I was wondering which language should learn. I do not want to be a programmer for a job(at the moment I am a young teen) in the future, I would like to be a physicist.

In the meantime though I would like to learn a programming language. I want to be useful in later life, work on all platforms and be 'fun to use'.

I already know a bit of Java (most of thenewbostons beginner tutorials) and a bit of the .net and c++.

Try them all, Java C#.Net, PHP, Coldfusion, etc. See which one you enjoy the most. Coldfusion is easy to pick up on but once you understand the basic structure and logic of controlling data then they all work the same....sometimes work the same. Touchy subject lol.

Well, if you really want to learn some programing language for FUN , i would suggest to learn HTML (u can learn in in few days) but, i see u know a bit of C++,so i suppose you will not have any problems learning HTML... :D
P.S. I`m to teen and yeah, i don`t know lot of programing but i`m very interested in it, and i want to be programer in future... :D

I already know HTML.

I was think more of a scripting language.

HTML is a script language. You could try Coldfusion. Example to set a variable you would do this.

<cfset firstName = "Kevin" />
<cfset lastName = "Hausman" />
  My name is #firstName# #lastName#.

HTML is a markup language. It is not a scripting language.

lol, even says it. HyperText Markup Language, silly me... +1 for ezzaral.

If you want to stay open source and platform independent Java is the way to go. But all the high level languages teach you the same skill set. Once good at one, you can pick up the others pretty easily. I know .Net the best and am capable at Java and because of that I picked up objective c (for iOS) in a couple of weeks. Pick a language that suits you, you won't be limited once you are proficient.

Hope that helps,

> I was wondering which language should learn. I do not want to be a programmer for a job(at the moment I am a young teen) in the future, I would like to be a physicist.

Python and C++ is a pretty good combination. Python is particularly forgiving to beginners and makes learning the subject matter easy without getting down to too many details. Once you are comfortable with the concepts, getting your hands dirty with C or C++ wouldn't be a herculean task.

if its for fun then get some easy languages like vb,php, python to play with because to me java seems harder

You better learn DATABASE


phhaaa another maybe physicist but endeless coder as your person

For "real" programming it's a choice of Java or C#.net
The language itself isn't any big deal, once you've learned one or two you can pick up new ones very quickly. What takes the time, and where you will be making your real investment is in the libraries, ie the Java API vs .net
Learning a useful fraction of either of these is hugely bigger and harder than learning a language.
If you expect to be working just in Windows, then c#.net is the obvious choice, but if you expect a mix of Windows plus lot of Linux then Java is the way to go. My guess is that Physicists use a lot of Linux.

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