13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for algo_man

Hi all, How can I allow a user to modify his added comment within 30 minutes. I mean by that, I'm allowing a user to pot a comment. This user may want to modify his comment. I, as administrator, need to allow this user to modify his comment if and …

Member Avatar for padtes
Member Avatar for RAMAN2233

Using ajax calendar can i write a program to know the number of working days in a given month...if yes how??? I should be able to show the number of working d ays in a text box..when i select a given month HELP IS APPRECIATED THANX IN ADVANCE

Member Avatar for dollarcolony
Member Avatar for Edmondo

Hi, sorry still learning how to do things in asp. Basically I have a form that I set up using the insert template in visual studio. where the code looks like this [CODE] <InsertItemTemplate> &nbsp;<table class="style15"> <tr> <td class="style18"> SitesAffected: </td> <td class="style16"> Description:</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="style19"> <asp:CheckBoxList ID="SitesCheckBoxList" …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

hi frnds ,I started a new project in .Net 3.5 version.I add a New Ajax Web Form Default2.aspx. [code] using System; using System.Collections; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Xml.Linq; public partial class Default2 : System.Web.UI.Page { …

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for swethareddy

how can i add calender control in dropdownlist sir Could u send the solution for my query? pleasehelpme sir

Member Avatar for love_dude1984
Member Avatar for love_dude1984

hi.. im using a grid with a template field which contains a button.i just want to know how can i retrive a value from a 2nd cell of the same row... for ex. my grid contains 5 columns.the last col is a template field with a button. ther are say …

Member Avatar for love_dude1984
Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi frnds,, happy christmast to one and all, i had got one problem,,, i want to shift the numbers from one field to another field .at that time the data base fields are shifted and are to be updated......this will happened when button is pressed......... pls give me the code.......... …

Member Avatar for mshravs

after trying all sorts, i wanted to try to run and take a pic from the webcam in this way, in the web page. here first i created a module for the webcam in windows application. After that there is a button in the web application, where on clicking it …

Member Avatar for Corpes

I want to insert a dynamic string to a textbox that placed in a gridview as itemtemplate. On the code in which im adding information to the gridview, i want to create a line that'll insert to the textbox a dinamic information, but even "9" doent work. see it: [CODE]. …

Member Avatar for algo_man

Hi all, I need to do somthing similar to the attached picture. I'm waiting your responses !! ALGO

Member Avatar for mahmud.riyadh

Any body please help me , how to use the Sql Statement "Select max(column.A) from TBL_table" using asp.net in C# platform and I also want the result(the maximum number ) to insert onto a text box.

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for adityap15

Hi, How can i use code of C with graphics of visual studio. The graphic should be of visual studio and i can write codes in C. How to do? Kindly help me.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Corpes

I'm trying to insert values into dropdownlist that placed in datagridview - itemtemplate dynamically. I'v typed: [CODE]DropDownList dd=(DropDownList)gridViewRowVar.FindControl("techniciansDDL"); dd.Items.Add("ddd");[/CODE] and there's a problem: System.NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code, and something like: The reference to the object had not been classified to the event of the object. The error is …

Member Avatar for Corpes
Member Avatar for gsskkrish

Hi I have done the chat with all users. but i could not chat to selected users. Please help me., How to chat with selected user's in multi user chat. Regards S.Gopalakrishnan

Member Avatar for bharanidharanit

Hello, I am using GridViewand bounding values from 2 tables. tbl_login and tbl_register. In tbl_register Table the Field is UserName In tbl_login Table the Field is Active(yes/no field) I used this command to show the fields into the gridview. [CODE] SELECT tbl_createuser.UserName, tbl_createuser.Role, tbl_login.Active FROM (tbl_createuser INNER JOIN tbl_login ON …

Member Avatar for Corpes

Regards, I have a weird problem with a variable in asp.net + C#. Those lines work: [CODE=C#]DataTable customerDT = service.GetCustomerDT(1); dataRow["CustomerName"] = customerDT.Rows[0]["FullName"]; [/CODE] But those lines do not found anything even though the value of the variable is "1" too: [CODE]int customerID = int.Parse(gridViewRowVar.Cells[0].Text.ToString()); DataTable customerDT = service.GetCustomerDT(customerID); dataRow["CustomerName"] …

