13,153 Topics
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Hi I need a little bit of help on this one: I have a csv file (date, hour, country, indicator, current, previous) Please help with the code that will allow me to display the events that will occur in the next 4 hours Thanks | |
I use the Login control, when I logged in the first time, it recognized me, but when i login the second time and third time, and so on, it says i dont resist. When i request a password reset, it wont let me reset the password, and says that it … | |
[CODE]using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Data.Sql; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Configuration; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Eventmanagement { public partial class Registration : Form { SqlConnection aConnection; string firstname= string.Empty; string lastname= string.Empty; int aid; string date = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); SqlDataAdapter da = new … | |
Hi, I have a literal control in my code used to display the Welcome text message when a user is logged in. I'm having an issue with this because I would like to position it in a different place using an external style sheet. Is it possible to do this? … | |
I have a question regarding the search results. I have two DropDownList items on the page and when I make the selection, they present me the result in the GridView given on the same page. So far I am successful in bringing the data on the same page. I want … | |
hi i am using visual studio 2008 and i want to save a text file in local path so can anyone explain how to open save dialog box in ASP.NET while i click button .please send with example coding thanks regards suresh.S | |
what's the wrong with it ..?[code]<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" Font-Size="14pt" Font-Underline="True" ForeColor="White" onclick="LinkButton1_Click" PostBackUrl="~/دخول.aspx">تسجيل الدخول</asp:LinkButton> <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton2" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" Font-Size="14pt" Font-Underline="True" ForeColor="White" PostBackUrl="~/التسجيل.aspx">التسجيل في الموقع</asp:LinkButton> <br /> <br /> <asp:TextBox ID="txt_search" runat="server" Height="32px" Width="272px"></asp:TextBox> <asp:Button ID="Btn_search" runat="server" BackColor="#999999" BorderColor="#3333CC" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="3px" Font-Size="13pt" ForeColor="White" Text="بحث" Width="73px" />[/code] | |
Hi, I am create web application, In which upload images using flash uploader for single file. this application is run on local server but when we upload images on server. and click on upload button it gives error like this I/O Error #2038 plj how to fix this error on … | |
hi i am gonna try to create a personal website in which only i would create a thread and other could only comment. for example if i want to create threads for my poetry and ll allow others to comment on that. or same like this website. creating threads and … | |
I'm trying to make the following piece of code to work. [CODE]Login LoginControl = (Login)PreviousPage.FindControl("Login1"); if (LoginControl != null) { TextBox UserName = (TextBox)LoginControl.FindControl("UserName"); if (UserName != null) { Label1.Text = UserName.Text; } } else { Label1.Text = "Cannot find user name in Login control."; }[/CODE] This is an example … | |
Hello, I have two forms named are Form1 and Form2 (Form1.h / Form2.h) There are a textbox and a button on Form1 and Form2. When I click the button on Form1, it must show Form2 and when I click the button on Form2, it must fill the textbox on Form1 … | |
Dear Sir Please Help me in asp.net when I press and linkbutton,or select and text in dropdownlistbox so whole page will refresh it i want to stop to refresh it because when it will refresh it the upper porsition will show it please help me Sourabh | |
hi all, i am writting an interface with dotnet framework 3.5, i am using a tabControl with a TabPage that contains content bigger then the tab. autoScroll is enabled and works, the problem is that while scrolling the contents of the tabPage dont refresh/Update so i cant tell where im … | |
I have a combobox filled with usernames from teh database. And i have a gridview that display's the comments from database depending what username was choosed from combobox | |
I am making an webpage with asp.net C#. I want people to log on and enter in quote requests. then the quote request is emailed to all the relevant people to quote (could be 100+ people). Obviously I can not have the user sit and wait for the 100+ people … | |
HI all, I am the beginner of ASP.net. My cases scenario, I have a dropdown list (category) field which allow user to make selection then it will display the record on the gridview. I need to add the new record by using the detailview. In my detailview, i cannot showing … | |
Hi, I have a website and it requires online payment but the problem is that the client wants no PayPal or any other intermediate service, just direct payment from one visa card to another. I would like to know if there is a way to do that , and whether … | |
hi there, i am trying to build an website and i have formatted them with div tags, but when i view the same page in a web browser the text boxes and the labels are not in a proper place. how do i fix it the code is below [CODE] … | |
The application is currently developed using ASP.NET (C#) I have code to pull data from a SQL Server 2008 table and organize it into an hierarchy: [code=sql] With hierarchy (id, [location id], name, depth, trail) As ( -- selects the "root" level items. Select ID, [LocationID], Name, 1 As depth, … | |
Hi, Changes made in TextBox is not saved and, consequently, no changes occur in the data base These characteristics are set in the TextBoxes: OnTextChanged="NamеTextChanget" AutoPostBack="true". What do I need to change in the code? This is the code: [CODE] private string resultBase = "Произошло изменение"; string str; string save_str; … | |
I have multiple sources, to play... the data source get from the database, and i cant get the data, but the problem it, the player cant play one by one I am using the silverlight media player to play, what are the way can : when get the first video … | |
please people i need your help here. I am learning how to develop a hospital diagnostic software. problem is how to match user input sentence with what i have in the database, talking about symptoms matching. plaese help me to achieve this. here is my code: [ICODE]protected void Button1_Click(object sender, … | |
Hello, I want to know how can I call VB.NET (Server Side) function to Javascript (Client Side). I want to insert function here in my Javascript code; [CODE]function ConfirmSave() { var Ok = confirm('Proceed to Save?'); if(Ok==true) return true; else if(Ok!=true) return false; }[/CODE]I want to exefcute the Save() function … | |
Dear sir How can i Delete the file which are in one folder in asp.net | |
Hi i am using ASP.NET and C# now i wnat a continuosly changing date and time in my website using a label. How can i do so? | |
i want to get full path in one variable which are writen in fileupload | |
Hey, I'm currently working on a social network website in ASP.NET, C#. I want to know the steps to create a chat application. Kindly guide me, Thanks. | |
Hello, I developed a website in which I added a master page,header and footer. In the header, I added a code but its not working fine because the pages that I am adding are in another folders as shown below... [CODE]<li><a href="Home.aspx">Home</a></li> <li><a href="KMApps/KMAppsHome.aspx">Applications</a></li> [/CODE] As you can see that … | |
My question is a simple one how do I bind a passwordBox defined in code ie: [CODE] public PasswordBox Password { get { return m_pwd; } } [/CODE] to a contentpresenter in wpf considering that the datacontext of the usercontrol is already set to the .cs file that contains the … |
The End.