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592 Posted Topics
Re: Well, it is similar to UPDATE. Just do this [CODE=sql]DELETE FROM table WHERE condition[/CODE] If you show me some of your work, I may better understand what you want. Can you show me your select statement with propagation. | |
Re: please use code tagging. Where are u setting the Date? Could you please explain what you are doing? From what I can understand you are trying to get a report to show something from a start date to an end date. | |
Re: Well unless you know how to solder and find the exact chips that have gone bad. And without looking at the motherboard I can't tell you which Chip, transistor, or circuit has gone bad. If you don't know what I am saying, take it to a professional don't mess with … ![]() | |
Re: umm, this may be a silly question, but do you have a CD-Writer or is it just a ROM? | |
Re: [url]http://www.ehow.com/how_5962454_do-blacklist-site_.html[/url] | |
Re: Welcome to the forums, Please introduce yourself at [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/forum165.html[/url]. [CODE]sql = "delete from budget_details where ID = " & DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value.ToString() [/CODE] | |
Re: Date time formats need to be in 'yyyyMMdd hh:mm:ss:fff' format. try '19990907 12:00:00:000' time will be in 24h format. if you want to check for date like Update where the date is 07/09/1999 (dd/MM/yyyy) you can do Where Date between '19990907' and '19990908' This will get you all results with … | |
Re: Call Microsoft, if you don't do anything it will lock you out after hmm 30 days? or was it 60. Yeah but the point is it will lock you out | |
Re: I believe the best people to ask are Dell itself. Did you contact them recently? if not you should and ask them what it is, if you did than that is what it probably is. Sorry I can't be more helpful than that, first thing I do is get rid … | |
Re: Please use code tagging you didn't hook da with the conn. | |
Re: Welcome to the forums, Please take some of your valuable time and introduce yourself [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/forum165.html[/url]. What is the function of your app? | |
Re: you want to make that part into OleDbCommand not adapter | |
Re: your code looks good but where is con.Open() what error are you getting? | |
Re: PXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable PXE-M0F: Exiting Intel Boot Agent. Error is for Network boot, your machine seems to be skipping boot to HD. What you want to do is Set CD to boot first. If you are doing that then maybe your XP disk is not bootable or … | |
![]() | Re: Well for me it seems that the it updates every 5 ten minutes, but posts already in there are updated instantly. threads that I post in for the first time take 5 mins but the ones that i already have posted in are almost instant. At least it looks like … |
Re: [CODE]int LastSep=0; for (int i=0; i< textBox1.Text.Length;i++) { if (textBox1.Text[i] == ' ') { label5.Text += new OleDbCommand("Select English FROM Dictionary where Ilokano like" + "'%" + textBox1.Text.SubString(LastSep,i-LastSep) + "%'", conn).ExecuteScaler().toString() + " "; LastSep=i; } if (i == textBox1.Text.Length-1 && textBox1.Text[textBox1.Text.Length-1] != ' ') { label5.Text += new OleDbCommand("Select … | |
Re: can you try to remove the battery and only give it power via the Adapter? | |
Re: Try Running this separately [CODE]SELECT DISTINCT c.primaryemailaddress, c.companyname, CAST(m.maxdate AS DATETIME ) AS maxDateCreated FROM companycontact AS c[/CODE] Then try this separately. [CODE]SELECT so.companyname, MAX(so.date_created) AS maxdate FROM ordhed_sales AS so, company AS co WHERE so.companyname = co.companyname AND co.isOEM = '1' GROUP BY so.companyname) AS m[/CODE] Peace. | |
Re: roll on floor //please add the rest How much are you expecting for that? | |
Re: From what I understand you are unplugging and plugging the power cables. What you need to do is take off all components. ie. PCI, ISA, USB, Mouse, Keyboard, VGA, Aux Fans (Non-essential Case Fans) etc. Leave only the Processor and the RAM, You want to hear one single Post beep. … | |
Re: constant beep? Hmm is it coming and going or just is it a continuous tone. Like when you pick up the phone? Can you try and remove all peripherals and leave just the processor and motherboard (and PSU ofc). Remove the RAM as well. you should hear 5 or 4 … | |
Re: Could you explain what [B]CalculateNewRecordNumber[/B] is supposed to do. I think it can be done more efficiently. Why are you doing this? [CODE] textBox2.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(strFormat); textBox2.Text = record; [/CODE] This statement doesn't look right [CODE] string strChechID1 = "select LoadingNo from LoadItems where LoadingNo=LoadingNo"; [/CODE] Ok this is Where … | |
Re: Please Look at [URL="http://www.dotnetperls.com/streamreader-vbnet"]this[/URL]. then Look at [URL="http://patorjk.com/programming/tutorials/vbarrays.htm"]this[/URL]. Read them and see what you figure out. Ask Questions and present your theories. Peace. | |
Re: Post some more of your code. Provide the data types of the variables. Don't use Help as a subject Matter. Peace. | |
Re: [QUOTE="sushanth08"]basically can u tell me the code to replace some strings in the rich text box i.e clearing and inserting[/QUOTE] [CODE]//Clearing richTextBox1.Clear(); //Inserting richTextBox1.Text="ABCD\nEFGH"; // Adding /n is to generate a new Line so Output will be // ABCD // EFGH [/CODE] Peace. | |
Re: I think you are asking about the Raw DateTime format as you receive from it from the Database. This varies on the database itself. MSSQL spits it out like this: yyyyMMdd HH:mm:sss:hhh MySQL I believe is yyyyMMddHHmmss If you mean how to you Enter Date into a DateTime variable Then … | |
Re: Try running that statement in SQL browser [QUOTE][CODE]Select Personne.[Nom],Personne.[Prenom],Personne.[DateNaissance],Personne.[LieuNaissance],Bulletin.[Autorite],Bulletin.[DateJ] from (Personne inner join Bulletin on Personne.[CodePersonne]=Bulletin.[CodePersonne])where Personne.[Nom]=@nom and Personne.[Prenom]=@prenom"[/CODE][/QUOTE] | |
Re: You can also use CAST Command [CODE]CAST(fieldname as VARCHAR[50]) [/CODE] But this is more useful in using the field as a temporary basis. Like [CODE]SELECT CAST(fieldname as VARCHAR[50]) from table_name[/CODE] For Permanent change using the above solution is better. (ALTER TABLE) Peace. | |
| |
Re: [CODE]SELECT username FROM users Inner Join friends ON users.id = freinds.uid WHERE uid = {$this->id} OR fid = {$this->id}[/CODE] There may be a syntax error here. I am assuming that you have only one primary key on both users and friends. |
The End.