13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for omotoyosi

please, I want a sql query that will return the no of fields in a database as an integer example i have table student columns are regno surname othername I want my result to be 3 what do i do??

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for dfs3000my

Hi, I'm actually trying to compute the total for my individual gridview items but I am reaching the dead end at the moment. I had an idea that probably I can specify another datasource for my total computation but was told that gridviews may only be bound to one datasource …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for RAMAN2233

I need the code for a web form containing check boxes, drop down lists,radio buttons using c#.

Member Avatar for mail2saion
Member Avatar for shine_jose

Hello, I wish to get the code to pass the log in information (i.e server name,pass word etc) as parameter at the time of calling report Now its asking (user name ,password) before going to the report page each time .please help me.

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for twilitegxa

Can anyone help me with why my insert statement won't work? I have tried countless tutorials online, but I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. Can anyone point me int the right direction here? Here is my form: form: [code] <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="form.aspx.cs" Inherits="_form" %> <%@ …

Member Avatar for twilitegxa
Member Avatar for mca.mdebnath

plz help me ,i have to update a table "temp" where a temp_id is dyanamically change by 1 everytime and there are another table "Master" which contains id(int) and user_id(varchar). User_id is like 'FMS00' and the temp_id is dynamicaly change using code ..... and store into 'id' also and the …

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Member Avatar for phoenix_dwarf

Hi i'm almost done with my project for our C# ASP.NET class but have just one thing left to do, and that is to print my datagrid view as is, with header included. Now i have absolutely no idea how to do this. I tried some javascript codes etc. but …

Member Avatar for ashtej
Member Avatar for mshravs

is there any code for databinding one webform with another? if so....plz post it in vb i need it urgently so plz help me

Member Avatar for mshravs

here i have to search the database according to serial no and show the information of that serial no the problem here everything is fine and [CODE] Dim a As String Dim b As Boolean Dim dr As SqlDataReader Dim ConnStr As String ConnStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("gate").ConnectionString() Dim conn As New …

Member Avatar for mshravs
Member Avatar for AlfredoIT

How could I design the contact form in ASP.NET [U]VBScript[/U] that sends a message to my mail box. I would like to include in the form fields: [B]Name, Subject, Message[/B] and the button [B]Send[/B]. Is anyone could help me with that. please?:-/

Member Avatar for skwilliamson

I'd like to select a week and pull data based on that week. Data selection starts on line 616. Thanks. [CODE]<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" Debug="True" %> <%@ Register Assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" Namespace="Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms" TagPrefix="rsweb" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > <head runat="server"> <title>Weekly Reprints</title> …

Member Avatar for Kristysos

I don't know why it kept appear this error: The name 'LogoutBT' does not exist in the current context. All my textboxes and buttons do not exist in the current context Please help me. Thanks. using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using …

Member Avatar for mailme.vibin
Member Avatar for Moody1

Hello guys, i'm using Windows Application C# i want to get a comboBox value which in Form1 from Form2 ex. in the form1 i have comboBox1 + Button, now after clicking that button i'm moving to form2 in the form2 i want to load some information from DB depending on …

Member Avatar for mailme.vibin
Member Avatar for babashankar

I have multiple textboxs which are created dynamically in page_load. TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.id = "ID1"; tb.text = GetfromDB(); tb.TextChanged +=new EventHandler(tb_TextChanged); Now i want to add a javascript confirmbox as tb.Attributes.Add("onchange","javascript:return confirm('Data has Changed. Click OK To Continue');"); If the user clicks ok then continue to tb_TextChanged …

Member Avatar for mailme.vibin
Member Avatar for mkosucu

Hello All; I have got a task regarding parameter passing to Crystal Report via Crystal Report, I would like to find best way to achieve it. Imagine that I have got parameterized and non reports-parameterized. I am developing a report manager that will enable users to subscribe to the reports …

Member Avatar for phantom1000000

Hi all, I've got a spot of bother with my radiobuttonlist. It has 3 items in it and I want them to control the visibility of certain divs/tables. But even simple text changes are becoming a headache and the postback is not firing the event I clicked on but the …

Member Avatar for phantom1000000
Member Avatar for capiono

I have a link on page 1 if clicked take u to page 2 and page 2 if u click okay it should take u back to page but when I use this on page 2 to: [code] ViewState["back"] = Request.UrlReferrer;[/code] it returns null, how do I fix this on …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for diru
Member Avatar for diru
Member Avatar for sivak

can anyone explain tranaction in .net ..when we go for it ? explain locking in .net along with example plz?

Member Avatar for avirag
Member Avatar for Stretcher75

I'm still trying to get my validation to work correctly. So far if a user enters in a Salesman Code that exists in the database it displays the error message when tabbing off the field. The Salesman Code field is also required so I can't get this validator to work …

Member Avatar for sakhi kul

Hi to all, I am using dataset to retrieve value from dataset but I can't do it, control automatically goes to next sentence without retrieving any value.. [code] Dim scd As Integer = ds.Tables("collage_detail").Rows(x)("sc") Dim cd As Integer = ds.Tables("collage_detail").Rows(x)("c_id") [/code] collage_detail is my table name .

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for love_dude1984

hi, how can we create a new session? n i also want to knw how can i generate a new session id everytime i visit a page. even if i use Session.clear/Abandon method, it generates a same session id everytime i visit the page. hoping for a reply soon Thanks

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for buddylee17

Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition Service Pack 2 SQL Server 2005 Standard VS 2008 Hi everyone. I'm currently working on the following tutorial: [url]http://www.asp.net/Learn/Security/tutorial-04-cs.aspx[/url], but I get an error adding a SQL Server DB to the App_Data folder. I right click App_Data, click Add New Item, SQL Server Database I …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for mshravs

i'm working on asp, vs2005. I should save the typed information in sql server. I connected and written the code in the following way[CODE] Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Dim ConnStr As String Dim visitors_name, officer_to_visit, purpose, date_of_visit, time_in As String Dim serial_no, …

Member Avatar for mail2saion
Member Avatar for deepnu

Hi.... i need help in opening a pdf file and document file in readonly mode. besides the user should not be able to save or print the document that is being opened. i open the document with the extension Response.Redirect("File Location with file name") it is opening the dialog box …

Member Avatar for nikichu

Hi alll...... i am trying out a login form where in which i have multiple users... i have redirect each user to differnt pages..... ....but im stuck in the middle....... please help me out..... <code> page1 session["user"]=txtuser.text page2 welcome text(A label which is used to specify the current user) Thank …

Member Avatar for mail2saion
Member Avatar for fawadkhalil

Hi I have a datagirdview with a checkbox placed in header.How can i check or uncheck all checkboxes by clicking on checkbox that is in header.

Member Avatar for fawadkhalil
Member Avatar for love_dude1984

hi, i want to store a arraylist in a session variable & retrieve it on the other page. how it can be done.. for example, [code] ArrayList ar = new ArrayList(); ar.Add("a"); ar.Add("b"); Session["id"] = ar; [/code] now how can i retrieve the arraylist on the other page? i tried …

Member Avatar for sanjaycedti
Member Avatar for hardeepbhullar

Hello To All, I want to implement peer-to-peer video streaming in my WPF project. Plz help me by referring any web site or sample code which i can use in my project. Thanks in Advance With Best Regards Hardeep Singh Bhullar [email]er.hardeepbhullar@gmail.com[/email]

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Member Avatar for prathmanu

Hello, Anybody help me to develop a web page for online registration with asp.net and sql server...plz

Member Avatar for mail2saion

The End.