13,153 Topics
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Hi, I have problem, i have designed a web page in asp.net 3.5. I have a TextBox and a button, the User is expected to write some comment in the TextBox. The TextBox can also have a comment pattern including a (') on the click of button the data in … | |
I have installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 , trial version and I am running it on VISTA SP1. The IIS server is up and running: I am able to run .php files and .asp files. In the C# tab , I am choosing File->New -> Project -> .NET Web Application. … | |
im using a datalist that display things that is called from datasource. in this list i have 2 panels and 2 buttons. the button is meant to hide the other panel. can anyone help me? i tried using itemcontrol but cant work.. | |
HI, I am creating a Forum System, this is a small system, I want to know where to store the forum data(Messages posted by users), Should I store it in SQL database or a Text File. Please suggest something. Thanx.... | |
do you have any good web site for how to develop reports in vs2003. I have a procedure ready in oracle.. What to do nex?? Pl. help Thaks | |
Keeping pace with Microsoft's latest releases, Xenocode this week unveiled Virtual Application Studio 2010, an update to its virtualization engine that supports Windows 7, simplifies app-publishing to the Web, and permits deployment to multiple platforms using a single executable, the company said. Microsoft this week began shipping Windows 7, and … | |
hello i am developing e-shopping website after adding items in cart.aspx...n by clicking on "FINALE PURCHASE" button control goes to the card.aspx --->click method of cart.aspx [CODE] protected void final_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Session["total"] = lbltot.Text.ToString();Response.Redirect("card.aspx"); } [/CODE] by clicking on submit in card.aspx [ICODE] protected void object sender, … | |
I have an accelerator plugin that I downloaded and set up to run with my existing CRM system. This is an ASP.net project and when I run it on my computer from my VS2005 environment, it runs fine. It also runs fine in IIS on my machine that my development … | |
Hi, I have just switched to IIS 6.0 in windows server 2003 sp2 from IIS 5.1 in Windows xp ,I have problems with configuring the website on the IIS , I have given the directory path, given it IP address ,given default document. but when I try to access the … | |
Hi, I want to create a Forum System in asp.net 2.0, Its better that i download the open source from microsoft, if anybody has Link for this source code, then please give it to me.. Or Suggest what should i do? Thanx... | |
Hi, I have the following code: [CODE=ASP.NET]<asp:FormView ID="myFormView" runat="server" SkinID="DetailsFormview"> <ItemTemplate> <table width="400"> <tr> <td align="right"> <b>This is the label: </b> </td> <td align="left"> <asp:Label ID="myLabel" Text="Label Text" runat="server" /> </td> </tr> </table> </ItemTemplate> </asp:FormView>[/CODE] And in the code behind (VB.NET): [CODE=VB.NET]Protected Sub BindFormView() Dim myLabel As Label = myFormView.FindControl("myLabel") … | |
Dear programmers, My name is Thomas . I am a really bad situation now . Plz help me becoz i dont know VB .net . But suprisingly i had to look after a telephone call capturing system in a famous hotel in dubai . The s/w is developed using vb … | |
Hi there, i have a sample aspx page, and my 2 users from different location are accessing the page at same time. On this page i did a response.write [code]sPrintString = sName & "_" & DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssffffff") & "_" & objRandom.Next(1000, 999999) & "_" & objRandom.Next(1000, 999999) Response.Write(sPrintString)[/code] Sometimes it happens … | |
I have a DataGrid that I create dynamically in codebehind. I add events to the datagrid, it works fine except of the SortCommand event. It will not fire. If I change my page_load to create and bind the datagrid everytime when a postback it works. But I don´t want to … | |
Hi, I am new bee to asp.net. Can anyone help me in my project? I am stucked at one point. I am preparing one project for one retail shop. For billing purpose, as the user adds new items at the same time the program is generating rows dynamically whereas at … | |
Hi experts On my page i have displayed several ADs.When user click on specific AD details of that AD are displayed.How can i count number of times an AD being viewed and show count. | |
Can somebody tell me how to set a cookies & how to retrive cookie values on the other page???? Why cookies are used???? If we have to pass info from one page to another,for dat we can use QuerySTring,y Cookies??? | |
Hi! i have an asp.net project developed. Now i want to run it on lan. I mean i want to store all the asp files on the server and access it from the clients through browsers. what is the mechanism used for it vry vry vry urgent plz thnx in … | |
hi i want that if i click on a particular row of a datagrid then rows lying below and above the clicked one, should swap.i mean to say that the row lying below the clicked one must reach above the clicked one and the rows lying above the clicked one … | |
Hi all, I'm working on little website and need help creating an if/then state to display different images. I want to have that if/then display one thing if rows where returned on the query and display something else if nothing was returned My database query is working and is running … | |
Hi I've a web application in ASP. I'm planning to develope the future pages in ASP.Net. Is there any way to use the same old ASP pages (without converting them to .aspx) and built the future pages in ASP.net. | |
Hello, I've made a website but I've run into a problem. The site looks great when the user has the browser window maximized but when the browser is minimized an image I have on the right side of the screen is pushed over onto my background image. This is what … | |
I have a client that is posting a gzipped xml file on their site for me to download. I wrote the code the will unpack the gzip file. I'm stuck on how I copy the file from [url]http://www.ClientSite.com/feeds/20091020.xml.gz[/url] to my server. The file is 4mb, not sure if that makes … | |
I have the following form, but my data is not getting inserted into my database. Can anyone help? [code] <%@ Page Title="Dorknozzle Help Desk" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Dorknozzle.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="HelpDesk.aspx.cs" Inherits="HelpDesk" %> <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" Runat="Server"> </asp:Content> <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server"> <h1>Employee Help Desk Request</h1> <asp:Label ID="dbErrorMessage" ForeColor="Red" runat="server" /> <p> Station … | |
Hi All, Well I have a WCF service in which I query an SQL datatable that is there in the LINQ to SQL class. While querying i used the select statement for eg: from c in db.sample1 select new{c.col1,c.col2} I'm not able to covert this into a List which i … | |
hi, i need to group data for 2 groups in the report like: project name is dependent on client name , task name, start date is dependent on project name , i tried but we cannot do grouping more than 1 group in the report if any solution on it … | |
hey friends, I want to ask that Request.MapPath and Server.MapPath are same or not???? Can u explain me it with the help of coding? | |
I have following grid view control [CODE] <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" style="z-index: 1; left: 59px; top: 1px; position: absolute; height: 158px; width: 658px" BorderColor="#0066FF" BorderStyle="Solid" PageSize="20" onselectedindexchanged="GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged" DataKeyNames="application_id"> <PagerSettings NextPageText="Next" PageButtonCount="20" /> <Columns> <asp:HyperLinkField NavigateUrl="view_forms.aspx" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="" DataTextField="application_id" HeaderText="Application ID"> <HeaderStyle Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="Small" HorizontalAlign="Center" /> <ItemStyle Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="Small" HorizontalAlign="Center" /> </asp:HyperLinkField> … | |
i am trying to wrap my validation summary for createuserwizard to a modalpopup but dont knw hw to to call the javascript on createuserwizard1_createusererror event javascript code on aspx [CODE] <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> // <! Javascript to show the modalpopup function ShowModalDialog() { Page_ClientValidate(); if(!Page_IsValid) $find('<%=AddUserVS_ModalPopupExtender.ClientID%>').show(); } </script>[/CODE] and i … | |
| Hi! I was wondering if anybody here could help guide me in the right direction for creating a gridview that contains rows that collapse with another gridview inside. I know we're not supposed to actually ask for codes but I haven't written one yet, I'm just asking for pointers :) … |
The End.