anyone tell me how can i access a webservice from one site to another site using asp.net with vb.Please aid me to do this process.Awating for ur reply Experts... the following link contains the schema [url]http://www.laserapp.com/dev/dtd/las9formfeed.xsd[/url] Tks in Adv... Caleb05....

Member Avatar for mailme.vibin
Member Avatar for mailme.vibin

I download free css from [url]http://www.templateyes.com/[/url] to my computer ,but I dont know where to past the code and image it in asp.net..any one help

Member Avatar for Stretcher75

I have a form the has some textbox controls. I have a script to request these control values to update a table in my database. The problem I am having is that I added the textbox controls to inside the TabContainer and now the request does not see any values. …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for ganeshhegde/ch

Hi, How can I get a notification when server goes offline/online in asp.net? Thanks and regards, Ganesh

Member Avatar for mbuckhurst

I've got a website moved from a 32 bit win2003 platform, to 64bit 2008. When I browse to the website the asp.net precompiles, but the site is never opened, doesn't timeout, it simply sits there with the blue progress bar and Waiting for... At first I thought this was 32 …

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Member Avatar for anup.maverick

Hi, I am making a website for Buying Online Books, I am using ASp.Net 2.0 & SQl. Because the Data needs to be updated Regularly, I want to use CMS. And I have No idea about the code part of CMS(means I don't know how to link CMS to my …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for ITech

hi, I have created a website [URL="http://www.sayhellomaldives.tk"]http://www.sayhellomaldives.tk[/URL] which has compatiblity issues for firefox and IE8. the site works fine if you run in IE6 or compatibility mode in IE8 I have googled the internet to find a solution for the problem but i havent been able to find a solution …

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Member Avatar for santhoshvarma.a

hi, i wanted to work on FormView control in asp.net with C#.So plz give me sample project with code details.Some basic infromation about FormView. Thankx & regards A.Santhosh Kumar

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for matthewcar

I am developing a website in ASP.net and I would like to be able to track the mouse movements whilst a user of the site is browsing pages on the site and be able to store the duration in seconds of how long the cursor is left in specific areas …

Member Avatar for ITSVPS
Member Avatar for san_crazy

I want to use asp.net membership in my website for login/logout functionality. I am using MySql ODBC driver for database access and I didn't find any tutorial regarding my problem. I found the same topic but for MySQL Connector/NET not for MySql ODBC driver as per my requirement. if it …

Member Avatar for Rageela

Please anyone tell me how can i modify a cookie. I have tried to overwrite it. But it shows the old cookie. How can i modify it.

Member Avatar for qwedster

Folks! What is the difference between PostBack and IsCallback ( !IsPostBack and if(!IsCallback)) Like in the following Code Snippet: [CODE] public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { } if(!IsCallback) { } } }[/CODE] As far as I know, when I …

Member Avatar for qwedster

Folks! The following is a "Hello World" kind of code for ViewState. I just want to know how to retain the ViewState 1) while Page Refresh when using UpdatePanel and also 2) While I reverting back to the page after round trip when using UpdatePanel? Code Snippet: // Default.aspx [code=asp.net]<%@ …

Member Avatar for gtyagi

I know what is absolute & Relative URLs theoritically.Frnds can u explain me in with regard of coding?

Member Avatar for shankbond

Hi, I am making a form in asp.net 3.5 which will send an email to the recipient Initially I was using system.web.mail as it is obvious whenever you send an email to some recipient a display name appears instead of theemail id of the sender consider: mail_sender=mail@gmail.com display_name="my name" in …

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Member Avatar for umairraja52
Member Avatar for kekkaishi
Member Avatar for labelle

greetings to you all! I want to insert a flash object in my code.and i get validation errors. what is the best way of doing things.here is the code and below it the errors. pliz let me know how i can correct it. [COLOR=#0000ff][code] [COLOR=#0000ff] <[/COLOR][COLOR=#800000]object[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]width[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]="200"[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]height[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]="200"> <[/COLOR][COLOR=#800000]param[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]name[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]="movie"[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] …

Member Avatar for darshanjeet
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

[code] <connectionStrings> <add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=(local);Initial catalog=sonia;User ID=sonia;Password=sonia;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> </connectionStrings> [/code] [code] public partial class Frmgrid : System.Web.UI.Page { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString); SqlDataAdapter da; DataSet ds; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Products", conn); da.Fill(ds, "tb1"); DropDownList1.DataSource = ds.Tables["tb1"]; …

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for Athersgeo

I'm in the process of trying to convert a website from classic ASP to .NET and while most of it has actually gone pretty well, this one particular page is driving me insane. It should, in theory, be simple: One input box and three dropdown lists (for day, month and …

Member Avatar for venkates.99

Hi, for one of trading application Im working for, my issue is that. Presently, data storage from online application to Excel is happen here(using TIcker for ex:{=BDDE|TKR!'\\<DEFAULT>\in@GLDM.1/FLD_BF_TE_HIGH,FLD_ASK_HIGH'} ). means we are storing data( data is not constant, its need to update for every change in online application to Excel sheel …

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The End.