13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for cockypig

i got a problem in c#/asp.net i m making a encrypt/client and decrypt/server password verification. first, client got the public-key generated by RSACryptoServiceProvider from server and encrypt content by using javascript. and then server receives this encrypted-content to decrypt by using RSACryptoServiceProvider/c#. but,what is the problem with RSACryptoServiceProvider keysize? it …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for quickershopper

I'm a first time hoster, so I apologize for the novice question. When I'm working on my local computer, everything is fine, but I'm just having a problem on the hosting server. I use FileZilla to edit my website. When I edit the main page (.aspx), the system automatically recompiles …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for love_dude1984

hi.. i want to knw how i can create a link to some website which is valid for 3 hours only..im building an app wher i need to send this link to a user with the page name in encrypted format n which will be expired in 3 hours.. forexample, …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

Hi I have developed application in .net framework 3.5 WPF. Well, you know WPF also requires .net framwork 3.5 SP1. Now it's works fine on my computer. But i need to ship it the client. What will be the software requirements at the client side to run my application. Is …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

I have a php website which i want to run in C# wpf webbrowser control. I have a validated a username and password for the site by connecting to it's database using .net. Now i want the functionality to take username and password and submit the post form to php …

Member Avatar for nccsbim071
Member Avatar for hardindp

Help please... I have a WPF window that contains several WPF user controls. I am using VB express. How can I reference the controls in a UserControl from the main window? Thanks

Member Avatar for gotherthanthou

I am using C# in Visual Studio to modify an ASP web application. The application is currently using SQL Server as it's database. SQL Server is way overkill for this application. We're talking 1 table, maybe 40 - 50 records, with maybe 2 add/modify/delete transactions a week. I'd like to …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for thilinam

Hello Everyone, I am implementing an asp.net web site. I use sql membership provider. Some times when I am trying to connect with my database, It gives an error message "Login failed for user 'operator' ". Here operator is the account that I am using to connect Sql server using …

Member Avatar for Se7Olutionyg

Can you guy help me to test this program.... Its compile ... but just want to make sure that its completely right And I wanna add the function to set error when dividing to 0

Member Avatar for Jojo1974

Hi, I am hoping someone can help with a problem I am having I am using ASP (VB).Net 2003 on Windows Server 2003 and I am trying to create a web application which dynamically creates an excel spreadsheet which has a module included. When I run this on the local …

Member Avatar for Maheen Khalid

HEy, I am new to C# and dont know much about it. I am facing a problem while running my code in Visual Studio 2008. The problem is that the screen disappears immediately when the program ends. please help me. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Stretcher75

I'm having an issue trying to update a field in my database that is a INT type. I'm using this field for a checkbox on my form. The checkbox works correctly by using the field in the database containing a 0 for unchecked and a 1 for checked. The problem …

Member Avatar for zid8ne
Member Avatar for fawadkhalil

Hello guys I have datagridview with each record containing a checkbox. I need to loop through the grid rows and get checkboxes that is being checked and also row numbers. There is also a delete button outside gridview.The above process should got executed on delete button click. Please provide some …

Member Avatar for fawadkhalil
Member Avatar for ssreevidya.m
Member Avatar for Pankaj18

Hi, I have a Project in Asp.net which have approximate 120 forms. Each of them have multiple controls as Table, Textbox, Dropdown,ListBox,Gridview..nd so on with different different name. I have set the width and Height of all controls as Pixel(px). But now i want to change width and Height in …

Member Avatar for prince23

hi, "INSERT MODE" i have check box in one "tr". and another dropdown control in another "tr" intially dropdown control will be invisiable intially . but once the user checks the check box. the dropdown control should be visiable and he can select the value. but again the user unchecks …

Member Avatar for dfs3000my

I'm currently populating my GridView using code-behind codes and it looks like this:- [CODE]BoundField boundField = new BoundField(); boundField.DataField = "student_name"; boundField.HeaderText = "Name"; GridView1.Columns.Add(boundField);[/CODE] Is there a possibility where I can have a different DataSource for the different BoundFields that I insert? Perhaps, Column 1 - 5 uses SQLDataSource1, …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for dfs3000my

Hi, attached in the attachment below has a screenshot of what I am trying to accomplish... I have hurdle marks for individual students and i am trying to compute the total of those marks. How can I access those values, compute the total, and store them back in the "Total …

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Member Avatar for love_dude1984

hello frndz.. i really need some urgent help on a simple problem. im storing a string in a database, say its "1 2 3",these are actually the id's of something. in order to get the name from the ID, i need to seperate the id's from the string, that is …

Member Avatar for carobee
Member Avatar for imughal

Hi, I m working on a project in which i need to pop up a window when a certain condition matches. for example i fix up an appointment at 2.30 pm for a caller.when the time becomes 2.20 i wil pop up the window to alert the user that he …

Member Avatar for carobee
Member Avatar for ricksvoid

I just keep getting the same error. can not insert record. Problem near keyword "where". [CODE]Imports System.Security Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Web.Configuration Imports System.Data Partial Class admin Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Public connectPath As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("Maya") Protected Sub fillDropList(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load If Not Page.IsPostBack Then …

Member Avatar for mail2saion
Member Avatar for santhya123

In this task,the csv file has retreived and it viewed by using datagrid. but now how we can take a specified header name from the datatable??

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for ricksvoid

Ive successfully managed to bind my DropDownList control to the membership.getAllUsers class. The problem is, no matter who i select from the list, it always returns the same value which is the first selection. Is this some kind of postback issue? Yikes! [CODE] Protected Sub fillDropList(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal …

Member Avatar for ricksvoid
Member Avatar for culebrin

Hi, I'm developing an AJAX website, and I want to make it compatible with most browsers and its many versions in the market. I've been using IE, FF and Chrome, for many years, and I know his popular versions (not everyone updates, you know), but I never used Opera, and …

Member Avatar for culebrin
Member Avatar for Anusha Rose

In my application, When the user clciks a button,some coding wil run, after that a popup window should appear, with a image button and its saved to sql server. I am using asp.net 2.0 Plz help me

Member Avatar for carobee
Member Avatar for abeldennis

I want to know about the Web Services in C#.Net.Actually Why it is needed and how it is implemented.

Member Avatar for carobee
Member Avatar for chrispaul8676

Good day, I am trying to add photos on my website. I don't know what codes are used. I want to include many photos in one page. Please advise and give sample of codes. Thank you.

Member Avatar for MarkyMark1961

I need some help. I am trying to display some information that is about 7 columns and probably no more than 10 rows of data. The user, however, needs to be able to re-order the rows. I have looked at possible solutions but can't seem to find anything that works. …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for jbisono

Hi, I would like to know how can I execute an event from a web content form, for example i would like to run a centralized event to assign rigths to component in every webform, but i would like to do that from the master page so i do not …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for fawadkhalil

My page contains datalist that renders small thumbnails of 90 x 70. When i click on thumbnail a large copy of thumbnail in an image control above the datalist is displayed.The problem is page goes to top of its scroll position.I have to scorll down to get to thumbnail.How can …

Member Avatar for fawadkhalil

The End.