13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for Abhishek_Boga

Hi Sir, I was trying hard to get the image on the Crystal report when the user selects the formid from aspx form in .net. Kindly let me know how to save the image in the database by coding so that whenever I select the formid the image should display …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for psathish2

hi ... [B]javascript:[/B] [code] function calc() { var qty=eval(document.getElementById('<%=txtnoofpack.ClientID %>').value); var fre=eval(document.getElementById('<%=txtFregiht.ClientID %>').value); var ha=eval(document.getElementById('<%=txthamai.ClientID %>').value); var dd=eval(document.getElementById('<%=lblDDcharge.ClientID %>').value); document.getElementById('<%=txtamt.ClientID %>').value = qty * fre + dd + ha; var ser=eval(document.getElementById('<%=txtsertax.ClientID %>').value); var am=eval(document.getElementById('<%=txtamt.ClientID %>').value); if(am >= 750 ) { document.getElementById('<%=txttot.ClientID %>').value = ser * am + am ; } …

Member Avatar for psathish2
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Day All. Am binding the treeview from a Database and it gets populated and am sorting it after this way [CODE]SortTree(CurriculumTreeView);[/CODE] [CODE]private void SortTree(TreeView tv) { if (tv.Nodes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < tv.Nodes.Count; i++) { TreeNode node = tv.Nodes[i]; SortNode(node); } } }[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for dskumar_85
Member Avatar for DeepakBisht

hi all, Is this is there any way in asp.net to create object of a web form in any other web form to access its member function ??

Member Avatar for Ashesh Shah
Member Avatar for dumbncool

Hi, I have a gridview to which I'm adding template fields programmatically. Each of the template fields have a textbox. I would like to make this text box have 2-way binding to a database column. Please see below code. [CODE]public class CustomEditItemTemplate : ITemplate { private DataControlRowType templateType; private string …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for nihirrshah

I have a column structure in gridview account dept1 dept2 dept3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 12 3 1 3 12 These rows are different records from database. I want to have account dept1 dept2 dept3 1 1 1 1 2 12 3 1 12 Is there a …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for SanchitPaurush

[b]Split from - [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread95019.html[/url] [/b] I am also facing the same problem. I have developed an asp.net project in 3.5 version and it looks different in Mozilla and IE. also when the ie window is in restore mode (means in small size) all the content get mixed. Help me out …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for dhivyamsc

I'm creating a material management website i need to search a record from sql server 2005 and have to update or delete it.I used ado to connect to server

Member Avatar for madmital
Member Avatar for bonnysammy

I'm sure I'm missing something that is fairly easy, but I can't get it to work. I have a SQL Update Stored Proc. In this SP, the Primary Key can be modified. So, First I check if the PK is changing, then if it is, I check to see in …

Member Avatar for madmital
Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi here i wants to show the room numbers by using the following code but it is not working. here iam giving the code plese give the proper coding [CODE] Dim conn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("guest1").ConnectionString()) conn.Open() Dim da As New SqlCommand("select room_no from guesthouse where room_no not in(select room_no from …

Member Avatar for madmital
Member Avatar for coollife

i have a checkbox inside a datagrid when i select few checkboxes in 1st page and when i move to 2nd page the checked status of 1st checkboxes disappear(they become false) one more doubt if i want to make a checkbox true which is in 3rd page how to do …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for solomon_13000

I do come across many sites that teaches how to create a link that expires. I decided that once a person registers and if successful the person will be taken to a thank you page. In that thank you page, the person will be introduced to a one time offer. …

Member Avatar for TinsaeG
Member Avatar for sandeep.snl

how can we handle exception ,make entry to log file using Microsoft enterprise library in Asp.net Web Application.