Member Avatar for Corpes
Member Avatar for plusplus

I want to use directoryinfo for a folder that's not within my website, it might be on the same server, but I'm not sure yet. How do I go about this? let's say I have this [B]dim dirinfo as new directoryinfo(folderpath)[/B] what would folderpath have to be? I tried giving …

Member Avatar for GajananPund

Hi All, I have asp.net website in which i want to pervent multiple login problem. Case 1. 1st user login 2nd user login using same login credential used by 1st user then 1st user should logout from website and 2nd user should login in the website. Please it's very urgent. …

Member Avatar for ultras1

Hello to all. I have application where users are able to login. I use database for users. I want to get real-time currently logged users.For example if there are 5 online users and one of them close web browser, at the same moment online users to be 4. If I …

Member Avatar for ultras1
Member Avatar for dcads

Hi there, I am trying to create a session based on a field from a datareader. the code I have so far is [CODE] string sqlStmt = "Select Member_Username, MemberID from Members where Member_Username='" + UserName.Text + "' and Member_Password='" + PassWord.Text + "'"; SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection("server=********;"); SqlCommand …

Member Avatar for dcads
Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi frnds,,,, here i want to access the data base and showing in the grid view without help of datasourse it will shows the error, the error is "The IListSource does not contain any data sources"" here my coding is as follows..... [CODE]Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e …

Member Avatar for mshravs

here below is the code for saving the form [CODE]Protected Sub save_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles save.Click Dim ConnStr As String Dim visitors_name, officer_to_visit, purpose, date_of_visit, time_in, time_out As String Dim serial_no, year, floor As String Dim photo As Byte ConnStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("gate").ConnectionString() Dim conn As …

Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi frnds, i had gota problem, i get the date in mm/dd/yyyy format only........... when iam accessing date from database in dd/mm/yyyy format itg gets error.. the error is as "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime." here my code is given below [code] <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for haansi

Thanks for your attention and time, I need your support please. I am doing site with div (table less layout) structures. I have a user control which is login box. There is a content page drived from master page. Requirment is to place login control in content page. Problem is …

Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi how to insert default year into the database here my coding is given below Dim connstr As String connstr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("guest1").ConnectionString() Dim conn As New SqlConnection(connstr) Dim year As Integer conn.open() Dim insert As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("insert into guesthouse(year) values('" & year & "')", conn) insert.ExecuteNonQuery() conn.close() here iam using …

Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi frnds, when iam accessing the data from database in mm/dd/yyyy format and displaying in gridview it is possible to acesss,,,,,,,,,,but when iam accessing the data wsing date in dd/mm/yyyy format it doesn't show any data and gives error as "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime." but …

Member Avatar for shahid007041

Hello I have a scenario in which i have to allow user to enter time in 12 hours format.eg: 10:20 AM or 10:30 PM. If User Does'nt enter properly then it should raise a error client side. i think it can be done use regular expression validatior. Any idea please …

Member Avatar for vinay kumar rai
Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi frnds, when iam accessing the date ,,,it willshow both date and aswell as default time. iam only accessing the date,,,,, here my coding is given below........ [code] <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#CC9966" BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="4" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" Style="z-index: 103; left: 288px; position: absolute; top: 256px" AutoGenerateColumns="False"> <RowStyle BackColor="White" ForeColor="#330099" /> …

Member Avatar for mail2saion
Member Avatar for virang_21

Hi, I have two master pages in my site. One for the general pages that users can view without logging in (Site1.Master) and one for the pages that user can view after logging in (Site2.Master). Now once the user is logged in and say access Search.aspx page which has Site2.Master …

Member Avatar for virang_21
Member Avatar for rutaba

Hi.. How can i apply my master page to all other pages while working on ASP.net using Visual studio 2005? i create master page name master but when i create another page named default.aspx there is no option to add the master page to that page? kindly help me out.. …

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The End.