13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for suvisoya

hi i have 100 records in my datatable .Here i want to insert these records into SQL without looping . thanks

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for Netcode

Hello everyone, Please am working on a project basically for storing personal data for some employees. I have a dropdownlistbox which gets its content from a table in SQL-Server. I also have a textbox which i want its text to be the same with the selectedted item of the dropdownlist …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for sherinpoulose

I have a class which has the method to print output.In that,i am using mobile control label.below is the code [CODE] public Label Label1; public LiteralText literalList; public void printNode(TreeNode root, string tabs) { Label1.Text = tabs + '|' + root.attribute + '|' + ':'; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); …

Member Avatar for MMSEDU

Hi, am using this code to connect to an SMS server to send sms to mobile phones, but am getting stucked at the point where i read from stream(Dim x As Integer = networkStream.Read(BR, 0, 1024)) . If anyone has any idea why am getting stucked here please inform me …

Member Avatar for apanimesh061

This is javaScript based ASP.net web application. [CODE] <%@ Page Language="C#" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function oddEve(){ var rand = Math.random(); rand = Math.ceil(6*rand); if(rand % 2 == 0){ document.write("Odd number: "); } else{ document.write("Even number: "); } document.write(rand); } </script> <html …

Member Avatar for AnujaCool
Member Avatar for milas

i have a page which dynanically create a link when it load, after i click on the link it should loop in the database fetch all the record and display another set of link , then when i click on these link it should give me all information about this …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for harius

Hi.Im working on an ASP.NET website.In this application there are some local functions and a call to an external C# exe.Every thing works fine if I use a msgbox control before this form redirects to the output page.If I dont use this msgbox before redirecting, the output is different than …

Member Avatar for harius
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

hi all I am using a third party gateway. The third party gateway does not support query-string , so i will need to post the form to pass the values to the given URL and another thing is that they don't expose the web-services so we need to use their …

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb
Member Avatar for johny2011

Hi, I jaust want to convert the example in the link below, for filtering and paging with gridview, in order to use in my page. The example uses SQL with noorthwind database. I think Visual Studio does not suppport mySql fuly, I already download MYSQL driver do I also need …

Member Avatar for johny2011
Member Avatar for stbuchok

Does anyone have a good tutorial on how to capture video and images from a webcam in WPF. All the ones I've come across give code but little explanation as to what they are doing. Something that is step by step would be nice. The funny thing is that in …

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Every time i am about to post a thread i get an answer while typing the message, maybe i explain it to myself better when i write it , OK so if you have seen this post it means i have not find an answer :) I have a Silverlight …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for apanimesh061

I want to know what types of useful softwares can be made by using ASP.net/C# ? I have Software Engineering and Web Development as my subjects ...... What type of softwares can I design for a project ? Currently I was working of a ChatRoom application !!!! Please help !

Member Avatar for Sarama2030
Member Avatar for chiragsathit

Hi Friends I Want Exact Connection String For MySQL With ASP .NET. I have Facing This Error : No Such Host Name if Known. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for suvisoya

hi i am using webservice i added web reference into my project to call webservice method but below error was happend when i execute my project A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for vivek.visen

hello, I am working on gridview in a project in which i have to apply javascript on gridview. there are 2 events whcih i have to apply on it 1st is that when i click an image the gridview should be opened and when i select an item in gridview …

Member Avatar for blades89c

Good day, I have a ReportViewer showing a report that is bound to a dataset. The dataset gets its data from a Access database backend. I have a separate form that allows the user to add/update/delete data. My problem is when the user makes changes to the data using the …

Member Avatar for yousamook
Member Avatar for Stepan_P

Hi. When I try to execute code below I got an error 'Internal error occurred.' [COLOR="Red"]certificate = new X509Certificate2( p12FileBytes, p12FilePassword [/COLOR]); and when I made change to [COLOR="Red"] certificate = new X509Certificate2( p12FileBytes, p12FilePassword,X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet );[/COLOR] I got another error [B]'Access Denied.'[/B] How can I fix it? In advance THANKS …

Member Avatar for virendra_sharma

Hi Frnz , i am getting the error while i tried to add ajax control toolkit to .net framework. i have added ajaxcontrol toolkit to bin folder on webapplication .

Member Avatar for virendra_sharma
Member Avatar for fawadkhalil

Hi all I have a div whose width and height are set to 120px and 90px respectively. Now i m showing re sized images in this div. I have an image whose width is 80px and height is 107px, now if i set image width and height to the same …

Member Avatar for reverseEngg!
Member Avatar for croker10

Hi All, I am trying to use to linq to retrieve some data, and creating my queries dynamically with where clauses added to an IQueryable object. The problem I am running into is filtering for days of the week. In the table, I have a datetime of a call. I …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Romil797

Exactly that. Using NAudio or DirectX, can someone show me how to convert a wav file to mp3. Mp3 to wav seems trivial, but unfortunately i need wav to mp3. Thank you for your help

Member Avatar for CsharpChico
Member Avatar for umeshMCA

hi i am new user of asp.net with C#. and i install vs2008. but when i start a new project and then want to select ASP.NET AJAX-Enabled Web Site but there is no install ajax enabled website tool. how i use ajax without this. please help there is only these …

Member Avatar for vishalrane
Member Avatar for pinkygirl

Hey, please guide me with codes. It's very urgent. I want the display of comments to appear like facebook. Also, my friends and I can comment on status as many times as needed. And number of comments should also appear. Thanks.

Member Avatar for vishalrane
Member Avatar for sandeepparekh9

Listing All The Installed Softwares In Computer Using .Net Don't Forget To add [B]using Microsoft.Win32 [/B] For Complete thread with screen shots see here:[snipped]

Member Avatar for vishalrane
Member Avatar for apanimesh061

[CODE] [I]Server.aspx[/I] <%@ Page Language="C#" CodeBehind="Server.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="AMChat.Server" %> <p> &nbsp;</p> [/CODE] [CODE] [I]Server.aspx.cs(excerpt)[/I] namespace AMChat { /// <summary> /// Summary description for Server. /// </summary> public class [B][U]Server[/U][/B] : System.Web.UI.Page { private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { . . . [/CODE] When I build this application, I get …

Member Avatar for apanimesh061
Member Avatar for johny2011

Hi, I want to make a search page, I want tto put search page in master page (with a textbox and button) in left side of the screen, and when users searches, I want to get results appear in content page I already have a working search mechanism, How CAn …

Member Avatar for Nitin Daphale

In my project there is an editable grid having three fields 'Quantity-Price-Amount', where a user can change 'Quantity/Price' depending on that 'Amount' field value should change at clientside, so that user can see Final amount for that row before saving. And there is a TextBox which showing Total Amount of …

Member Avatar for vishalrane

I am having one web application... On which i have one combobox whose autopostback propert is set to true.... its showing d same result that i want... the only problem is that the page gets refreshed automatically when i select a data from combobox.... How to overcome this problem pls …

Member Avatar for vishalrane
Member Avatar for YMCMb

Hi Guys, Need help converting a hidden field value to a double, i have a text box which takes in a percentage value, this in the code behind is: [CODE] If MyRadioBtn.Value = 1 Then If TBFixedPercent.Text.Count = 0 Then LblFXPerc.Visible = True LblFXPerc.Text = "* Please insert a fixed …

Member Avatar for ranj_s20

I am using crystal report of VS 2008. I want to open a crystal report in PDF even when it is loaded with out showing the crystal report . I also not want to show the save dialog box while opening in PDF. With code below the report is opening …

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The End.