13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for MrBlack

Can any body fix this problem plz.. it throws exception "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" [CODE] namespace MC.Master.App1 { public partial class EventChecker : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label FeedbackLabel = new …

Member Avatar for MrBlack
Member Avatar for Sandmann

Hi there!... i was seeing some codes in Python, but i can't understand it, so... i really don't want learn phyton, by that reason i want to know some things (specific things) for try convert it, now... if someone can convert it for me, i'll be sooo glad :P. Here's …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for samreen36

hello i made databse that contain images description like price details etc i place pics on asp page <img src = "" ...........> i want to do that when i click on image image descripton from databse comes on page my c# code is [code] protected void TextBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs …

Member Avatar for croker10
Member Avatar for MrCapuchino

Hello, I'm writing a web application where I want the user to be able to configure settings of the web page. So lets say, I want to store several settings of how he can visualize the page,for instance in Facebook I can save which people can access my profile, which …

Member Avatar for sandeepparekh9

Listing All The Installed Softwares In Computer Using .Net Don't Forget to add [B]Imports Microsoft.Win32[/B] for complete thread with screen shots check here: [snipped]

Member Avatar for xaveri

When i try to update the row in datagridview, it doesn't get updated into database. Nothing happens when i change the fields. Not even the delete command is working. [CODE]<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="existBill2.aspx.cs" Inherits="existBill2" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head runat="server"> <title>Editing Existing …

Member Avatar for xaveri
Member Avatar for ricksvoid

Hi, Im using Microsoft's Bing Map control in order to display Push Pins based on a series of latitudes and longitudes that i have strored in the database. Once I figure out how to display multiple hard coded push pins, I can figure out how to pass the values from …

Member Avatar for kieky

Whenever i download docx, xlsx ar pptx files from IE, IE will save them as a zip file. whats wrong? can u help me? thanks...

Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for niketakapoor

hello everyone still now i m working in c# window application and now im working in asp.net i made a same form and same coding in window application but this code is not working in asp.net... i want to do here is: [B]member_id textbox[/B] when i put some data in …

Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for Vayne

Hi, This is a good snippet: [CODE]dim strSQL as String = "INSERT INTO tbl_civil_works(orgcode, item_works, descr, qty_area, " & _ "units, rates, amount, timestamp_now) VALUES(" & intOrgCode & _ ", '" & param(0) & "', '" & param(1) & "', '" & param(2) & "', '" & param(3) & _ …

Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for papanyquiL

Hi, here's the site I'm currently working on: [code]http://www.johnernaut.com[/code] Under the 'contact' tab I have some behind the scenes C# code that SHOULD send me an email whenever the submit button is pressed and all fields are validated. This isn't working for some reason. The host I'm using is GoDaddy. …

Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for dmizz002

Hi all, I am quite a beginner to C# and ASP.NET development so if you can help out it would be really appreciated: I wish to build a small library of custom functions to be used throughout the entire website. For example say I need to build 5 functions which …

Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for apanimesh061

Could anyone suggest me some good and a bit different topics for a project in Web Applications using ASP.Net ..... apart from creating websites .... !??? Thanx in advance ... ! :)

Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for deepakksahu1984

Hi! I am new in Asp.net. I use Dynamic GridView Control in Asp.net page in which i enter some value, Now i want exactly same GridView Control in another page with value. Is it possible ? or there is any other alternative available. Instead of GridView i can also use …

Member Avatar for soma dawoud
Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for apanimesh061

I am trying to make a chat application .... .... I am missing the following namespaces: System.Web.[B]SessionState[/B]; System.Web.[B]UI[/B]; System.Web.[B]UI[/B].WebControls; System.Web.[B]UI[/B].HtmlControls; The missing are in bold ! Please help ... I can't find any download site also !!?? :( Thanx

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Evening All i have another Question. i have created a Function that creates a Cookie with a Domain like this [CODE]private static void SetCookieExtedend(String key, String value, String path) { DateTime expires = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromDays(2000); bool secure = false; String domain = "Ecash"; StringBuilder cookie = new StringBuilder(); …

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb
Member Avatar for YMCMb

Hey Guys, I have a Data Grid View which displays a few things from the database, one of the information being displayed is the Date,The date is set in Clarion and i want to change it so it gets changed to the date we see it as today. I have …

Member Avatar for YMCMb
Member Avatar for manjukakkadath

Hello All, I am creating a website with password-protected pages in it. I have two type of customer: 1. Free 2. Paid For paid customers, pages would be rendered over HTTPS whereas for free customer, pages will be rendered over HTTP. However, pages for both types of users would be …

Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for jaskiratj

hi.. i am working on some project...in which one module requires a form to be filed by the employee and that form then goes to the head of the department for approval...can anybody suggest how this thing can work...i m working on c#..asp.net...do i need to create a dynamic page …

Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for neilderama

hi all, I have a code..i don't what's wrong so please help me...here's my code: [code] <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function clickButton(e, buttonid) { var evt = e ? e : window.event; var bt = document.getElementById(buttonid); if (bt) { if (evt.keyCode == 13) { bt.click(); return false; } } } </script> …

Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for vishalonne

Hi I am trying to view my cookie using VS 2008 having 2 textbox 1 Button 1 hyperlink. But failed... While excuting the code it is displaying the output as - [B]The Vishal cookie contains: Deb Cookie Path is /[/B] But where actually physical cookie is stored I can't able …

Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for shailaja mohite

Hi, I am create web application. In this application use gridview and this gridview i am using MaskedEditExtender for template field. but it takes long time to bind data to gridview. But i want less time to bind data to gridview.please help me how to solve this problem in my …

Member Avatar for shailaja mohite
Member Avatar for shailaja mohite

Hi, I am create web application. In which i am using gridview in this gridview i am using textbox for template field and maskededitextender for each textbox.In this application binding data. maskededitextender for each textbox. webpage is very slow. and how to write javascript function maskededitextender for time. help me …

Member Avatar for talala

How is it possible to make rooms for a game i own so only one user can enter the game and while he is on it nobody can enter? thx :D

Member Avatar for cfwebdeveloper
Member Avatar for talala

when i try to use a sql sentence i juts get this error: An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:\Documents and Settings\User1\Desktop\aweb1\User\App_Data\ASPNETDB.MDF failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share. now i am stucking …

Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for BilalAKhan

Hi, I have a problem with asp.net insertion data in SQL data base. I am using SQL Express with ASP.NET 4.0. I had written the code correctly and it was working fine as well, but now it does not insert the data in the database. It started behaving abnormally when …

Member Avatar for nandey
Member Avatar for eagle1140
Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Day All I have another question. I have a Silverlight application and in one of the Silverlight pages i am hosting an Asp.net Page using a RadhtmlContainer(Telerik). I created a Cookie in Silverlight like this [CODE] public static void SetCookie(string key, string value) { // string oldCookie = HtmlPage.Document.GetProperty("cookie") …

Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for gogs85

The End.