13,153 Topics
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Hi, I'm getting a casting error using the code below. The error on the web page (when you click the error icon) is: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorExceptio n: Conversion from string "application.msword" to type "Long" is not valid. It's to do with declaring the mimeout integer pointer to the "<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> ByRef ppwzMimeOut As … | |
Hi, I am new to web development, and have got myself stuck when trying to show totals in the footer of a gridview. I am building my grid from an oracle DB, and have the used the code below to generate my totals. By using debugs I can see that … | |
hi all, i am new to asp.net, i had done shopping cart in php but iam asked to do shopping cart in asp.net its urgent please help me it would be great help if any one provide me code for shopping cart or provide me free shopping download centers in … | |
Is anyone out there using the css friendly control adapters in their asp.net projects? I learned about them from the wrox book, asp.net 2.0 design..... by jacob sanford, which, BTW, seems a bit out of date concerning the adapter download and install. Looks like MSFT has handed the code over … | |
I have a paypal business account and I am using paypals subscription service. I have read and searched learning about paypals ipn service but could not understand the actual implementation. I have read forums telling me how to write an aspx ipn handler page but some questions I have are … | |
I have one application use for asp.net, when I debug and write code inside the page_load, it is loading twice, also I put IsNotPostBack, it still load two times , how to solve it? by the way, I am using asp.net 2.0 version, & i am using VS2008. Thanks Pranav | |
Hi .....cud ny1 plz let me know the source code to send message from one computer to any of the computers within one workgroup or any other ......plz note that i do not want sending e mail concept ......... like we have net send command to send messages to any … | |
hi all! plz help me with this prblm of mine I wish to bind a datagrid dynamically with access database , and at the same time it should contain "add", "delete" and "edit" buttons too this can be done very simply in html if the table name is fixed. but … | |
[qoute] hai friends i have some controls in web page such as calender,label and listbox for doing some process .Afterfinished all the processi have to make a dll for the particular page ,so i wnt to know how to add this page into a web conrol library.... thank you... | |
hi, how to set settings of a page depending on the browser.i have a page which when viewed in IE ,has water mark extenders working fine but when viewed in mozilla the water mark extenders viewed r not working properly.The images positions are aslo changing based on the browser. waiting … | |
The project module is Please download the picture attached. From the picture you can pretty much understand my project. You can see the Icon – export to salesforce.com The background is the asp.net webpage with the link-export to salesforce.com. When I click the link export to salesforce.com I should get … | |
[qoute] hai friends i have some controls in web page such as calender,label and listbox for doing some process .Afterfinished all the processi have to make a dll for the particular page ,so i wnt to know how to add this page into a web conrol library.... thank you... [/qoute] | |
hey folks, I've got a problem. I created a function that creates a javascript alert. it works fine for the invalid date call, but not for the updated call. I have used this function on several other projects and have had no problems with it until now. If stepped through … | |
Hi, I m using this code to set expire of asp.net pages.it is workin fine in if the client datetime is same as server date time but if the clients machine's system datetime is not proper or like if clients machine datetime is 4 months back then server machines then … | |
hi everyone! i wanted to know the command to check whether a particular table exists in access or not............ for example, in sql server, we write ("select * from sysobjects where name='table1",con) what is the equivalent command for this in access????????? thanks.................. | |
Hi All, How to Upload a file(.doc ) using Fileupload control and store it as a image file in database. please can anyone help me solving this. Regards, R | |
hii all, i have a query,,it might be simple bt i hav no idea how to do it,,i am creating an application in VB lang using asp.net 2005 and sql server 2005. in my form i have a combo box which displays all the table names from my database say … | |
I have a asp.net c# web form, when the page load I want to display client computer date and time.I used DateTime.Now.Date() for this. it works well in the localhost, but after I deployed in the web server it displays web server date and time.how can I display client's computer … | |
hi friends i have to store and read .txt files from database(sqlserver 2005) using asp.net 2.0 and i m unable to do that plzz reply me as soon as possible | |
Hi , In the Insert button i have used the follwing coding, [code=asp.net] cmd = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("insert into emp values( ' " & TextBox1.Text & " ' , " & TextBox2.Text & " [/code] Textbox 1 has String and Textbox 2 has Numeric data. [code=asp.net] con.Open() cmd.ExecuteNonQuery [/code] Connection string … | |
Hi, this is my first time doing this, I would like to know if there is a way of printing multiple Images on the client side. I am printing barcodes. I put the barcode as a image into a <div> and then use javascript to print the entire <div>. The … | |
Hello folks I am making a site where I have given permission to user to download limited number of file saved in Database. But how to track record number of files download by that user??? Please help me folks itz urgent | |
Hi plz help me I am done project on asp.met back end-sqlserver2000 I want to convert this web application in to exe form Would you plz tell me how to convert it | |
hai friend's i want to read the text or word document and show it in panel or rich textbox without change in alingment and etc. in a button click.... | |
Hi, I tray to check browser which open the page. For different browser i need use different css. How i can check browser and use different css. Thanks | |
check\uncheck all checkboxes in datalist control in asp.net with vb. [code] Protected Sub DataList8_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataListItemEventArgs) Handles DataList8.ItemDataBound If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item OrElse e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem Then Dim chkSelect As New CheckBox chkSelect = DirectCast(e.Item.FindControl("chkSelect"), CheckBox) chkSelect.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:return Validate(this.name)") End If end sub [/code] getting … | |
Hello, a)How to add components to the visual studio 2005 toolbox. b)How to convert a windows form project to a web-application project. | |
Hi mates, 1. Is it possible to run ASP (.aspx OR .asp) files/pages on XP Prof, with IIS 5.1 and SP3? Coz each tym I try to run an ASP file ie7 says 'Page cannot be found... HTTP 404 - File not found' 2. Any non-proprietary Report Generator I can … | |
Hello, Presently I'm working on a web form and I want to put a table in it with rounded edges. Can anyone suggest a way about how to do that? I don't want to use images for that purpose(like getting the four edge images with the same background color etc. … |
The End.