13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for Pankaj18

Hi, I want to get files(.doc,.docx) from Directory and show the Content with formatting in a webform. Is there any solution? Please help me. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sridharnataraj

can u please any one explain how to display selected rows of data from one gridview to another gridview using c sharp

Member Avatar for amitshrivas
Member Avatar for kiranbvsn

Hi, I got one masterpage and one content / child page having gridview control I want to do client side validations using javascript, can anyone suggest me where i have to do this. i.e.., either in masterpage or in content page (I know that only at the <head> tags we …

Member Avatar for amitshrivas
Member Avatar for edgias

I am building a web application using asp.net 3.5 and c# as the code behind. I have a dropdownlist which when clicked a calender must popup and selected date populating the dropdownlist. how can i do this?any clue??

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for ramsham

Hi Everybody!!! I am Working on Web application Using C#.NET(Microsoft Visual Studio) and SQL server 2005 ,Microsoft Internet Explorer .I have to show some Sanskrit text on web page.Now i am showing it using the Text Box control(as it show text as it is from database like paragraph...) 1.My Problem …

Member Avatar for ramsham
Member Avatar for Pari13

I’ve been trying to wrap my brain around this now for days, and I’m getting nowhere, so please bear with me… To Remove file on click of linkbutton I have below code: [B]aspx page:[/B] [CODE] <asp:LinkButton ID="RemovefileId" runat="server" CommandName="RemoveFile" OnCommand="RemoveFilefunction" CommandArgument=<%#Eval("filepath")%>>LinkButton</asp:LinkButton> [/CODE] [B]aspx.cs page[/B] [CODE] protected void RemoveFilefunction(object sender, CommandEventArgs …

Member Avatar for amitshrivas
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

I built an ajax chat in one of my mvc website. everything is working fine. I am using polling. At certain interval i am using $.post to get the messages from the db. But there is a problem. The message retrieved using $.post keeps on repeating. here is my javascript …

Member Avatar for nccsbim071
Member Avatar for Frii

I am using VB.NET on VS2008 and currently building a web application for budgeting so here's the problem, I have created a gridview to show a database on a table. Let's say I have a buttonlink in the gridview to change the content on a column ( for example I …

Member Avatar for amitshrivas
Member Avatar for bharatshivram

hi i have a database with the following coloumns thid thname thdate i have used the gridview control to display this info, also enabled paging and selection with it. i want to jump to "one.aspx" page and set the value of a querystring variable "thid" to the value in the …

Member Avatar for REwati
Member Avatar for smile_pls

Hello DW!, I am in a beginning stage vb user. I need a small help. I need to create a program, if I entered the "product code" in a text box / search box, it wants to display its full details from database, such as Product code, product name, description …

Member Avatar for LennieKuah
Member Avatar for vj4u_p

i want to know for making sub file from a complete word file using asp.net, using vb language so plz... some help me to develop it

Member Avatar for 456456

Dear all, I have converted one of my web application from .net 1.1 to 3.5 and added the calendar component out of the ajax toolkit. The primary web server: [url]www.domain1.com/project1/folder2/default.aspx[/url] Is working fine and work as expected? The second domain is redirected to a subfolder on the primary web server: …

Member Avatar for amitshrivas

Hi to all.. How we can delete a record from a database after downloading through Response.AppendHeader.... Questions Regarding Open/Save File Dialog box 1: if i only wants to view the file without saving it what should i use there. 2:if i want to download a file and then that downloaded …

Member Avatar for amitshrivas
Member Avatar for toadzky

I am writing a flat-file database app using SQLite. That part works just fine, but the GUI not so much. The issues are arising in the bindings. I have a list of accounts displayed in a datagrid. The datagrid has its ItemsSource set to a List<Accounts> collection. That works fine. …

Member Avatar for ashishtripat

How can i can interesecting dataset column ? I mean common columns from two datasets

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for aravinda reddy
Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for kiranbvsn

Hi, can anyone tell me how can I validate the server controls using asp.net server side validation controls that will act similar to client side (like javascripting). can anyone give me sample example on this. cause i want to use these sever validation controls on client machines. Plz help me

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for amitshrivas

Hi.to all This is Amit.. i have one website in which i m using (html,aspx) pages. i uploaded also to my domain. [B]HTML[/B] pages works properly but when i request for [B]ASPX [/B] page it shows ::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B][COLOR="Red"]"Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error …

Member Avatar for amitshrivas
Member Avatar for rajabca

Server Error in '/online shopping' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately. Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered …

Member Avatar for humillmca
Member Avatar for Lorie0114

I'm having an issue printing from Crystal Reports in ASP.NET. I'm printing to a preprinted form that has three bills per page. When I print the report; three bills print per page, but the second a third bill slides up a little and prints in the wrong place. The forms …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for viswa_007

Does asp.net complies the dlls into msil every time when an published application is browsed or a windows application exe is run??? How does asp.net minimizes or rather reduces the entire compilation process?? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for itslucky

Dear Friends!!! I am developing a Hotel reservation Website (ASP .NET C#), and i need to send XML file to the server and then receive a XML Response File. Now i would like to Save the XML Response file to the clients Machine, not on the server, now plz tell …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for jcb0806

With the code below data is keyed into a form and inserted into a table called Investors. After it is inserted, I'm trying to [U]redirect back to the same page, passing the InvestorID on the querystring[/U]. Simply showing all of the information I just added, kind of insuring that it …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for rohini.vangury

While there are several Project Management Tools already available in .net, I want to know if there exists any that can capture data from the Project Management Tool [such as working hours, public holidays etc.] and update the same on an already existing database. These dates wud further b used …

Member Avatar for apacheco
Member Avatar for mj89

Hi, I have created a simple login page in c#, the code compiles and runs however it does not execute correctly as when i give the correct input for username and password. it just skips and does the action for the code within the 'else' statement. What am i doing …

Member Avatar for mj89
Member Avatar for drspock

Hi, I am making an online page for a company so that users can upload and download files from the company's server. Now, as every ASP .NET developer knows, the ASP .NET framework includes a file upload control for users to upload files to the server. The problem with this …

Member Avatar for vglass
Member Avatar for sniigg

Hi All, I am getting the error "There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first. " [code] protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { nbseapi nbsi = new nbseapi(); Guid guid = new Guid(); if (Request.QueryString["Id"] != null) { string Id = Request.QueryString["Id"]; …

Member Avatar for sniigg
Member Avatar for jasscat

This problem has got me scratching my head. I have an ASP .NET wizard control. Within the step view, I put a user control. The user control contains a FormView. The Formview contains a mixture of standard ASP .NET controls and other user controls. In one situation, I have two …

Member Avatar for adsfadf
Member Avatar for sniigg

Hi, In my database table I have a column which has all the properties of a class. And While reading from the table I need to get the values of the properties.I have to get the value on a label.But obviously [code] lblTest.Text=reader["Description"].ToString(); [/code] wont work. As I need to …

Member Avatar for sniigg
Member Avatar for iDeveloper

I just spent an hour trying to figure out why i cannot change the CssClass property of <asp:TextBox> Whatever i enter in the property defaults to [B]class = "textbox"[/B] when i render the page. What's going on??? Does anybody know a solution? I have 2 different input types i have …

Member Avatar for jsauve

The End.