13,153 Topics
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hi i am working on gridview and i want to show my data in gridview on button click by applying java script. so When i show data without applying java script the gridview is visible and as i apply js the gridview becomes invisible while using other controls with the … | |
This is a snippet of global.asax.cs. [CODE] . . . . namespace AMChat { public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication { private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null; public static AMChat.[B][U]ChatEngine[/U][/B].IChatEngine Engine = new AMChat.[B][U]ChatEngine[/U][/B].ChatEngine(); . . . . [/CODE] I have a folder 'AMChat' in which there is another folder 'ChatEngine' which … | |
I have a masterpage that is completely built by doing a response.write. All of the HTML comes from the database. The HTML has content sections that look like the following [CODE] <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server"> </asp:ContentPlaceHolder> [/CODE] The problem is, is that if I put that code with the asp:ContentPlaceHolder in … | |
When i click the nodes in tree view control for example employee name and it displyas the details of the employee in a gridview | |
I don't know know how to get ASP.Net and Web Authentication components for IIS 7.0. I could install IIS 6.0 Metabase and Configuration compatibility. I am using VS 2008 and Windows Vista Ultimate ! Please Help ! Thnx | |
I have a button in popup panel which am showing using Ajax PopupExtender. Now I want to call button_click server side code on pressing the button. But it's not happening when I press it. Anybody can suggest any idea? <asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel1"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> </asp:ScriptManager> [CODE] <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" … | |
Hi in my project page I gave managed to make a gridview editable but when I changed the cell values and press save button, at server side code I am getting all the cell values empty? Why? How to access it? [CODE] <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#CCCCCC" BorderStyle="None" … | |
I have done my homework but couldn't find any good solution so I am here asking for help. I want to make pages like the structure below. www .yoursite . com/Content.aspx?Privacy www .yoursite . com/Content.aspx?About_us www .yoursite . com/Content.aspx?Security I hope you get the problem. Any help would be greatly … | |
Hi Im a first time poster.(please be gentle XD) I'm hoping someone can help me. I just would like to ask if - aside from datagridviews and manually drawing tables- there is another way to draw data onto a page, in tabular form? The problem is that the data I … | |
Hello I wish to create a file hosting website like Rapidshare or Mediafire ..... How can I do that ? Is there any website where I can get a sample code. Will this be a good topic for a Minor project !!!! Please help ... | |
0 down vote favorite I am a programmer for winforms and asp.net. A new-comer to WPF application development. I wish to thank in advance for any help rendered to my query, I am working on a application for Banking. My job profile is to develop reusable usercontrols for the application. … | |
In my project I have 2 pages room.aspx and student.aspx. room.aspx contains grid of students. As soon as user double click on grid I popup window, and I show student.aspx page containing grid for students. Now I want to select few students from student grid and submit to room.aspx page … | |
hi , i ma using the reporting service in MS SQL express 2008. but in the company i don't have the admin previlages to upload and create reports to the server. if i was to ask from the administrator to grant me the previlages what previlages does he have to … | |
Hi all, I have two dropdownlist (country and city dropdownlists) taking their data from access database, in order for filtering the data shown in gridview. I want city dropdownlist get notified and change whenever a country selected from country dropdown list I mean, wheneever user selects a country, I want … | |
Hi everyone. I have a few question to ask regarding email notification in c#. I have the following codes: [CODE] SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient(); MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); message.To.Add("alex@hotmail.com"); message.To.Add("alex2@gmail.com"); message.Subject = "Test"; message.IsBodyHtml = true; message.Body = "<html><b>Hello World!</b></html>"; smtpClient.Send(message); [/CODE] While in my web.config I do … | |
Hi every Body , I need your help , my friend left office leaving ASP.net website uncompleted. I am facing problem with this line: 1---:> This File: GenericError.aspx 'ASP.global_asax' does not contain a definition for 'exception' D:\ICTM_PRO\ict-edu\GenericError.aspx 24 [code] <% Response.Write("<br/><div style=\"color:#C6E2FF\">" + ASP.global_asax.exception.StackTrace + "</div><br/>"); %> [/code] 2---:> This … | |
I have this sub which performs updates in successive function call. The reader object is closed only when the operation has been completed (after the while loop has ended), yet I get this error. Any suggestions? [CODE] sub reset_slno() dim objCmd2 as new OleDBCommand() dim objReader2 as OleDBDataReader objCmd2.Connection = … | |
Dear All, I have a search page on which I have two DropDownLists. One for Catagory and another for Item. When I select both of them it takes me to the result page and displays the result in GridView. It works for a single value but for more than one … | |
Hi, I have two DropdownLists. One is for Category and another is for Product. The concept is that with each Category and Product selected, the website will display the result on another page and show all the results present in the database. With more than 25 Categories with me and … | |
I need help : i have listbox1 and listbox2, fill listbox1 via SQL queries. When i selected items in listbox1 in listbox2 most show another table.How i to do that? | |
I have a databound chart in ASP.NET C#. One of the databound fields is text and the other is a value. I would like the legend to display the text for the pie chart, and I would like the value to determine how the chart is formed, and also display … | |
Good Evening All I want to create a unique value for my User in Silverlight and access this value on the asp.net page that is part of the silverlight website. So i cant use cookies because they wont work and i cant do the client site cookie thing because it … | |
I want to print all the numbers in the loop ..... How should I do it ? Please help ! [CODE] <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication5._Default" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <script runat ="server" > void Page_load() { int counter = 0; while (counter <= … | |
anyone can help me solve this problem, i am using the web service to get the update method into the grid view row updating but i got error not sure how to solve it...please help me!!! thanks in advance this is my code... [CODE] protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) … | |
I have already added a checkbox column in grid and later on dynamically adding other columns and data. I can see that column is appearing in grid with other columns but am not able to check/uncheck any individual row. Anybody can tell me whats I am missing? For more reference … | |
hihi... anyone of you know how to create a auto generate data which can recycle the data after 30 days , i already have a primary key and it is identity specification. Bascially i am doing a web service and gridview consume the data and i need this auto generate … | |
Guys I have a question here. I write a custom validation and then my validation summary doesnt show up. Any suggestion.. I just use onservervalidation,without client validation. is that possible to show up the message? [CODE] protected void ServerValidation(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args) { if (args.Value.ToString().Equals("Select")) { args.IsValid = false; } … | |
Please review the code as i am geting the error where i have placed arrow mark on the code section. Afer editing when i click on the update the below error is fired. what i am doing wrong Error: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridLinkButton' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox'. using … | |
Does anyone know how can class diagrams and sequence diagrams be automatically generated for the classes? | |
when I try to play 2 bgsounds like Response.Write("<bgsound src='music/button-4.wav' loop='1'>"); Response.Write("<bgsound src='music/button-5.wav' loop='1'>"); It just plays both together. How can I play them one after one? Thanks . |
The End.