Hi, I am currently creating a website for my company and I am new to VS .NET programming. I have been using it for about two or three months as a trainee but my supervisor has currently gone away for a project she must complete up there. Anyway, my problem is, I am trying to make the header display different colored links for the page in question, no it's not as simple as using the average html alink as it is SPECIFICALLY for the header only and must only change for the page in question. E.g. I am currently on the "Index.aspx" page, I would like for the "Home" link in the header to change from navy blue to dark orange or red, whatever. When I change the page I wish for the "Home" Link to return to navy blue and the page in question's link to be dark orange or red. This is the code I have so far:

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

If (what goes here?) Is ("Index.aspx") Then

lnkHome.ForeColor = Color.DarkOrange

lnkEmp.ForeColor = Color.Empty

lnkVac.ForeColor = Color.Empty

lnkIntrnl.ForeColor = Color.Empty

lnkReg.ForeColor = Color.Empty

lnkLnks.ForeColor = Color.Empty

lnkCntct.ForeColor = Color.Empty

End If

End Sub

Oh, by the way, the header is a control, and the code snippet above was extracted from it. If you could help out here I would be so thankful to you as this is the only problem I am stuck on! Thanks very much guys!

I just tried something else, in index.aspx i've put

imports gwt.head

then I put

lnkHome.ForeColor = Color.Red

I go to build, but there is an error because gwt.head is protected or something?? I will keep trying and keep you updated, I need help!

I'm not sure what gwt is, but its not in the standard .NET Framework. If you remove the imports line, you're code probably should compile properly.

How does your site work? Is everything done off one page with querystrings? Are their seperate ASP.NET Web Forms for each 'highlighed link'?

head.ascx is the web control I am using for the header, and gwt is the name of my project......

Sorry, I did not really explain the site properly. Each link is a new webform, I have used zero query strings. Home page is index.aspx, register page is register.aspx, Contact page is contact.aspx and so on.

if you require anything else... let me know please

I think you're looking at this from the wrong angle. A better way to make your navigation is with the DataList control. When you make your DataList control, make sure to make a different SelectedItemStyle. When your DataList is setup, all that you need to do is tell the DataList which item to 'select' (use the different style).

I got it to work!!! The way I intended it to work.

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


If Request.RawUrl = "/gwt/Index.aspx" Then

lnkHome.ForeColor = Color.Red

lnkVac.ForeColor = Color.Empty

lnkIntrnl.ForeColor = Color.Empty

lnkReg.ForeColor = Color.Empty

lnkEmp.ForeColor = Color.Empty

lnkLnks.ForeColor = Color.Empty

lnkCntct.ForeColor = Color.Empty

End If

That is under my header control, it works WOOOOHOOO!

...Now I have to minimise coding by using the case system... hmmm.:)

Hehe Done :cheesy:. It's So satisfying to actually figure something out by yourself. Here is the Code.

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Dim CurrentPage As String

CurrentPage = Request.RawUrl

Select Case CurrentPage

Case "/gwt/Index.aspx"
lnkHome.ForeColor = Color.Red
lnkVac.ForeColor = Color.Empty
lnkIntrnl.ForeColor = Color.Empty
lnkReg.ForeColor = Color.Empty
lnkEmp.ForeColor = Color.Empty
lnkLnks.ForeColor = Color.Empty
lnkCntct.ForeColor = Color.Empty
End Select

and I just proceeded to put all of the pages in there, works like a charm. However, even though I have been struggling to figure that out, my boss thinks the links are dull and now I have to create some wacky tabacky rollover in photoshop for him. However, my efforts were not a waste as I have learned much along the way to solving that problem. Happy coding all, hope you guys are as successful as I have been... so far ;).

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