13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for qasimidl

I have from date and to date need to find no days from javascript?? e.g 30-3-2010 to 2-4-2010 like this

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for asp_seetha

Hai, In the below code I am deleting a file from client pc [code]Dim fs fs = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'If fs.FileExists(upfile.PostedFile.FileName) Then fs.DeleteFile(upfile.PostedFile.FileName) 'End If[/code] In the Web.config file, I have configured the trust level also. : [code=xml]<configuration> <system.web> <identity impersonate='true'/> </system.web> <location allowOverride="true"> <system.web> <trust level="Full" originUrl="" /> </system.web> </location> …

Member Avatar for atiq_bcs
Member Avatar for sniigg

Hi, In my application I have <li>s and I am using Jquery to remove a particular <li> The code I am using is [code] $(".close").click( function() { $(this).parent().remove()// Links with the class "close" will close parent return false; } ); [/code] Using this I am successfully able to remove a …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for qasimidl

asp.net with C# how to show the message box after saving the data in db(sqlserver) ?? earlier i was using javascript alert like this [code] <pre lang="xml">public static void ShowMessage(string strMessage,Page pgno) { Label lbl = new Label(); lbl.Text = &quot;&lt;script type='text/javascript' language='javascript'&gt;&quot; + Environment.NewLine+ &quot;window.alert('&quot; + strMessage + &quot;');&lt;/script&gt;&quot;; …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for hery

this is my code:: [code] TextBox[] tbArray = new TextBox[] { TextBox1, TextBox1, TextBox1 }; for (int j = 0; j < tbArray.Length ; j++) { tbArray[j].Visible = true; } [/code] this code is success but only one textbox show not three textbox.. Can any one help me. Thanks

Member Avatar for bhavu4u
Member Avatar for jellybeannn

Hi, I've got a DropDownList with a list of colours, when one is selected and the "Add to ShoppingCart" button is pressed, all the colours in the DropDownList are duplicated. Can somebody please help. [CODE] // fill the control with data private void PopulateControls(ProductDetails pd) { // display product recommendations …

Member Avatar for bhavu4u
Member Avatar for judge6

Hi all. I have a web application which upon page load, creates a number of buttons on the page. For each button which is created, i add a handler for the click event. Inside the click event code for the button, i identify the ID of the sender. I then …

Member Avatar for judge6
Member Avatar for tgreer

I'm having a problem with a dynamic LinkButton. For a result returned from a database query, I create two LinkButtons, dynamically. One is "Update" and the other is "Delete". I store Update or Delete in the .CommandName property. I store the identity value (the primary key) of the database record …

Member Avatar for bhavu4u
Member Avatar for emilio

hi i'm trying to run an exe file on the client side using the following code: [CODE=javascript]var oShell = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application"); var prog = "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office12\\Excel.exe"; oShell.ShellExecute(prog,"","","open","1");[/CODE] when i run the code it fails with "Access denied" error which i cannot resolve. i modified my ie (8) settings to …

Member Avatar for emilio
Member Avatar for punnoosepj

i have written some code to upload a file in byte[] array i am getting all the values as zero. at the end of the beloww given code. is the due to timing since once i gave a sleeep in between the codes the byte array is working correctly.I have …

Member Avatar for DarveshBadusha
Member Avatar for lksath

Hi all, I am using object tag to play flv video in my webpage.I want to change param value dynamically so that i can play videos when i click image button. I want to do like the one in youtube but without using database. Please help me to get rid …

Member Avatar for dsweb1017
Member Avatar for surendra99

please tell me how to enable smart tags to standard controls those are not appearing .... how to attach ajax extender toolkit controls to standard controls... pl help me.........

