13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for somaraman

Hi all, We are trying to talk through .NET web service to retrieve some data from a windows system. We are using Python and SOAPpy (which is SOAP compatible with python) for this. We are able to talk to the system using this web service and is also able to …

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Member Avatar for neshinator

Hi all, Wondered if you can help with this problem. I have created a report in Crystal reports that is accessed by an application created in VS.net 2005. The report relies on the user inserting parameters to filter the report but when the report is accessed via the application the …

Member Avatar for lukabrol
Member Avatar for Indianblues

Hi I am trying to learn asp.net. Can anyone suggest me a good book which will teach developing asp.net applications from IDE(VS2008 or Visual Web Exp Edition 2008). I mean directly opening the IDE and placing the controls and changing the properties the controls. Even small concepts also explained through …

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for sireesha.c

Hi all, Can u plz tell me as how to upload images. I am developing an web application similar to picasaweb album. I need to know as where the images to be saved(is it in database directly each image or just image path in database and files in application folder) …

Member Avatar for hepsy.i

I want to automatically send an email to customers on a set date. So if it is know in the database that the due date is July 11 2008 then the sql server has a schedule task … and it triggers a asp.net page to be run that sends the …

Member Avatar for newMeg

Hi im developing an asp.net report using vb language. I created the report previously using datagrid,which works well when i click the export button. It downloads the datagrid to excel format. But now i need to add anew header to the report,so i changed to using table which seems as …

Member Avatar for giri.hanchate
Member Avatar for pranav_jog

I put a tabIndex=0 on my textbox and tabIndex=1 for a button. The focus is on my textbox. After the first Tab, it also jumps to the URL address and get to my button only on the second tab. I believed the problem comes from the fact that each control …

Member Avatar for pranav_jog
Member Avatar for krisel

can someone please help me.. im working on a nested gridview where the parent gridview displays the majorcategory while the childgridview displays the material, unit cost, quantity, total etc...my problem is whenever i clicked on the compute button it does not compute subtotals..meaning it continuously add the value. i need …

Member Avatar for virendra_sw

Hi, I want to export crystal report fom ASP .Net in word format. I am able to export crystal report but it dosen't give be the Word toolbar as we can see in the when Msword document is opened. oStream = DirectCast(Me.reportdocoument.ExportToStream(CrystalDecisions.[Shared].ExportFormatType.WordForWindows), MemoryStream) Response.Clear() Response.Buffer = True Response.ContentType = "application/msword" …

Member Avatar for Kusno
Member Avatar for vatspoonam

hi friends! m new to asp and getting d following error when trying to run a code: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS. please guide …

Member Avatar for Kusno
Member Avatar for brightline

I want a free smart asp.net datetimepicker or datepicker control. thnx in advance.

Member Avatar for Kusno
Member Avatar for whoost

Hi, I'm currently developing a master page for an ASP.NET web site. I would like the page to have a footer that "sticks" to the bottom of the page, but can move downward if the content above it gets to large. I've looked around but really I'm just lost and …

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Member Avatar for greeny_1984

hi, iam having an application in which i need to validate all the fileds present above a particular field when user clicks on any field present in a page.similar to this link [url]http://my.naukri.com/manager/createacc2.php?othersrcp=5424&wExp=N[/url] is this possible using validator callout extender. can we use javascript to achieve this functionality. if thru …

Member Avatar for ratri
Member Avatar for tazquebec

[code=PHP] Name: <?php print $_POST['nameField']; ?> br/> Age: <?php print $_POST['ageField']; ?> <br/> Comment: <?php print $_POST['commentField']; ?> <br/> [/code] [B]How do I do the same thing in C#?[/B] Thanks:?:

Member Avatar for tazquebec
Member Avatar for madhu_raju76

Hi friends, There is one small problem for me regarding the data access..... Iam creating one FormView and iam connecting it to the SQL-server to access the table data..in that table iam creating a field without entering any value By using the FormView iam entering the value dynamically and iam …

Member Avatar for bala24

Hi, I have this application that logs call durations and allows user to enter details about the call. I am having a problem with the functionality in a peculiar case. The application validates inputs through JavaScript and prompts for errors through alert messages. The counter has been coded through a …

Member Avatar for tuse

Ok, I know I've asked this before but am yet to get a convincing answer. Unlike VS 2005, its very difficult to position controls as desired (at required location) in VS 2008. The Absloute Layout thingy does not seem to work correctly. What is the best way to go about …

Member Avatar for Fungus1487
Member Avatar for VB noobster

Anybody knows what tools to use in order to create a simple webcam functions in a website using ASP.net? the webcam can take picture and save that picture. heLP! :(

Member Avatar for Fungus1487
Member Avatar for manohar2010

I have seen code for graph in dotnet, i Entered all code executed, it is executed successfully but result graphis not comming . It is giving some message about xmlfile or some text is missied

Member Avatar for VB noobster

anyone knows step by step how to create a search button and how to link it to the database? the motive is to search the ID number of the students from the database.

Member Avatar for senol01
Member Avatar for Sikelela

Hi all, I am new in ASP.NET and still learning, i would to create a master page but i quite stuggling with the layout on where should i start, so please help me.

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for vicky_rk13

Hi Guys, I am Implementing a site which provides Files for Download afte they are purchased online. The files for download need to be accessable to download manager after only the user logs in. and also the file download url should be active for only a specified period say(7 days). …

Member Avatar for vicky_rk13
Member Avatar for ChimpusDupus

Is there any easy (as in programmatic) way to make sure that every theme in the ASP.NET App_Themes folder for an application has skin definitions for all of the same controls. For example, if an application has 3 themes and a new user control was added to a page, is …

Member Avatar for kenronmax

Hi everyone out there, I am a novice in Asp.net therefore need all your helps. I have to create a multiple search engine similar the Google advanced book search and Amazon book search. It will be multiplied text fields, drop down list and so on. I have the problems connect …

Member Avatar for Stormbitch

Wow! Last time I posted on here, I found it to be the most comprehensive plethora of genuises on the planet. And hence it has become like an ambulance to me when I have a disaster on my hands. I am trying to set up a system on my site …

Member Avatar for pranav_jog

I'm developing web application in as.net and the most bizarre situation ocurred. in this application i am using only one aspx page ,When I select any item from dropdownliast then pageload is called again & again , and the dropdownliast_selectedomdexchanged method is called right after that. then page is loaded …

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for cellus205

Hows it going everyone. I am having trouble clearing the data in an access DB that I am using in my program. I have two DataGrids and each have a table from my access DB bound to them. Im not having any trouble adding the data to them, but the …

Member Avatar for WhYuLoOkIn

I'm new to deploying asp.net 3.5 websites. Is there a way to access the website admin tool after deploying a website. If not is there a way to allow the admin to add new admin users when using the user creation wizard? Thanks in Advance

Member Avatar for vinlam

This is my code. But there are 3 errors in it. 1st Error: Dim message As New MailMessage() 2nd Error: SmtpMail.SmtpServer = mailServer 3rd Error: SmtpMail.Send(message) Can someone teach me how to configure and correct the code? Imports System.Web.Mail Partial Class ReferaFriend Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, …

Member Avatar for pranav_jog

I have a user control dropdownlist, and its intended that when a user selects any item from dropdownlist , then accordingly image is displayed on the same form. My problem is, when i select once from dropdownlist then , the page is going through the page_load and after clicking again …

Member Avatar for tuse

The End.