I need to open two pdf files as popup window on click ona button in asp.net C#,but now its opening only the first popup?Can anybody help me ,to open the both windows at the same time?
This is my code:
string PDFPath = folderpath + filename;
string PopupName = "popUp";
string PopupSettings = "height=900,width=1000,top=100,left=100,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,status=yes";
string NewPath = "var popup=window.open('../PopupForReport.aspx?pdfPath="
+ PDFPath.Replace("\\", "/") + "','" + PopupName + "','" + PopupSettings + "')";
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(updatePanel1, updatePanel1.GetType(), "popupOpener", NewPath, true);
string PDFPath1 = folderpath + filename1;
string PopupName = "popUp";
string PopupSettings = "height=900,width=1000,top=100,left=100,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,status=yes";
string NewPath1 = "var popup=window.open('../PopupForReportNew.aspx?pdfPath="
+ PDFPath1.Replace("\\", "/") + "','" + PopupName + "','" + PopupSettings + "')";
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(updatePanel1, updatePanel1.GetType(), "popupOpener", NewPath1, true);
Please help