13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for EMIL MATHEW

I written the code for deleting temp file from the system when we logout the application This code work in localhost But when i deployed the application on server it is giving the error [B][COLOR="Red"]Access Denied C:/Window/Temp[/COLOR][/B] I given full rights to this directory The code is below [CODE] string …

Member Avatar for crishlay
Member Avatar for mshauny

Hi I'm not an asp .net developer although I have done web development with php and mysql, I'm more of a software developer for desktop and mobile devices. So this is my first big project with ASP .NET. I have a question with the ASPNETDB database, understand that the database …

Member Avatar for crishlay
Member Avatar for moonL!ght

hi i want to show my table in afrid view reading from database but i couldint i tried many times can any one help me this is my code: [CODE] <%@ Page Language="JScript" Debug="true" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.sqlClient" …

Member Avatar for crishlay
Member Avatar for garrypeace

Hi, I'm new to ASP.NET. I began learning as I had to make a website for a college project using a language I didn't already know (I know PHP pretty well so I'm not a total noob :P). Basically what I'm trying to do is get a list of products, …

Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for Bline

I am an retired untrained volunteer who assist a couple nonprofits with their web sites. I could really use some help on a problem I have been attempting to resolve. I am developing an application for one of the sites that generates assignment cards for Football Game Officials from information …

Member Avatar for Bline
Member Avatar for sourabhacooli

Hi I need you help that I want save my image file in database in bytes format and then convert this bytes into image in asp.net. Please give your positive review. Thank Sourabh

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for sourabhacooli

Hi Please help me for solve the problem I need to Export all my Datagrid Data into CSV file Thank You Sourabh

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for daredevil14

I can't even compile a single asp.net code, for example: [CODE]<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" %>[/CODE] And even the regular response.write command... I've searched the internet for such a problem, most of the answers were recommending to select the version of asp.net in the IIS settings and re-registering asp.net, …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for prateekpk5

Hi. I have a button to which i want to pass a commandargument(s) which are selected values of two different dropdowns. please suggest me how can i pass the values???

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for srvstv.prnc

can anyone please tell me how to create simple html editor with bold,code tags. And how to add html tag content in file using streamwriter at runtime. and also tell how to use <code>tag in asp.net 4.0 its producing error

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for aplee

Hello everyone! I have this problem with the system passed to me by the previous developer. The page is scrollable vertically. Now to be able to click the button, you have to scroll down. The problem is, whenever I click the calendar, the scroll goes back to the top page …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for br_astronut

HELP! I am a medium duty VB.Net developer and want to start developing web applications and converting some of my VB apps to web apps. I know the basics and have put together a working ASP.Net application with no problem. I have the mechanics working fine. I just can't seem …

Member Avatar for matthewskyle
Member Avatar for umair41

explain th datatable 1.0 1 1.00 / 5, 1 vote C# tablename User Id int Email varchar(500) Password varchar(500) Name varchar(500) DATA IN TABLE IS Id Email Password Name 1 [email]ali@yahoo.com[/email] 1234 ali 2 [email]usman@yahoo.com[/email] 1234 usman i ask you about simply datable working Label1.text=datatable.Rows[0]["Name"].Tostring(); how it wnat to know …

Member Avatar for pankeel
Member Avatar for dejanc

Hello, I have access database which have hyperlink column, and values as "/yes.bmp", "/no.bmp". Then in asp.net have a GridView with ImageField which in browser will show Yes image, or No image. ImageField Properties >> DataImageUrlFormatString: ~/images/{0}.jpg. My goal is to get in vb.net code a value from GridView's imagefield. …

Member Avatar for dejanc
Member Avatar for kimlong008

Help me read RSS of YetAnotherForum ! I can make code read RSS : [url]http://vnexpress.net/rss/gl/[/url][B][COLOR="Red"]the-gioi.rss[/COLOR][/B] But I can't read RSS with ID of Yaf Forum : [url]http://khotien.vn/diendan/default.aspx?[/url][B][COLOR="red"]g=rsstopic&pg=Topics&f=24[/COLOR][/B]

Member Avatar for kimlong008
Member Avatar for ImKryz

Hello, I am interested in learning Visual Basic 2010 from scratch. I have no programming experience at all and I am looking for a good book that helps me grasp the concepts of programming as well as learn Visual Basic 2010 and the .NET framework. I would like a book …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for dandixon

Im a noob to asp.net, im a web designer with html, css and basic php experience and want to learn more about asp.net/vb. Does anyone have any time to explain to me a good place to start, books, websites etc or the best place to start, do i need to …

Member Avatar for koki55
Member Avatar for pavankumarr

Hi, I want sample code to validate the dates that is to be in the format YYYY-MM-DD(2011-04-21). I had created two Textboxes to enter date and one Button Control. The date format to be entered in the Textbox should be exactly like YYYY-MM-DD(2011-04-21). If user enters any other format like …

Member Avatar for pavankumarr
Member Avatar for virendra_sharma

Hi , i need code , which is used for sorting in c# i.e. .sort method code., somewhere i read that they use quick sort algorithm , can anyone plz help me by giving the code. Thanks in Advance

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Member Avatar for pankeel
Member Avatar for jackbaker
Member Avatar for adobe71
Member Avatar for pankeel
Member Avatar for kimmi_baby

Hi, I'm having a problem with an ASP.net website and CSS. I've pasted my CSS code from a previous website (HTML and CSS) to have a look at it. I've copied the basic divs etc into the masterpage. But I'm finding that the layout isn't centered. The layout would normally …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for BradenMurphy

Hi, Is possible to load a .NET v3.5 assembly into a .NET v2.0 application? For example my application (written in delphi.NET) only supports .NET v2.0 and I would like to know can I load .NET assemblies compiled in .NET3.5 or greater? Regards, Braden Murphy

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i am using a code to back (downloaded) up a database in a server and when i run the application it gives me an error saying operating system error 3 [CODE=C#] //Use this line if you have already created a bakup file. File.Delete(DBpath + "\\backup.bak"); this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for shakeb@techwave

I am a new software developer.I am developing a website which required to maintain log-in and log-out time of the user.I can maintain my database when user click on Log-out button but i can not track the user when he click on Browser Close X(or in Tab Close)event.I also want …

Member Avatar for shakeb@techwave
Member Avatar for CrazyProgrammer

Hi, Could someone tell me how to bind a view to viewmodel, I cant seem to get it to work, could anybody give me a template. I have usercontrol with a button and a textbox, and bind it to the corresponding functions in a viewmodel, the view model is in …

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for somemightsay

Hi, I'm attempting to use a Loop which uses an ICount of 1-9 in order to insert data into a database. The code is used for a website and when this page is loaded there are already values assigned to intProductIDSelected1, intProductIDSelected2 etc so I am attempting to use ICount …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i have a question in connecting to the server. when i log in to the server and connect to the ms sql server i can connect to the databases. but when i login to another computer and try to login to the MS SQL server management studio i …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi, i have a destop application and i have data in 4 arrays, what i want to do is to open an excel file and then add the array data into the excel file, nd then save the excel file . please how can i do it i tryied using …

Member Avatar for arjunpk
Member Avatar for CrazyProgrammer

Hi, just got a question involving the use of MVVM. [BACKGROUND DETAILS] I'm using C#, WPF and MVVM Im using the templates provide in this [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dd419663.aspx#id0090102"]MVVM article[/URL] [MY QUESTION] I have created a new View, that displays a textbox with button and on a pressing the button get the value …

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The End.