Member Avatar for sandeep.snl
Member Avatar for Traicey

Hi All I have datagrid with a dopostback javascript, right now it looked click-able, when I hover with a mouse it select the entire row, except one thing when I click it doesnt do anything, I need to select a row in my datagrid and pass the values of the …

Member Avatar for Traicey
Member Avatar for Calvin Nguyen

Hi all, I have a Windows Communication Foundation service which queries the Entity Framework and retrieves data in the form of Entity objects. I'd like to serialize these objects to JSON and send them back to the client to be interpreted in Javascript. It seems this is tricky, according posts …

Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi iam getting in date_of_arr field crystal reports like, [U]date_of_arr[/U] 2/2/2010 12:00:00AM i wants to get only 2/2/2010,,,,,,,,, how it is possible........... help me pls........... give me any sites ,,,,,,,,,for solving this problem.........

Member Avatar for madcloud

Hi all! I would like some help for getting a value out of a selected row of a datagrid. To do this i used the following code but it returns an empty string (DG is my datagrid) string val = DG.SelectedItem.Cells[1].Text; Response.Write("*"+val+:*"); The rouput of this its: ** although there …

Member Avatar for Kapil Vaichalka
Member Avatar for kdcorp87

i don't want to use crystal report. i want to print a fromview or gridview in my printer by c# code in a webfrom. window.print() pint the whole page i want only the selected part will be print by pressing print button. .................................................thanks

Member Avatar for kdcorp87
Member Avatar for dhanasekaran16

i have a textbox and dropdownlist .whenever the dropdownlist content change then the texbox will display something and it isdifferent for each item in the dropdownlist try to sovle it by asp.net using c#

Member Avatar for mith_cool
Member Avatar for ashab27

[code] public partial class QuestionPage : System.Web.UI.Page { string scon = "Data Source=RBWORKSTATION2\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=onlineexamdb;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"; SqlDataAdapter da; SqlCommand cmd; DataSet ds; SqlConnection con; ArrayList myArrayList = new ArrayList(); public String ques, option1,option2,option3,option4; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(scon); con.Open(); da = …

Member Avatar for mith_cool
Member Avatar for eaohen

I am having an issue with the MSChart Control . I want to be able to set fill colors based on specific data points. Example if my pie chart has Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma as datapoints then I would like to Programmatically Set Texas as a specific color, Arkansas as …

Member Avatar for lalit_agr84

I am newbie in ASP.net application. Right now I am developing a ASP.net application (3.5 framework) but getting an issue. My application is about to download a file using asp.net 3.5 . So I am using Response.WriteFile() (along with other validation) and it is working fine. But the issue I …

Member Avatar for vankysrox

i m using gridview on ma page.aspx and in gridview i m using hyperlink that contain mem_id and open new window and show the record acc. to that mem_id but the problem is that when i close the 2nd window...grid of sender page get invisible and what i want i …

Member Avatar for chunalt787

I am writing a bug tracking system and this is my first time using .NET. I will have a SQL database to store the bugs but I want to have a table on my main screen that will list the bugs from the SQL database and when the bug is …

Member Avatar for jamesonh20
Member Avatar for kyeong

This loop is suppose to re-color every button that's on top and to the right of the clicked button. I can have it work on one column or one row, but when I try to get it to work on more than one row and/or column, this exception is thrown …

Member Avatar for bonnysammy

I have a loop where radio buttons are displayed depending on certain information. I need to make the ID a combination for two variables, Resource and a counter, i. I have it looping [CODE] for (int i = 0; i < ResourceCount; i++) {%> <TD> <%string ResourceName = Resource[i].ToString(); <%=ResourceName%> …

Member Avatar for bonnysammy
Member Avatar for kyeong

Hello, I'm not sure if the title makes any sense, but this is what I'm trying to do. I have multiple buttons and it's connected to this single event handler. The ID for each button is btnXX, XX being the row and column. [CODE]protected void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { …

Member Avatar for kyeong
Member Avatar for campkev

Ok occasionally I get the following error message on my site System.String Substring(Int32, Int32) Error: Length cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: length here's the wierd part, I don't use that Substring function, I use System.String Substring(Int32) whose only parameter is start. So I am getting an error from …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for sakhi kul

Hi, I am trying to validate a simple form using jQuery. So,I created database company and in that my table manager. here I am trying to add manager record. the code is here- AddManager.aspx file [code] <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<Formvalidation.Models.manager>" %> <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="TitleContent" runat="server"> AddManager </asp:Content> <asp:Content …


The End.