I have created a new website . With access db inside app data folder. . And hosted in server. . Bt it is not retrievind or updating db datasg . Why it is happening ?

Has the database every been connected to and returned information or are you still in the building stage? Are you seeing any error messages?

Has the database every been connected to and returned information or are you still in the building stage? Are you seeing any error messages?

Thanx For Your Attention

The Website is already published with Db inside App_Data Folder. But it is not reading , inserting or updating db.

The Conncection string iam using is,

ConnectToAccess = Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source =|DataDirectory|DBName.mdb;Persist Security Info=False;";

And i fixed all the Web compatibility issues of the MS Access . But No Change is there.

Somebody Please Help me.

Debug your code to catch an exception and see what the error actually is. That will help a lot.

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