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652 Posted Topics
Re: Hi, Take a Look at this thread: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread65252.html[/url] Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, Yes, Client_ID's should be Unique. But still if, you want to renumber them, Change your code to : [CODE] Public Sub generateid() Dim i As Integer i = 1 If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Close rs.Open "clientdetails", admincon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic Do While Not rs.EOF rs("Client_ID") = i rs.Update i … | |
Re: Hi, Keep the Cursor in a TextBox and click the button on the BarCode Reader or Shoot the BarCode Gun, The Text/Alphanumeric Equivalent of the Bar Code is displayed in the TextBox. Provided u have properly installed all the .dll's of the BarCode reader given to u by the vendor. … | |
Re: Hi, Before showing the report just Refresh it..: [code] DataReport1.Refresh DataReport1.Show [/code] Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, write this code in Command Click event: [code] [COLOR=green]If[/COLOR][COLOR=green] RadioButton1.Checked = [/COLOR][COLOR=green]True[/COLOR][COLOR=green] Or RadioButton2.Checked=True [/COLOR][COLOR=green]Then[/COLOR] [COLOR=green] Form1.Show[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Else[/COLOR] [COLOR=green] Form2.Show[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]End if[/COLOR] [/code] Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, Try to Install Crystal Reports 4.6 seperately... Note: if there is higher version of CR installed in the system, CR4.6 may not get installed... Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, You dont need a recordset to execute.. change 16 an 17 line to one line... cn.Execute strsql Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, u can also [URL="http://aspalliance.com/articleViewer.aspx?aId=138"]check this[/URL] Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, After Do While Not .EOF @ Line 21, write : `r = r + 1` Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, Save the Index of the label Control, in the Tag Property... Write this line at Line 16 `lbl.Tag = x` In Click Event.. and to get the Index, use: `MsgBox(CType(sender, Label).Tag)` Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, Try this : ` GroupBox2.Visible = True` ` GroupBox1.Visible = False` ` TextBox1.Focus()` Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, Change this line: `Dim search1 As String = "'%" & string1 & "%'"` Keep a BreakPoint on this line... "cmd.CommandText" and check the SQL Query... Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, Looks like... "xlApp" is an Application Object.. and "Sheets" is not immediate properlty... You have to check for.. `xlWorkBook.Sheets.Count` Change the workbook, variable name accordingly.. and also, make sure, it is declared in the same procedure or declared Module Level... and it has to be opened, before checking sheets.count... … | |
Re: Hi, Write this in Form1's button click event: `Form2.Lable1.Caption = "<My Caption>"` Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, Combined with lat_upd, You can Select using Order By RowID.. RowID is unique for each row... Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, Readers, always have to be closed... After "End While".. write this : `Reader.Close()` Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, For VB6, Post your query In "Visual basic 4/5/6" Group... In VB6, You cannot declare and assign Value in same statement... Change your code to: Dim i as integer i =1 If its a Contant.. Const i As Integer =1 Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, Dont directly bind to the ListBox control.. Populate items to it, using SQL Reader.. and then you can add listitems, as and when required.. Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, Also, you have to post Sample data, which you are recieving from the Serial CommPort... Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, Try This: TextBox1.Text = DateTimePicker2.Value.ToString("dd/mm/yyyy") Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, You can hide... Dim TPage As TabPage TPage = TabControl1.TabPages(2) TabControl1.Controls.Remove(TPage) If you want to readd the tab page.. You can check the full coding here : http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/winforms/thread/89053adf-7875-4db9-b328-460a7b1f97c0 Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, You are getting the error, because, you have not populated the connection string for the connection... call the function getConnect.. and open the connection... Connect.GetConnect() Conn.Open() Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, Like ReverendJim says.. change the SQL statement.. write "Where and filedname..." CMD = New SqlCommand("select * from table_name WHERE Field_Name =#" _ & Format(from_date, "yyyy-MMM-dd") & "# ", CON) Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, Write this in Lost Focus, of the TextBox... Dim SpFlg As Boolean Dim i As Integer Dim TAsc As Integer Dim TChar As String Dim TNewText As String SpFlg = False TNewText = "" For i = 1 To Len(Text1.Text) TChar = Mid(Text1.Text, i, 1) TAsc = Asc(TChar) If … | |
Re: Hi, Place the Database in the same folder as the project/application... and wrire this code in form_load..: Adodc1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path _ & "\MyDB.mdb ;Persist Security Info=False" Adodc1.Refresh change database name accordingly.. bind all the controls, in runtime.. not design time... Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, In your table, what type of field is "purchase_date"...? If it is a Date field, you dont have to use "Like" operator.. you need to query using Date Functions... What database it is..? Access..? MSSQL..? Oracle..? Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, In Property pages of Text1 .. MaxLength = 3 write this code, in Validate Event of textbox Private Sub Text1_Validate(Cancel As Boolean) If Val(Text1.Text) > 0 And Val(Text1.Text) <=100 Then Else Cancel = True End If End Sub Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, Try using Month(AttendanceDate) "Select COUNT(DayShift) FROM Attendance WHERE AttendanceStatus = 6 AND " _ & " Month(AttendanceDate) = " & Month(DateTimePicker1.Text) & " AND Firstname ='" _ & Firstname_txt.Text.Trim & "';" Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, Your SQL statement contains "roomType.roomType" Make sure, "roomType" Table, has "roomType" Column Name Regards Veena | |
Re: Hi, What you can do is.. Add one more ListBox, and add all the names from database into that list box.. In Change event of combobox, clear combobox.. and loop thru the Listbox, add items to combo box with like condition... Regards Veena |
The End.