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181 Posted Topics
Re: i think using only PrtScrn isn't sufficient as there is problem regarding scrolling also so it can capture the entire form (capture only presently visible part) so try the following first increase screen resolution , then probably you will be able to see the entire form and then use PrtScrn … | |
Re: first , create your own thread.New thread. then ask your exact problem there and don't ask us to write code for you. [Click Here](http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/visual-basic-4-5-6/4/contribute) to create a new thread. | |
Re: i am not sure what do you mean by scan here. is it uploading a file ? or is it scanning using scanner ? for saving files to the database:- ther are many ways to achieve that but what i used when i was working on vb6 was that save … | |
Re: till now i dont do much vb.net but i am familiar to vb6 , so on the basis of vb6 i am giving you a answer i dont understand why you are making login form without database connection, but if you really dont wanna use it , then try it:- … | |
Re: use loop after search query While rec.EOF = False 'write here what you wants (display records) rec.MoveNext wend hope this helps you | |
Re: try this:- char arr[]={"UNAME"}; for(int i=0;arr[i]!=NULL;i++) { printf("%x\t",arr[i]); //this is what you want } hope this may help you , however i am not much familiar with c programing . | |
Re: good judgements come from experience and experience comes from bad judgements | |
Re: addition(int n1, int n2); subtract(int n1, int n2); division(int n1, int n2); multiply(int n1, int n2); don't call functions in that manner. it should be `addition(n1,n2);` (as Ancient Dragon said). you are passing variable here which are not declared. so either declare these variable and input values to those and … | |
Re: you are newbie to daniweb , so i would suggest you to read its rules post your questions ( including your efforts ) to new thread. | |
Re: DOS `echo hello world` VB6 `Print "Hello World"` VB.Net `Console.WriteLine("Hello World")` | |
Re: Please make full use of code button when are you going to put code here.right ? now let's come on the thread. Errors occur because you are using Inline If and when you are using Inline If then there is no need to put End If and more issue is … | |
Re: Try This : Private Sub cmdValid_Click() If (txtPassword.Text <> txtPassword.Tag) Then If (varx <> 3) Then If MsgBox("Password Incorrect", vbRetryCancel) = vbRetry Then varx = varx + 1 Else MsgBox "Retry disabled" End If Else MsgBox "Login Successful" End If End Sub on Form_load() Private Sub Form_Load() varx = 0 … | |
Re: > my professor ask us to create a program that has auto logout feature after 2mins or set my own time to logout, after the user logged in to the machine, just add one timer and set interval to 1000 and then write the following code :- Private Sub Timer1_Timer() … | |
Re: first off, this thread belongs to vb.net forum. But , Consider following : > histWrite.WriteLine(item) item is object type and if you print it to the file then it will be inserted as string. So , write this :- hisWrite.WriteLine(item.ToString()) > and this is always my result (duplicates are not … | |
Re: firstly , i don't see any problem in the code. > But I want always as dd/mm/yyyy 16/11/2013 Try This: Format(Now, "dd/mm/yyyy") Above statement will display present date.So you can also print desired in the Specific Pattern by replacing `Now` with your `date type variable`. the above statement will result … | |
Re: VB.net is just like Visual Basic in .net framework. its extention of classic Visual Basic. i just give the overview about it . For more detial you should google for it. | |
Re: > Write a Java program that allows the teacher to calculate the grade for a student. A Student should write this assignment for the purpose of practicing . How can we help you , if you don't show your efforts. Here you have to come with the some efforts to … | |
Re: i am 100% agree with the solution of ddanbe. but you can also get the same result with this:- Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Integer x = Text1.Text y = Text2.Text z = Text3.Text Text4.Text = x + y + z but ,here i recommend to … | |
Re: > how to get datetime function ?? for this , you should create a new thread with appropriate title. | |
Re: > MRS.Open "SELECT Fno,Fname,Faddress,Fphone FROM Master WHERE Fno = '" & Val(TxtFno.Text) & "'", conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic here make sure that Fno field's type is not number if it is defined as Number then use this: MRS.Open "SELECT Fno,Fname,Faddress,Fphone FROM Master WHERE Fno ="& Val(TxtFno.Text) , conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic one … | |
Re: > Set Rs = Nothing > Set Con = Nothing don't set `Nothing` to these objects because you will use rs in` cmdrecord_Click()` procedure.So remove these lines. and use this :- rs.Fields("TIME OUT") = lblTMEOUT rs.Update | |
Re: > int num; i = 0; sum = 0; that was the problem from the above, could you tell what type of `i` and `sum` are;- answer is no. declare variables as follow :- int num,i = 0,sum = 0; hope this helps you . . . | |
Re: well i don't do c# programing but i can just provide the logic behind this:- retrieve data using select query and then concatente these column values. I think `+` may help you to do this(concatenate). | |
Re: > What's that n for in line 18? yes, its good practice that if there is no use of any variable remove these.(i think they consume memory). so , if `n` is not useful then don't declare it. | |
Re: > I need a vb6 decompiler any help ? well, i never used it . but anyway , [Click Here](http://www.vb-decompiler.org/) .first download and use it for a trial and if you satisfied with its performance then you can order for its full version. Hope this link may help you. | |
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Re: its really working for ordinary users also. but it can be improved as i notice that it shows maximum 5 user and there may be more than 5 who satisfy the condition like name like . thanx | |
Re: first declare array variable so that you can store inputted value to this, so declare array variable dim arrx(4) as double getting input through input box and store its values to an array variable. for i=0 to 4 arrx(i)=inputbox("enter value") sum_of_array=sum_of_array+arrx(i) next calculate the average , for this write as … | |
Re: > i am using access for my database. microsoft access to be exact. try this:- con.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\db.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" | |
Re: payal , welcome to daniweb its really interesting and i am sure that you will get more help here.(people here , are more supportive in nature). |
The End.