In ASP.NET using C# or VB.NET 2005, how do you get the information from a router. Like say the routing table, router configuration, interface card infos?

That's going to depend on the router, and - I'm guessing - would be difficult at best with those languages. If a router had a web-based interface, you could scrape the data, but that'll be a small portion of routers (might serve though). More likely you may have to automate a telnet/<remote access of choice> session to gather the data, and scrape that.

That's going to depend on the router, and - I'm guessing - would be difficult at best with those languages. If a router had a web-based interface, you could scrape the data, but that'll be a small portion of routers (might serve though). More likely you may have to automate a telnet/<remote access of choice> session to gather the data, and scrape that.

I saw a working web-based application from one of the company's I visited last month. The company's developer managed to design a working web-based application using ASP.NET and VB.NET. I tried to asked him but he doesn't want to share his secrets. I guess I have to do it the hard way. I tried searching the web and till now no luck.

My aim is to create a web-based application that can get router information wheither CISCO or any other brand of router, and at the same time monitor who changed the setup or configuration of the routers. Taking into consideration the date it was changed and who was the user who logged and changed the router's setup and configuration. The application should also return a summary on what was changed and what was modified or what was deleted.

That's going to depend on the router, and - I'm guessing - would be difficult at best with those languages. If a router had a web-based interface, you could scrape the data, but that'll be a small portion of routers (might serve though). More likely you may have to automate a telnet/<remote access of choice> session to gather the data, and scrape that.

If it was a decent router e.g cisco i guess you could use SNMP to do it?

If it was a decent router e.g cisco i guess you could use SNMP to do it?

VS.NET has a UDP.client class but I never tried it. Do you have a sample code that I can play with. How do you use SNMP (UDP port 162), and how do you authenticate to any kind of router so that you can gain access to that router?

I dont know but here is from wikipedia

SNMP exposes management data in the form of variables on the managed systems, which describe the system configuration. These variables can then be queried (and sometimes set) by managing applications.

This seems to be what you are after but no, sorry I have no experience in this area

I dont know but here is from wikipedia

This seems to be what you are after but no, sorry I have no experience in this area

Thanks for the help. I'll try to research on SNMP. If by chance you find a link can you post it thru this Thread?


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