13,153 Topics
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Hi, I want to disable the cache in browser using asp.net.If I click the back button of the browser the value of cache should be changed. Can anyone help on this how to do?? Regards, Pavan Kumar | |
Hey guys, I've been helping a buddy of mine trying to figure out this problem with his asp.net site, basically from the admin panel you add a product and it will make the page not work, but if you delete it, it'll work fine, heres the code coming back. [CODE] … | |
I have a registration form and I want to feed the contents of it into an SQL database that I created in Visual Web Developer. I have the proper code to insert the contents into the database table, but there is a problem with my connection string. What's the problem … | |
helo i a have this problem in my coding plezz help me.. when i want run my sytem... i get this error..Type 'OpenDb.OpenDbMSSQL' is not defined. anyone can tell what is this?? | |
i'm using C# and database MS Access..i want to do a search by using dropdownlist and view in gridview..can anyone tell me or suggest me any link that can solve my problem.. | |
Hello all. I need to create a program which will include the following controls -> Calendar, Button(submit) and a GridView. I have already created text files containing data for August 20th and August 10th. Whenever a user selects either one of these dates and clicks on the Button I want … | |
Hi.... I m making project on [B]virtual classroom and forum[/B] .... front end : [B]asp.net(c#)[/B] and back end : [B]sqlserver[/B] can any 1 help me to get the sample code or any kind of website, other than wiziq.com [B][I]plzz help .....me thnx in advance[/I][/B] | |
help anyone! i can add records to mysql database but it won't appear in the listview. can you check out what's wrong with my code. pleeaaasssee.. help needed badly.. :( [CODE] Imports System Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Public Class bookForm Dim myconn As New MySqlConnection Dim sqlQry As String = … | |
OK, so in Visual Web Developer, I've created a master page that has 2 textboxes (one for a user name, one for a password), and then I have a content holder (note that the 2 textboxes are outside of the content holder.) I also have a web form that is … | |
Hello, I'm working on an application where the validation (ranges) checks are controlled in the business logic layer. The code looks similar to this: [code] public string ValidateRange(int value, int lowRange, int highRange, string fieldDesc, System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox txtBox) { string msg = ""; if (value >= lowRange & value <= highRange) … | |
I have a ListView which is filled by generic list of type MyClass. I can easily bind data from this list into ListView. But I have problems with reading data in opposite direction. This is my class: [CODE] public class MyClass { public int id { get; set; } public … | |
Dear reader, I'm using an IHttpHandler to show content of a PDF saved in a SQL Server 2005 database. I can't figure out why it keeps showing me [B]"File does not begin with %PDF-"[/B] When I directly write out the bytes to the response it all works fine.... Let me … | |
hello! i need help with this code. so the problem is that i want to hide or remove the message of the custom validator when the required validator worked,so if you try this code you will see that when you type 3 characters in the textbox in the top ="txtUserName" … | |
I have used Ajax Page Method to call a server side Method for verifying value in textbox.Here is my Code Javascript Code : function VerifyValue() { var txtCtrl= document.getElementById('<%= txtCode.ClientID %>'); PageMethods.VerifyValue(txtCtrl.value,onComplete,onFailure,txtCtrl); } // Server side method VerifyValue is returning string and executing properly. // Getting called perfectly and returns … | |
while hosting a asp.net web service, where do i put the services in. like we put it in the iis in our computer. Any help will be really appreciated as i am clueless on how to do it. | |
hi, submenu not appear when mouse icon over the menu sudhir | |
Hello friends...... I am currently perusing my BE with (I.T), I am comfortable working with ASP.net and VB.net so was thinking of making it a career option. But recently I read many reviews that I.T programming sector especially .NET is getting stagnant. Freshers in the industry are not getting good … | |
I have a aspx page where am showing a pdf document using iframe. and beside it am dynamically creating linnks of last 5 uploaded pdf files. Now I want to change the pdf showing through iframe to change on respective hyperlink click. I have shown the pdf and the links … | |
dear all , i was getting values x and y axis from joystick using c# and after getting the joystick values into pass the opcserver ..plz replay me any logics and codings..any have opcserver connection and how to pass the values code send to me ..... thk | |
Hello All , Im developing small portal for learning asp.net webParts , i created web page Default.aspx with visual studio 2008 , the default.aspx : [CODE]<body> </asp:WebPartManager> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <table style="width:100%;"> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="Front"> Welcome to my Portal </td> <td class="Front"> The Content Goes Here </td> </tr> </table> … | |
hallo, I want to create a print preview for an invoice. What I'm having problems with is, most of the content in the print preview is pulled from a database and not the form, I am not sure how to implement this into the code, plus how would I change … | |
Over the past few years I have taken multiple comprehension courses and bootcamps related to Microsoft server administration and .Net programming and I just found a new favorite. I am currently taking the MCPD ASP.net bootcamp at CED Solutions (in Atlanta, GA - MCPD: ASP .NET Developer v3.5, MCTS: .NET … | |
If you have 3 tables with over 10,000 records each and you have to build a recursive function with this 3 tables link, and you expect to have in return around 200 records, What will you do? "The website is intranet host" Query the sql server multiple times or load … | |
hi I am new in asp.net. i am developing online exam project but i have some problem ....... and i am using asp.net and C# ............but i have some problem ...........so plz send me code its very urgent........ plz help me my mailid is [removed] | |
Hi there, I'm a beginner c# programmer, for practice I did the following code for a rock scissor paper game, the computer picks out it's choice randomly and compares with the player's choice. This code seem not to work properly, please help :?: <%@ Page Language="c#" %> <script runat="server"> void … | |
hi guys, how to load a word document inside the web browser? thanks :) | |
"Use Web Application project. Manually create textual file, filled with words and sentences separated with “Space” or “New Line”. Application should be able to read all words from the text file, which must be uploaded to the server side. Read the file content, sort identified words, and show the data … | |
hi i m using a grid view as below but my problem is that when i add more then 40 rows it slow down the speed of typing in textbox of this gridview. plz help me [CODE]<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Style="overflow: auto" Width="100%" GroupingText="Item Detail"> <asp:Panel ID="pnlproperty" runat="server" Style="overflow: auto;" BorderWidth … | |
I want to Event Syncing on user's fan pages on their behalfs. For this first i confirmed that user has the admin rights for given page. I google but I can't figure out that how i checked that user has the admin rights for given page. Any one has idea?? | |
Hey guys, I can't install gpmc because it says some .NET framework is required.... |
The End.