13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for djscratch

I've new to .NET. I'm trying to add a button dynamically with an event. Initially, I have a button with a click event. The original button's click event response writes a test message and adds a button. The new button has a click event attached with a test message. Unfortunately, …

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Member Avatar for rahultorka

We have .net application installed on production server. It is using .net FrameWork 3.0 on windows server 2003 with RAM 4 GB. But there is a problem in application while running sometimes it throws system out of memory exception. I am very frustrating with this. Also I am unable to …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for facadie

i can't find the code to read for particular info from textfile. is that even possible? eg. [data store in text file] 01/11/2009 12:30:22,1 01/11/2009 12:35:22,2 01/11/2009 12:55:22,1 01/11/2009 13:30:22,0 01/11/2009 13:59:22,1 01/11/2009 14:30:22,0 02/11/2009 15:30:22,1 02/11/2009 15:45:22,0 02/11/2009 16:30:22,1 02/11/2009 16:55:22,0 and i'm calling the date 01/11/2009 so the …

Member Avatar for sathishkumar.j
Member Avatar for dskumar_85

Hai i want to send sms from website any one explaine about that , ya i download some model projects but all the project send sms by using web services , i am working with asp.net C#, so help me out friend's

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Member Avatar for creativz

[code] using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.IO; public partial class Default4 : System.Web.UI.Page { SqlConnection db = new SqlConnection("database=bank;server=.;uid=sa"); protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Panel1.Visible = false; } protected void …

Member Avatar for creativz
Member Avatar for theAviator

Hi All, I am storing my automation results to sql server and the displaying the results in asp page. one of result coulmn is for error images(is test case fails it capture the image , for refrence of what went wron during playback) stored in local machine or QA server. …

Member Avatar for theAviator
Member Avatar for mania_comp

Hi to all I am working in ASP.NET. I need to fetch an Advertisement Message from Database into JavaScript Variable. For example [CODE] <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function ShowMessage() { var msg; msg = [COLOR="Green"]//Here Get from Database[/COLOR] alert(msg); } </script> [/CODE] How can we do that? Thank You

Member Avatar for vasanth19
Member Avatar for theAviator

Hi All, I need to display my automation results in pi chart. From database i will have test case passed count and failed count. Depending upon these two values i want to display percentage using pi chart. For passed area should be green and for failed percentage area should be …

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Member Avatar for learner.11

hi friends I need to learn asp.net (c#) web application. I need to create a very simple login page with 2 textboxes(userid,password) and one button for submit.Given userid -Admin,password-Admin If login is successful,it has to redirect to another page ,else it shows a error message says,Login failure! I believe this …

Member Avatar for RAMAN2233
Member Avatar for padtes
Member Avatar for rmc

Hello, This is my first project using ASP.NET and I am very unfamiliar about it, basically I want to display records from a database in the user interface, I have created the user interface, and created a data sheet which has the table and queries listed, but how do I …

Member Avatar for abdalla_92
Member Avatar for Nishara

Hi.., I want to store user name and password of a client in a cookie.I don't know how to do this in a proper manner.I tried coding simple program.The browser that I'm using is internet explorer(ie).If I put a cookie or not ,anyhow ie prompt a msg for the user …

Member Avatar for reach_shailshar

hello ! i am shail & i need ur favor.. i am developing a website in Asp.NET & want to implement genie effect of mac(Apple) on the pop up message box...in windows... please help....

Member Avatar for reach_shailshar
Member Avatar for jtok

I am using Visual Studio 2008 SP1, ASP.NET, and VB.NET. I am using a wizard, and in order to affect the controls inside it, I have to declare them in each method like so: [CODE] Dim txtbox1 As TextBox = wizard.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("textbox1") [/CODE] Which works fine, but sometimes I need to …

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Member Avatar for wijithapaw

Hi, In my application im generating a crystal report by dynamically adding the dataset. Up to now all are fine, But now i need to add new table to dataset and use that in the report. What i did was, 1- Create the the xml schema file for new dataset …

Member Avatar for love_dude1984

hi... im using a word editor in my app..i want to save all the data in the word editor to be saved in microsoft's word. does anybody have a code to create and save the data into the word doc. automatically? like when i click a button, it should automatically …

Member Avatar for chandru7
Member Avatar for madmital

I'm trying to create a virtual directory in an asp.net 2 application....and I'm about ready to explode. My company is hosting several web sites, and I want all of the sites to be able to share a directory of commonly used files, so that I won't have to include all …

Member Avatar for dbreise
Member Avatar for RAMAN2233

Does anyone knows about how we can delete duplicate fields in the database? Thank u in advance.......

Member Avatar for willopt_ric
Member Avatar for RAMAN2233

how to move items from listbox1(which is populated from backend database) to listbox2(which is empty). Now after that i have to add listbox2 items to database. Thank u in advance......

Member Avatar for willopt_ric
Member Avatar for sabarish_iyer
Member Avatar for sabarish_iyer
Member Avatar for mania_comp

Hi to all I am going to create online quiz/test. It will be in different categories like PHP, ASP.NET, JAVA etc. Before designing I need to work on database(in SQL SERVER 2005). I need suggestions on that about number of tables and columns in those tables. If you guys have …

Member Avatar for manimala.uma

Hi, I was new to c# and asp.net .I want to create a simple login page using ASP.net with c# code.I had 2 textboxs(username and id) and 1 button control.I stored all the username and id in oracle database.Ma table in database contents emp_name & password.what i need is ,once …

Member Avatar for nazee
Member Avatar for mr.white

Dear forum members, I'm working on an accounting software, which I was planing to do using C#. Now that I see there is WPF that I can use instead of WinForms, I would like to ask you a couple of questions. [LIST=1] [*]For an account software, which I would like …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for nikeetavanjara

when we use download data() of webclient() , it returns the data in the form of bytes... then this bytes we do response.binarywrite() such that it opens dialog box to "save", "open" , "cancel" is there any way that we can trace programatically, that user has actully save button to …

Member Avatar for facadie

Hi i have a dropdownlist1 2 Item to select By Range , By Date and 2 Panel. How can i make a dropdownlist1 select By Date it will only show Panel 1 and By range it will show Panel 2.? on the same page

Member Avatar for all4peace

Hi All, I have 6 fields (3 on the top) and (3 on the bottom). The 3 on the top are: Current email: New email: Confirm email: <Submit> <Cancel> Current password: New password: Confirm password: <Submit> <Cancel> Also each one has a required field validations. Now if someone fills the …

Member Avatar for all4peace
Member Avatar for carobee

hi i want to make an UI that appears like a chessboard and user can enter text in any of the boxes.later on i should be able to calculate the postion where user has entered the entry. which control should i use?I am creating my application in asp.net using visual …

Member Avatar for shankbond

Hi, I am sending emails through webservices, I am calling the webservice from my website and passing all the arguments to it ,until now no problem. But now I want the webservice to inform the user if an error or exception occurs is there a way by which I can …

Member Avatar for vasanth19
Member Avatar for krokodajl

Hi. I am trying to build simple web application in ASP.NET. I have xml file with data and xsl file to transform xml file into html doc which will be presented in the browser window and everything is working fine. What funcionallity do I want? I want user to enter …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for MumtazKhan

Hi Experts I Want Devlop a Web Based Software Using Asp.Net And Sql Servewr Database With Vb.net And I Want Some Basic Help How i Can Devlop


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