Friends, I have a Database in Access, Table Name- Master . Structure is given below
Mno=Membership no in digits
Name=Member's Name
Fno=Family number in digits
Fname=name of the family
Faddress=Address of family
Fphone=Telephone of Family
The database contains several records where some members come under the same family.In other words,Suppose there are 10 members.2 members come under Fno 1,3 members come under Fno 2, 5 members come under Fno 3.
My problem is this
If I modify the family details of one member,that modification must be simultanously updated in the family details of all other members of that family
I tried the following code
If MRS.State = adStateOpen Then MRS.Close
MRS.Open "SELECT Fno,Fname,Faddress,Fphone FROM Master WHERE Fno = '" & Val(TxtFno.Text) & "'", conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
Do While Not MRS.EOF
MRS("Fno") = TxtFno.Text
MRS("Fname") = TxtFname.Text
MRS("Faddress") = TxtFddress.Text
MRS("Fphone") = TxtFphone.Text
On running the following error message is shown
Key column information is insufficient or incorrect. Too many rows were affected by update.
Pleas help me out