13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for aravinda reddy

I am getting this error when i am accessing my pages from virual directory. The virtual path '~/Masterpage.master' maps to another application, which is not allowed. Could anyone resolve this problem.

Member Avatar for Renukavani
Member Avatar for yaninea

Hi! Does anyone knows how to add a radiobutton to a dynamic gridview that will be mutually exclusive? "In the GridView, the radio buttons cannot be grouped and therefore are not mutually exclusive. That is, an end user is able to select multiple radio buttons simultaneously from the GridView." One …

Member Avatar for HernanBogantes

Hi, I really need your help. And I really will appreciate it also. By using ASP.NET I need to show in a Label or in a gridview control the output parameter of an “Stored Procedure” ERROR: Parameter 'RESULTADO' not found in the collection. PLEASE Help ‘**************************************************************************************** DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE …

Member Avatar for user1980

Hello there... can somebody guide me on this… I have a panel (say, panel1) inside another panel (say, outer-panel)….The panel1 is visible only when a checkbox is checked in the outer-panel. I have many text boxes in the panel1. I have to put a validation on all the boxes. I …

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Member Avatar for Eleqtriq

Well I'm currently creating an application that will subscribe to youtube channels that you are interested in. I run a check to first see if you are already subscribed to the channel, but I sometimes receive an alert box saying you are already subscribed. I couldn't leave this bot on …

Member Avatar for Ali.M.Habib

Hi All, I have data repeater , I want depending on value of one of its contained label , highlight the row , how can I do that Unffortunatelly in asp.net 1.1 there's no e.item.css = "" what shall I do

Member Avatar for lukeduke

Hi there, I have an application with a large number of pages, often with forms, and on the master page I have a search box. When a user fills out a form, then presses enter, rather than submit the form, it submits the search. Is there any way I can …

Member Avatar for llarose
Member Avatar for casmir.dominic

Is it possible to add a user in a specific domain through coding in asp.net.My code behind is vb.Please give me syntax. As of now, i ll give u a reference coding Sub AddUser(ByVal folderPath, ByVal userName) 'creating a account in the active directory so that the particular account can …

Member Avatar for bha11

i am completly new to this programming language,but i know the features of the .net that wht is c#,asp.net and sql server.and presently working with s/w company where i need to work on ajax plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz suggets me how will i do

Member Avatar for amitshrivas
Member Avatar for gcoleman0828

I am looking to DYNAMICALLY use the Edit button under the SqlDatasource to update a GridView. The reason for this is that the data that will be upddated to dynamic table names and tables that are different sizes dependent on what month it is (since different months have different days …

Member Avatar for amitshrivas
Member Avatar for sprock

hi friends.. i am doing asp.net project.. in that project in login page if any one enter wrongly more than 4 times username or password means i want to show dummy page that time i need to save that person IP Address and his details...my Question is how can i …

Member Avatar for amitshrivas
Member Avatar for sniigg

I have a piece of code which is used by several aspx.cs pages and I want to put that code in a separate page so that all these pages access that separate page. I dont think i can use classes for this....

Member Avatar for amitshrivas
Member Avatar for farooq82

Hello Everyone, I want to know a few thing. How we emended javascript in ASP.net. Please write example code. How would I that you open a pop windows and when i close this pop windows is automatically refresh parent window

Member Avatar for amitshrivas

i have created some tables in XML which perform all DML operations perfectly. now my question is how can i give security to these tables as we get in databases(sqlserver,oracle).. Please help me out in this..and try to give anwser in simple way

Member Avatar for rambok4

guys, is it possible to connect a VB6 app to a asp.net page. My friends are making a vb6 app and now they realised they need some web connect as well. I want to know if it is possible to connect vb6 apps and asp.net page. They would use Visual …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Hina saham

plz help me ..hw can i add my page.aspx with BBL class? means hw can i insert record in database plz hepl me.

Member Avatar for jcb0806

I just did a simple practice project to learn more about querystrings... I have three check boxes and a button. Checkbox1 is titled red, Checkbox2...white, Checkbox 3...blue. When I click the button 1, I just want the page to redirect and pass the values of the checked boxes to the …

Member Avatar for Ossehaas
Member Avatar for unknowndevil41

Hi friends, i have made an website and running it through iis after publishing. But is showing an error: [COLOR="Red"]Server Error in '/' Application. Parser Error Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and …

Member Avatar for Ossehaas
Member Avatar for kavithaje

i need help to create website for online test using asp.net with c# coding.. it shld consists of question with multiple answer choices

Member Avatar for _V_
Member Avatar for dotnetvally

how to give print in asp.net page for a specific area only that is in a webform only certain div area should be printed in a webform

Member Avatar for Ossehaas
Member Avatar for Haich

I have set up a datagrid on my vb.net form for a MS access database. I have a listbox where i want to show only 1 column of data from the datagrid, which should be updated when the contents of the database changes. Please help ASAP. Dataset = Minicab_DatabaseDataSet Datagrid …

Member Avatar for Ossehaas
Member Avatar for Ajith S Kulgod

Hi , I am running a windows setup file . I have included an exe file within an installer . The following error is coming "Error 1500.Another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before contiuing this one." Regards Ajith S Kulgod

Member Avatar for Renukavani
Member Avatar for Archana.K

I have written a program to insert the values into datbase and a field named SNO which should be auto incremented whenever an insert happens. I have aready created a table but did not set SNO as increment!! Kindly help to set this constraint in SQL !! Query: Alter table …

Member Avatar for Renukavani
Member Avatar for nrsh_ram

hi to all.... actually i m facing a problem..i had convert the vb to c# code using [url]http://www.carlosag.net/Tools/CodeTranslator/[/url] wen i try run it ..i get the error... here i copied the small part of VB code...that i face the error [CODE] Private Sub GenerateImage() ' Create a Bitmap Object Dim …

Member Avatar for Renukavani
Member Avatar for anish.anick

Hi All, I wanna create a chat application in ASP.NET. I don't like the idea of polling the server at regular interval for updates. Please help me to solve this issue. Thanks

Member Avatar for adobe71

How can i encrypt access .mdb file ,make it .mde and add password .what is the connection string in C#,how can i access it and how can i make backup file.

Member Avatar for _V_
Member Avatar for dhavalcoholic

Hello Friends! :) I am working on my College Major Project. My project contains a part, where the Admin will post News (using Editor like a Blog). This News is then stored in Database. Now I want to retrieve "top 2" news and post them on Home page. I am …

Member Avatar for dhavalcoholic
Member Avatar for bekiav

im having a problem with the ajax toolkit - HtmlEditor when i load it up when i switch form "Design" to "Html" ot from "preview" to "Html" i cant go back to "preview" or "Design" , why is that? i put the script manager and than the ajaxtoolkit... rgards barak …

Member Avatar for prem.teamwork

Hi to all, We at Our company having our own local network in which consists around 20 users. We do not have Internet connections. Now I've created an asp.net website to share the data among the different users. Now I'm thinking that it would be better if we have an …

Member Avatar for hery

this is my code: [code] sdsNamaSales.SelectCommand = "SELECT ID, NAMA FROM REF_SALES_OFFICER WHERE" + " SOF_TYPE = '" + ddlJenisSales.SelectedValue + "' AND KOT_ID = '" + ddlKota.SelectedValue + "'"; // insert nama sales manual ddlNamaSales.Items.Clear(); ddlNamaSales.DataSource = sdsNamaSales; ddlNamaSales.DataTextField = "NAMA"; ddlNamaSales.DataValueField = "ID"; ddlNamaSales.DataBind(); ddlNamaSales.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("--PILIH--", "--PILIH--")); …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati

The End.