13,153 Topics
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I have a reporting page I am working on and I need to get this gridview exported to CSV. I have gotten everything setup properly but now when I export it the key collumn data is empty while all others are there. No where in the code do I mess … | |
Hi, once page is display, i want to display all record in gridview from database..in the page also has one button to search..then upon the button search is click, i want to display the result in other gridview and hiding the last gridview..how can i do? | |
Hello, I am new to asp.net. I am using visual studio 2010 express version. 1. I have a log in page with text boxes to accept username and password for admin. 2. Two buttons to rest and login. 3. I already created a sql server database connection from the server … | |
i am developing website which on asp.net n backend is microsoft access now i have the grid into it with show 3 colums my questions are if i want to add2 more colums which i want to 5 how do i do now i want to add records into grid … | |
ok..the thing is i finished my app and i kinda wanna distribute it...the versiion in wich it connects to the internet and downloads its prerequisites works perfectly,excepts it takes a looong time do install.So i want to include on the application CD all the prerequisites,but the problem is that i … | |
Hi all, I have no idea about C#. I know that its a good language +****************************************************+ | I DON'T NEED ANY HYPERLINKS( EXCEPT:Good Sites) | +*****************************************************+ My questions are the following ------------------------------- 1. What is the difference between C#, C++,VB.NEt? 2. What is .Net , is C# and C++ .Net … | |
I have an ASP.NET (2.0) web page for our company Intranet which uses Ajax via Javascript to communicate with an application server via UDP. The web page needs to constantly listen for UDP data to be received and occasionally send UDP data when the user clicks a button. I'm having … | |
Hello, I would like to know if Head First book is useful for studing Desgin Patterns for ASP.NET I have never read Design Patterns book and would like to start reading the same. So, i want to know which book is best in the market that will be really helpful. … | |
Hello all, I want to print a jpg file on button click event. Plz guide how can do this in asp.net 3.5 (VB) Alok | |
hello! i want to ask if there a way or if it's possible to copy an image to another? for example if i have an image,so i want to create another image but not specify the imageURL of the second image because i don't have the URL of the first … | |
m a newbie to vb.net and aspx and m trying to validate a login (employee id and date of birth) to a sql database and comin up with the following error ([B]CommandText property has not been initialized[/B]). thanks for the help.... [CODE]Protected Sub btn_memberlogin_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As … | |
hi to all this is my script for login means somebody wants to acess the private folder first it say to login then it redirect o requested page but ther is error when i submit the button please help me i take more than 26 hours but i am unable … | |
hello! i need your help to know wich control in asp.net i can use it to store binary data in it ,because gridview doesn't read or store binary data ,that column of binary data imported from database will be deleted so if i have in the database 3 columns one … | |
My program runs fine on my local server. I Copied the Project ( only the files needed to run ). Then uploaded my project to my website. [code] Server Error in '/' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service … | |
Hi, I have datagrid control. In that I place textbox, insert link button in hearder template. When I click that Insert button the value from textbox should be loaded into grid. I am capturing at rowcommand() here the code: If e.CommandName = "Insert" Then Dim t1 As TextBox t1 = … | |
Hello all. I am a new returnee to .net after several years in Coldfusion I have forgot a vast majority of what I knew ir thought I new. I have been tasked to build a page or code that looks through a folder for any files created yesterday, then send … | |
Good Day All i have Successfully binded the Telerik Schedular from Objects and its looking Good. Now i have to Bind the same results but in hierachial form. Please note that i am using Telerik Grid and the implementation is the same as asp.net Gridview. i need someone to Guide … | |
Hi Friends, How can I change the Command Text based on a Control event like clicking a button? I want to change the sql query on clicking a button. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance | |
Hello , I wanted to know few things regarding Web Application Development (WAP) using Dot Net Nuke technology.(DDN) Can any one please let me know can we use DDN technology with ASP.NET (3.0 etc..) for a better and faster development? How it can help us in building web applications? Secondly, … | |
Hey everyone! Very new to C# although I have alot of older coding experience. Not much object orientated programming though. Anyways, I have a .net program I'm working on, basically to work on my skills although it will prove to be useful. I am keeping track of my work schedule. … | |
i m developing website using asp.net with microsoft access 2003 i have product details along with the images now i want to add this images into database but how i add this pictures what code is use if there are 100 products with 100 images i want to show 10 … | |
[B]Create a project that contains a Pet class. Each object will contain pet name, animal type, breed and color. The form should contain text boxes to enter the information for the pets. A button or menu item should display the pet information on a separate form. Hint: Use a ReadOnly … | |
Hi, Im new to VB, but and pretty famliar with python. I have some code I need to change from python to VB, to run in an access database. Problem I am running into is I can't slice up my string as I need to. [code=vba] someString = '12ABC1234512345' numberString … | |
* MediaWiki version: 1.16.0 beta3 * PHP version: 5.3.3 * MySQL version: 5.1.41 Hello. I've been trying to develop a loader project in C#, but in order to upload a file, the user is supposed to be authenticated in the Wiki website. For now, all what I've got is to use "[[api.php?action=query&meta=userinfo]]", but … | |
i need help in 2 things: first i have several imagebutton so dynamically i change their ID but when i click in a button the ID reset to default = the ID before run time,so because the page reset because the page returned to the server ,but is their any … | |
Hi everyone , i try to validate a [string ID] when user input it in a textBox(C#)for searching datarows in database , but it does not send a message "False Input" if i input a wrong string ID which is different from database . protected void button_search(object sender, EventArgs e) … | |
i am working on a asp.net application. and my problem is i want to show the data i stored in database in hindi characters. what should i do to display the data in hindi characters. | |
Hi, what should i use to make the data inserted is in all capital letter? here is insert statement: [CODE] string query = "INSERT into Categories values (' " + textbox5_value + " ', ' " + textbox6_value + " ', ' " + textbox7_value + " ' )";[/CODE] strToUpper() … | |
Hey guys! I am using MS SQL Server 2005 I hv created a table with a column name 'serial' and I hv made it an Identity. The table has 20 records in it. I hv created a texbox in my asp.net webpage in which I want "a successive 'serial' number … | |
help guys. im having this error.. i don't know hat to do.. please help..thankss #Region "FillListView" Sub FillListview() lvList.Items.Clear() sqlQry = "SELECT * from book ORDER BY book_id ASC" Dim mycmd As New MySqlCommand(sqlQry, myConn) Dim dReader As MySqlDataReader = mycmd.ExecuteReader() <---- this is the error im getting it says … |
The End.