Member Avatar for PierlucSS

Is there a way I can know what is the Url I am currently browsing? If I would use that command or script it on this page it would return me: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums[/url] And if I would be testing on localhost or on some acceptance server, it would return me [url]http://localhost:1996/forums[/url] …

Member Avatar for PierlucSS
Member Avatar for amitshrivas

Hello to all..plz help me in this plzzzzzzzzzzzzz i want to view/download a files from production server and after downloading i want to delete the same file from 2 places i.e from (database and one Uploaded folder in server). i have 2 quries: 1: View Only ? i have this …

Member Avatar for Dimansu

Hi, I am using RDLC for my reports. I have a report to show the profile of a person.This report may get printed in more than 1 page.I want to show the name of the person in every printed page at the top of the page.Currently I have a textbox …

Member Avatar for Excalibur69
Member Avatar for kanuri1

I'm retrieving immediate next record from database table using empcd(employeecode) [for which code is given below]. I wanna retrieve "next record" details from SQL SERVER 2005 with a Button Click Event but not using "EMPLOYEE ID". (SqlClient.SqlConnection) i want to access database table nextrecord directly using either query or Logic. …

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for udayasankark

Hai all, I have Logni page(its an content page). my master page have textbox and a button for search. but i didn't have any default button in master page. but still when i hit enter key in login page my search start displaying results. i'm using asp:login control for login …

Member Avatar for khan17

hi, im in a project of automating a process. for which i ve to search for a paticular word in an asp.net website and then i ve to click the button in the same row to download a file. i ve to automate this process. when i saw the view …

Member Avatar for dilake

Hi Am not getting SelectionBullet property for richTextBox using wpf c#? Regards Dilake

Member Avatar for dilake
Member Avatar for bryanhiehle

So my group and i have been working on a ASP.net website for a tech prep showcase. We currently have connected the MS Sql Database that comes with Visual Web Developer. We are currently having a problem gathering data from the SQL Database and seeing if it is equivalent to …

Member Avatar for SolutionExpert
Member Avatar for rekhad

I would like to thank the moderator for helping me with the code while reading row by row data using datatable and sqldata adapter. I am worried about the speed and performance of my code since I am making round trips to the server,every time I am increment the index …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for morris2k2

It all started like this I created a sub directory in my hosting account, for blog engine 1.5. I then copied all the file from the source to the target sub directory folder which is under my root application. when I lauched this is the error I was getting [B]To …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sniigg

[code] foreach (string id in str1) { string logoImage = ""; string BundleID = id; BundleSearchResultStruct BundleSearchResult = nbsi.GetProductDetails(guid, "marketingPartnerPassword", Convert.ToInt32(BundleID)); string y = builder1.Append(BundleSearchResult).Append(",").ToString(); y = y.TrimEnd(','); Session["BundleSearchResult"] = y; //some code relevent only to this block } while (reader1.Read()) { //do something foreach (string id in str1) { …

Member Avatar for sniigg
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

Hi i want implement a windows services scheduled task. I already created windows service. In a service i have implemented a timer.The timer is initialized at class interval. The timers interval is set in the start method of service and also it is enabled in the start method of the …

Member Avatar for zid8ne
Member Avatar for khan17

hi, im new here. i ve a project to automate a process. for which i ve to navigate to a asp.net web page automatically and then to click a link on that navigated page. im in need of asp.net code to do this. i ve tried like this [code] <html> …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for gptArun

Hey All, How to get current user login values ? There is any Session variable or somethings like that ?

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for gdp_87

Hi, Is there a way to set a default query string if query string is null? Something like: [CODE] if (Request.QueryString["ID"] == null) { //set default here } [/CODE] Many Thanks Grant

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for itslucky

Dear Friends, im receiving a XML file which contain a HTML code in the value of a node.. i have fetched the html code, but now i have to show that on my ASP .NET page. please tell me how can i do that... is it possible to assign that …

Member Avatar for itslucky
Member Avatar for aniljadhav15

Hi! I'm trying to use ABCpdf.NET to render an HTML page as a PDF. I'm using the AddImageUrl function which works fine on my local machine, but when I run it on the host server I get the following error:Unable to render HTML. Page load timed out. Unable to load …

Member Avatar for AffineMesh
Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi how to give hyper link to inside of the gridview columns......... here my code is given below but it was not working properly..... please give me the correct code......... [CODE] Private Sub fillgrid() Dim Hyper_Column adp1 = New SqlDataAdapter(" select vendorcode , vendorname as 'Vendor_Name' from vendor_master", con) adp1.Fill(ds, …

Member Avatar for jbisono

The End.