13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for firoz18
Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sasidhars

i write the procedure for login in this user can give username or emailid for the login. this is my code.... please check is there any change is required for this [code=text] ALTER procedure [dbo].[users_login] (@username varchar(50),@password varchar(50), @emailid varchar(50),@ret int output) as begin select username,password,emailid from users where( username=@username …

Member Avatar for padtes
Member Avatar for ema005

I built a window control as activex and i intend using it on the web page (i.e aspx page), but is not displaying on my browser. I added the activex to the page by inserting [icode]<object id="mycontrol" classid="ValupayActivex.dll#ValupayActivex.FileUplodX"></object>[/icode] into my html page. I had also added my project url to …

Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi i wants the code cor calulating multiplication operation,values taken from two text boxes and the resultant is stored in another text box.......... here iam using asp.net with vb.net..... please help me..........

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for solomon_13000

Upon registration to become a member of my site a confirmation email will be sent to the member. The email will contain a link to activate the members account. Example: http://www.abc.com/activate.aspx?id=<memberId> My question is if the memberId is visible, then a person can use this link over and over again …

Member Avatar for solomon_13000
Member Avatar for lefe0102

Hello Everyone.... I have had this problem for 3 days now and after going through many forums...I have had no luck. I am importing information from MS Access which goes to a data grid which in turn is sent to me in a lovely MS Excel File. This IS working …

Member Avatar for random1970
Member Avatar for Nfurman

Hello guys. My future site physically locating in: C:\inetpub\wwwroot directory, which is accessible as [url]http://localhost[/url]. IIS 7.0 knows this site as This means, that I created new site in IIS and assigned physical location even the directory of my over-mentioned site. Looks like everything works fine. In SQL Server …

Member Avatar for Nfurman

Hello. I am constructing feedback form - SMTP - ADO - Captcha OK. Everything works fine to me. Except one important thing. After smtp and sql injection and Reset(), user can hit back in browser and after that resend message. that's not good. How to make the data in form …

Member Avatar for Nfurman
Member Avatar for Yogeshdave

using datasource how i can display image on my webpage by datalistview .binding imagebox

Member Avatar for sumangala

I ma doing Jqgrid application. DemoJQGrid is the name of my application. Why this errror comes. [B] Could not load type 'DemoJQGrid.MvcApplication'[/B] and the error page is global.asax.cs

Member Avatar for Pari13

Hello Developer, I have problem to make transperant progressbar at central of the page. I am trying to run the .gif file that can seen at middle of the page with small square and in square small circle is rouding. and after some time it will removed. It must be …

Member Avatar for kanuri1

why this code is not working........ here iam givin two radio buttons. if first one is selected one text box is displayed. if second is selected one text box is displayed . here my coding is given below please correct it........ [CODE] If yes.Checked Then nicstaff = "Y" ElseIf no.Checked …

Member Avatar for mail2saion
Member Avatar for debangan.b

I need to learn .net 3.5 frame work. I dont have much knowledge about this. Can anyone please tell me what are the things i need to learn to handle a site as I am working in a site devlopment team and also how much time will take to handle …

Member Avatar for debangan.b
Member Avatar for ricksvoid

Hi, I am a mostly self taught aspiring asp.net developer looking for some constructive criticism. Here is a sales lead management application ive been working on. [url]www.skylimittechnology.com/enterprise.aspx[/url] I was developing this for a company before they went bankrupt and never paid me. I should be able to take the same …

Member Avatar for moganrajn

I created Report using SSRS 08 and integrated with VS 05 application. The application render the report properly when the application root folder not configured as virtual directory. If it is configured as virtual directory then it will throw following error msg "The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized." …

Member Avatar for t_rajan19
Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sparker_man

Hi Guys! I am starting a social networking web application project. I cant make up my mind whether to use PHP or ASP.NET. Which one is better, easier and more useful? Any suggestions...TY.

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for ChimpusDupus

Hi, I have several themes that can be applied to pages on a website based on a users preferences. The problem is that the only way I know how to apply a theme to a website is to set the Page.Theme object in the page's PreInit event. This requires that …

Member Avatar for andy28
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

Hi i want to create a website just like "active collab" where number of clients can register and manage their software projects progress or absloutely any kind of projects and track the progress of project. I want the client or clients to give facility to register to our project management …

Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi i want to show the message box using database conditions,,,,, here my coding is given below......... [code] Protected Sub roomno_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles roomno.SelectedIndexChanged Dim conn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("guest1").ConnectionString()) Try conn.Open() Dim dr As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader Dim da As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("select room_no from guesthouse WHERE …

Member Avatar for kanuri1
Member Avatar for greeny_1984

hii every one, i have an application containing data list. datalist contains radio button as item template.i want only one radio button to be checked ie when the user clicks on one checkbox the other checkboxes should be unchecked.i have used groupname ,but no use .can any one give the …

Member Avatar for tamannashah
Member Avatar for ajijacobm

I'm a B.tech student.I have to complete a project based on community website.I Need to know the source code for chatting,scrapping blogging,Everything related to a community website.They are need to be completed within 15 days..But i don't have any idea,where to start with..ANy body,PLease Help me..........:'(

Member Avatar for RAMAN2233

I am using auto complete extender in my project but whenever auto complete is displaying the item list, it is also displaying the drop down below the auto complete extender.Can anyone suggest me how to block the drop down visibility when i use auto-complete Thanx in advance

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for woznickis

I'm new to ASP. I have a simple contact form - text fields only - and the results are emailed. But I can't get the page to display. I get a Runtime Error. [CODE]<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/SiteMaster.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="contact_me_Default" Title="Untitled Page" %> <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server"> <div id="iCntnr"> <div …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Pari13

The technique that allow code to make function calls to .NET applications on other processes and on other machines is............? plz,fill the correct blank.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for lokesh87

Sir, This is lokesh from Moradabad Student of MCA 6th sem. I have joined this website first time for your kind help... Sir I have decided to makes my project on Topic "Faculty Pages " in IIIT Roorkee Campus. Sir please provide me the information about this topic..Thanking u.. Sir

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sokan

Hi ,we are kanchana and sohini, studying final year BE,we have been assigned a project.we would like to know what is the first step towards starting the project!!!!!!!!!!!!! pleeeeeeaaaase help!!!!

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for kanuri1

help me please........... here iam writing code for client side validations....... but the code is not properly working..... it will not show any error messages....... here my code is given below..... iam working asp.net with vb.net sql server database..... please check my code and give me the correct code........... [code] …

Member Avatar for samuel_1991

Hi, I found myself a difficulty on creating a image uploader to my database. This is because in .NET CF, I cant find File Upload control. Is there any other options and how should I do it? I know there is a OpenFileControl but there is a problem on saving …

Member Avatar for samuel_1991
Member Avatar for TanWS

Hi All, I'am having trouble passing image take from j2me application to asp.net C# webservice. I tried converting the image in byte[] to base64 string and pass to webmethod that receive a string and received the following error. Please help! javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException: error 0 during TCP write at com.sun.j2mews.xml.rpc.SOAPEncoder.encode(+248) at com.sun.j2mews.xml.rpc.OperationImpl.invoke(+40) …


The End.