13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for coder91

So I have a business object, data access layer and processes folders that hold code to select data using a stored procedue in SQL Management Studio. This is fine and I know how to code it all to select data. However now I need to write code for it all …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for coder91

Have a drop down list that is populated using a stored procedure, however instead of the first value constantly showing I would like to have a default value saying "Please select" not sure how i do this though.

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for TIM_M_91

ok so my problem is that my program will run however if you do not type in any values for my first page then try to load my second page I get the following error:'Object reference not set to an instance of an object error message' How do I fix …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for coder91

Hi I have a gridview with a select button that when the user hit's It will take them to a new page. Just wondering how I do this? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for a2ulthakur

i have 2 dropdownlists and a submit button when i should click the submit button the selected values shold be taken as input parametres for filtering and populating the data in gridview?

Member Avatar for a2ulthakur
Member Avatar for krunalk

hi all, while uploading javascript for the google analytic code on my live site i am getting below error. Server Error in '/' Application. A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client ((ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$txtanalyaticcode=") <script type=”text/j..."). Description: Request Validation has detected a potentially dangerous client input value, and processing …

Member Avatar for habeeb_matrix
Member Avatar for rooparaj

Hi everybody, I am facing problem in javascript. I got javascript code for menu creation. That code is saved as menu.jc file. My Doubts are: 1) How do i use in my mainpage.aspx? 2) How do i create dll file for this javascipt file so that i can use it …

Member Avatar for aaaa222
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

my griedview is half shown on browser's screen and even it disabled horizontal scroller on screen (browser), why ? whenever i fill my gridview with many columns than it is half shown and disables scroller too, why ?

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to make grid transition in visual studio using the language visual basic. Please help...

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

see i am using this mode of SQLDATASOURCE configuration ![154](/attachments/small/3/154.jpg "align-left") and now on the basis of this sql statement i want to generate UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE queries, especially UPDATE and i tried my best to do it but can't. this thing is quite possible in the mode given below …

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Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was making my own custom window and i need help with making it in wpf, i am new to wpf so i don't know much XAML so i was wondering if you can help?, this is what i wan't. In the example i'm using the minimize button. …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for TIM_M_91

Ok so my problem is everytime I click my button it re-populates my dropdownlist of my entries, but it also keeps the entries from my previous page_load therefore i get double entries within my dropdownlist. How do I solve this problem as I cannot seem to find where my problem …

Member Avatar for TIM_M_91
Member Avatar for jdaniel13

I'm trying to do, an order and some orderline. Imagine that the user come and select several item from the shop then when he click on the checkout, the reference number in the order is send back to the several item in the orderline table. How would i insert that …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for AlPhA

I am looking into developing a few websites, and I am debating whether to use asp.net or php. I am very proficient in asp; however, i have not used it in years, thus i don't remember the syntax very well. I do not want to use asp because it is …

Member Avatar for vouxiong
Member Avatar for TIM_M_91

Ok so what I have is a textbox on one page and a dropdownlist on another page, what I want to do is send the textbox value which has been entered to my dropdownlist on my second page. How do I do this?

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for TIM_M_91

Ok so I have created a page where the user enters their details then they click a button which produces their results in a ListBox. However what I want to do is when the user clicks the button it produces the results on another page in a Listbox. I have …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for harishbansal90

hello, i have checked online on a website which gives error **BadRequest(status code=400)** and gives response like : *'"message": "messages": [ "We are sorry, the item you selected, cannot be done" ] , "resultInfo": "result": "fail", "url": "http://www.abc.com/xyz/pqr/home", "resultCode": 400'* but when i am doing the same thing at my …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for 9tontruck

Here's what I am trying to do: **1. As long as my generic handler gets HttpRequest, push it into a queue and just return empty response so that the request sender does not wait for the long process. 2. A thread keeps checking if there is anything is the queue. …

Member Avatar for 9tontruck
Member Avatar for bentorres

I need to create a virtual directory alias which redirects user to a given web page. If there is no VD for that page, then master page ref works well.As soon as I created VD and try to get that same page by entering the path to VD, I got …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for MrCapuchino

Hello, I have a really weird problem. I have a web application written in asp.net and it works perfectly locally, the problem appears when I deploy it to my remote server. Everything works fine except for a button, it updates information in a database. The thing is that the problem …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for mansi sharma

There are two dropDownLists on my form. In one DropDownList items are- 1)BE 2)Drawing 3)PG I want if a user selects BE in dropdownlist3 then in dropDownlist4 items are IT, CSE, MECH I want if a user selects Drawing in dropdownlist3 then in dropDownlist4 items are Drawing1, Drawing2 I want …

Member Avatar for anilMAN
Member Avatar for vavazoom

Hello, I am trying to incorporate Javascript with ASP. I want to display in the Label how many characters the client has remaining in the textbox. The Label is not changing at all - any ideas? <script type="text/javascript"> function CheckCharCount(textBox, maxLength) { var charCount = maxLength - texBox.value.length; document.getElementById("lblCharCount").innerText = …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for vavazoom

Hello, I am trying to enlarge the font-size of an ASP:ListItem object using CSS. I have tried a few different ways - but it is not rendering. Any ideas on what would cause the ListItem to not pick up the CSS? **First try:** CSSClass="radioButtonList" under asp:RadioButtonList <style type="text/css"> .radioButtonList { …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for icedome

Hello good people, Can you please help me with one issue that I'm facing. Is it possible in ASP .NET to get a webpage contents (let's say for example the google homepage) that has some special tags (instead the search buttons you'll have tags like %%SEARCH%% and %%FEEL_LUCKY%%) then, right …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

Hello everyone! Quick survey, are you guys liking Visual Studio 2012? Comment below and say why you are, or aren't enjoying it!

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for renzlo

Hi, Jim and All, How do you handle a java applet in a webbrowser control? It seems that no event fires up when a java applet is loaded in webbrowser control, by the way, the applet is in full screen and this is a company applet, meaning I did not …

Member Avatar for renzlo
Member Avatar for Gaving30

Hi, I am having some trouble, i am trying to create a site just to learn ASP.NET c#. I am stuck though trying to get values from my database, i want to say if the "customer" is logged in that i can display his address details some textboxs. Similar to …

Member Avatar for Gaving30
Member Avatar for saevio99

Help!! Help!! # **i want to dowanload a .torrent file in asp.net project ** # Is There is some one who can help me.i found no correct answer using google.

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for sanjeewa.abeywardana

I have downloaded code library from http://jqueryui.com/download related to datetimepicker control to add to a text box in asp .NET web page (Without master page) , and it is working fine (ie. themes are also displayed fine ,as EXPECTED colors) But need to know the **correct sequence of calling the …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for krishhari

The End.