13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for queryme

Hi I have a Senario like this. i have a textbox FCN NUmber. i have entered the text in that textbox and then clicks on Submit. the value should go and store in the Database Row where there is already the values entered like firstname,lastname,mobile,address Etc. the FCN Number should …

Member Avatar for malashukla
Member Avatar for new SE

how i can retrive the username from database based on the username and password only to make a welcome at the first page?

Member Avatar for new SE
Member Avatar for c12345n

I have a solution with many projects (assembled sepparetely), all works fine, but I want merge all because i want make only one project (I want it more secure without reflection to make obfuscation process). In process of integration anything appear not be assigned correctly. - I want run unified …

Member Avatar for Venjense
Member Avatar for Emiliya

Hi all... I have one repeater control with check boxes in one of the page.My requirement is i have to pass the values of the row that i have checked (multiple check boxes can be selected at a time) when i click on a add button in the same page …

Member Avatar for Emiliya
Member Avatar for johndoe444
Member Avatar for johndoe444

Why do we use formCollection? Why can't we just use Request.QueryString instead? Thanks

Member Avatar for johndoe444

In the add view dialog there is a field called view content. what is the purpose of this field?

Member Avatar for ankur_rishi2010

Hi Everyone! I'm new in C# 2008 and also in Crystalreports. Can U suggest me the best resource from where i get the whole knowledge about Crystalreport 2008. Anything can help me. Either you provide a link or any book that can resolve my issue. Pls help me!!

Member Avatar for catherine sea
Member Avatar for cocoll

hello! i need help to call a function in same aspx file to set the imageURL. so i have: in the default.aspx sub fillImage() [I]<code>[/I] end Sub and on the form load i have: img1.ImageURl= here i want to call the sub "fillImage" in the same aspx file the default.aspx …

Member Avatar for cocoll
Member Avatar for selicon.valley

i am developing website which on asp.net n backend is microsoft access now i have the grid into it with show 3 colums my questions are if i want to add2 more colums which i want to 5 how do i do now i want to add records into grid …

Member Avatar for lanitooot

hey guys, my simple program flows like this: a textbox where in you will input a keyword then when you press the 'go' button the data in the mysql database will be shown in the listview. im using mysql and vb .net. i've made the table with sample records in …

Member Avatar for Naveed_786
Member Avatar for anu3138

hello all, how to use javascript in content page of asp.net. i put the javascript code below contentplaceholder . but it is giving an error. how should i use javascript. plz help me as soon as possible. anu

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for swornavidhya_m

Statement: Connection with server takes a long time and provides "No message either it is timeout or someother thing other than time out". The state of the mouse during that time will be in "cursor: wait (an hourglass)" state. This problem is being faced occationationly, but now a days it …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for usg

I am at he beginning of starting an AIML based chatter-bot . It is web based chatterbot and I have selected the c#.net platform. *Is there any good articles to be start with? *Any tutorial help available?? Your suggestions and ideas are most welcome.Thank you very much.

Member Avatar for sgriffin

Hey everyone, I am trying to send an email and I never receive it, but I do get a message when I debug that: "Property access must assign to the property or use its value." Here is my VB code: [CODE] Imports System.Web.Mail 'Send email confirming purchase Dim notification As …

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Member Avatar for georgegra

Let me try to explain my situation. I have a database table which contains, among other things, a boolean column called PermissionSlipRequired. I have a repeater on my page, and before each row in the database is shown in the repeater, I want to use my code behind to check …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for steven

Hello , I am using web matrix and c#. I want to open a new browser from a button click. How can I do that? Thanks in advance. Steve

Member Avatar for dbeura
Member Avatar for San12345

[B]Pls tell me anybody how can i send msg from asp.net page(.aspx) to my gmail id on button click[/B]

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for steelnaaz

i have a format for printing and it is in excelsheet format.i am using microsoft visual studio 2005 in that vb.net as language.in my project there is a print button and on clicking that i want that printing must be done in that specific format only.also want to show the …

Member Avatar for vvashishta

I'm using Office Outlook and Office Excel interop library in my code. When I debug the application it works exactly as required on my local machine and at server too(remember only when I debug) but when I host the web application on server it throws an error that [B][B]"Active X …

Member Avatar for Hassan Radmehr

I installed Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2008 and use report viewer control in the C# express 2008 win forms, also i installed Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2010 and use it in the C# express 2008 win forms, but in c# express 2010 when i add reportviewer (2008 and 2010) to …

Member Avatar for steelnaaz

i am using MS-visual studio 2005 and VB.NET language in that. my ques is tht i am unable to load a crystalreport. all fields are shown from database (SQl SERVER 2005) but data is not shown so can anyone plz help??????????itz urgent

Member Avatar for steelnaaz
Member Avatar for davidbrennan

Does anybody know if its possible to have your website run on multiple separate application pools Some Background I am looking into start a shopping center style site. I intend to set up 100 folders, each folder on the site will be treated as a separate site. [url]http://www.MyShoppingCentre/JohnsMenswear[/url] [url]http://www.MyShoppingCentre/GerrysGardeningCenter[/url] I …

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for jtok

I am using Visual Studio 2010 for development. This is a web application using asp.net and vb.net with MS SQL Server 2005 for the database. I'm having some issues with inserted data being overwritten by the next transaction (if done within a relatively short amount of time, say, roughly several …

Member Avatar for jtok
Member Avatar for Pacman21

Hey Everyone, Currently I have the code as [CODE]Dim ExcelApp, ExcelWB ExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") ExcelApp.visible = True ExcelWB = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\test.xls") ExcelWB.saveas("C:\test2.xls")[/CODE] This works good but it only opens the excel outside of the webpage and not on the inside.. I have tried the iframes, but, in my opinion, it is …

Member Avatar for MichaelWClark
Member Avatar for sujimon

Hi, I am using VS-2005. In my website I have used the html input control with type=file. The problem is that when I place this control inside an 'UpdatePanel' the 'PostedFile' property becomes 'Nothing' on postback. So in order to get things working I have removed the 'UpdatePanel' and things …

Member Avatar for toddanglin
Member Avatar for Lazarevsky

The title is pretty much self-explanatory. What I want to know is will I be able to program in VS 2010 and the .NET 4.0 platform using C# 3.0 Thanks in advance!!

Member Avatar for jsjhass
Member Avatar for Lazarevsky

Hello to all! I'm really new to C# and I've started enjoying the beautiful C# programming language couple of months ago. In fact I've already bought MCTS 70-562 and 70-505 and I've been preparing myself for the demanding Microsoft tests. However, as we all know MS launched the new platform …

Member Avatar for jsjhass
Member Avatar for danicristea7511

Hy all, Can you please tell which is the best way: registering a command binding using CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding method or using the following statement: this.CommandBindings.Add(myCommand)? From as far as I understood, using CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding a memory leak occur becasue GC doesn't know to unregister the binding. Which is the difference between those …

Member Avatar for Major_Hafez

Hey , guys i'm just [I]beginner [/I], and wanna little help .. i have two WebPages ( [B]Default1 [/B]& [B]Default2 [/B]) in each one i put [COLOR="Red"]Datalist [/COLOR]control in [B]default1 [/B]the [COLOR="red"]Datalist [/COLOR]reading data from SQL DB and i edit Item Template to put [U]Hyberlink [/U]reading from DB ([U]Item_Name[/U]) !! …

Member Avatar for Emiliya

The End.