13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for DaveD3

Hello, My name is Dave and I am a C# developer who is having trouble getting into web development. I am trying to develop an application that users can access from the web, enter search parameters, and the application will search text files stored on the server and return the …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for coder91

So basically I'm using a gridview to display information & the user will select one option from the table, when they do It should bring them to the page that is for their option. However at the minute all I've got it doing is no matter what option you select …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for amrutakhare

i have used update panel in my desgin (aspx) page when i remove that at that time its working but when i put update panel the code is not working means text box language change on page load and on page refresh……..but when i change drop down value or click …

Member Avatar for IconceptBhuvan
Member Avatar for krunal1986

hi, i have my .aspx page inside 2 user controls with one gridview each. now i want to call the function of user control 2 from user control 1. how can i do this? thanks, krunal

Member Avatar for IconceptBhuvan
Member Avatar for mmeyer49

I am trying to write a smiple email web program. Whenever I try to get an out going email I keep getting the general message that the computer is denying me access. "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it " I have tried this at …

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Member Avatar for progoal

hi i need some help, i need to creat a file in access 2003 running a aplication asp.net (c#) using a sql query, if anyone knows that plz tell me:) thanks

Member Avatar for progoal
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i have a page (APPLYforJOB.aspx), now if an registered user ahs signed in and clicked on APPLY for job Button then he will be promoted to page to fill his info but if he is hasn't logged in then he will be redirected to LOGIN.aspx page, I did it successfully …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for vivekanandaan

When i try to run my webpage with database connection i am getting this error. Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed. Visual Studio 2010 and SQl Server .. Kindly advice..

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for TIM_M_91

Ok well I have three LinkButtons that all work that execute when clicked, however what I want to do is instead of the LinkButtons being executed individually for them all to be executed within Button1_click. Therefore how do I do this? Code can be seen below: protected void Button1_Click(object sender, …

Member Avatar for TIM_M_91
Member Avatar for vipmo

I created a page dynamically check below the example label l=new label() l.id="lbltest" l.text+="<div id=name name=name runat=server><br />" l.text+="<div id=age name=age runat=server><br />" l.text+="<div id=gender name=gender runat=server><br />" my question is as follows I want to assign values to name and age. How can that be done? I have tried …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for coder91

So I have a drop down list with various options, one being other. I want it so that if the user selects user the text box automatically appears. Ive placed the text box in a panel and set the visibility to false then added the following code : protected void …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Msentri

i have a problem in linking table,for example 2nd table is linked on 1st table and 3rd table im trying to link it on 2nd table,i dont know why it does not link it give me this other error

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for anton.putov

I am using dynamic ItemTemplate for ListView which populated from database.Here is how I do when I need to display string column "Parametr" (or some other datatypes): //my .ascx file <li><%# Eval("Parametr") %> </li> How can I display varbinary column that stores images?Thanks. Here is some more code if somebody …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for coder91

Hi, I have a stored procedure that will display an activity if the user enters the correct appref. This stored proceudre works fine on SQL management. However when i bind it to the gridview on my page it doesn't work on the internet, keep getting the error. Cannot open database …

Member Avatar for ronitmathurseo
Member Avatar for wanamyra

i have have to develop a website that can read/write in information from smart card readers and save into database. i'm using C# programming language and asp.net website to do it..i have no idea how to go about doing it.pls help me...If you have sample codes or if you have …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i am retrieving textual data from database on my page , asp.net(c#), now i want to save in pdf format and want to store that pdf file on my server(localhost) so how ?

Member Avatar for Mark-W
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

during signup by applicant he/she must fill her educational details , total 5 educational levels, 1.ssc 2.hssc 3. BS 4. MS 5. Phd now lets say that an applicant has only BS passed then it mean that he/she would not have fill 4 and 5 option, now i want that …

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Member Avatar for getnit

Hello, I am trying to have a numeric box in WPF toolbox, I have the following code which is giving me the control in the tool box, but I am unable make it accept only the numeric input. protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e) { short val; if (!Int16.TryParse(e.key.ToString(), out val)) …

Member Avatar for Sahil89
Member Avatar for coder91

Have a form which includes a drop down list and a text box for the users to select a time or to enter one manually. I need validation so that if the user enters a time and selects a time from the list or if they don't use either that …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for ahmad_lovely

hi i wante make this template in image. please help me thanks. My template : ![1](/attachments/large/4/1.jpg "1") ![2](/attachments/large/4/2.jpg "2") ![3](/attachments/large/4/3.jpg "3") ![4](/attachments/large/4/4.jpg "4")

Member Avatar for ahmad_lovely
Member Avatar for coder91

Hi, So i've got a web page that has various drop down menus on them. The first one is for processes and the second for activities. I was wanting the second drop down list (activities) to only show the activities related to that process. I'm only starting ASP.NET so not …

Member Avatar for coder91
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

*.cs page code* using System; using System.Collections; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Data.SqlClient; public partial class advertisementSubmission : System.Web.UI.Page { protected String EmplyrSession; protected int userId; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { EmplyrSession …

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for gfsasa

hi, I wan to develop sms gateway of my own in c#, can anyone provide me source code...... or the ways show to develop client/server application

Member Avatar for kingrobbie
Member Avatar for ayat abukhadra

Hello , I've created an asp.net web page , and it worked except when i flip the page rtl it gave me a large space to the left only when the elements in the page are wider than the page default width , how can i solve this , i …

Member Avatar for dev678
Member Avatar for MaddTechwf

I have an obout Treeview on my masterpage along with a ContentPlaceHolder (CPH). The Treeview has a bunch of pages that I want to populate the CPH when they are clicked. Can anyone help me with this?

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

***using select query result in insert query*** ***i have this code in .cs Page .cs page*** String query = "select userid from tblUser where email='" + EmplyrSession + "'"; SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(query, con); try { con.Open(); int noRows= com.ExecuteNonQuery(); Response.Write(noRows); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("Sql Error:" + …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for jrosh

I have a web site created with asp.net mvc3 using razor view engine. It is visible in mobile devices. (eg. ipad). but there are css anomalities. How can I achieve this. View the same site in desktop and mobile device (ipad)? I am hoping i can achieve only with changin …

Member Avatar for ayat abukhadra
Member Avatar for Sushmitha311

How to generate grid view with "autogeneratecolums=true" and how to fill this gridview with dropdownlists dynamically

Member Avatar for ayat abukhadra
Member Avatar for eesha.ebaad

my images are stored on server in folder "Albums".To access images the path is "/Albums/". I have tried this code but its not working.boxes for images appear on page load but after that immediately disappear. <asp:ListView runat="server" ID="listView"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Image ID="img" ImageUrl= '<%# "/" + Eval("PictureLink")%>' width ="44" height ="45" …

Member Avatar for prashantchalise
Member Avatar for vivekanandaan

I've developed a web page in Asp.net using visual studio 2010.how to make those pages work in my website.I have tried uploading all the folders in my httpdocs folder. But it's not working. Kindly help me out. Vivek

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The End.