13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for praveenfds

Hi, I am new to c# coding, in my form i placed gridview and configured into [B]access database[/B] and set advance option to edit,delete,update. I can read all the values but i cant edit or delete the contents, showing error like below [COLOR="Red"]"No value given for one or more required …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for ninjaimp

Hi All, I have been developing an app that will run on my work intranet. The whole appliation works but part of the app is to open a specific PDF file from a selection. So i pass the file name and path to the System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(FileName) But it keeps erroring telling …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for praveenfds

Hi, I am new to c#. Now i m currently working in a leave system project, in this i have two popup calendar to select the leave-start date and leave-end date for employee. If employee select more than 5 days, weekend dates should not be calculate as a leave credit. …

Member Avatar for praveenfds
Member Avatar for khush9

Hey, anyone can plz help me out!!!!! i hav a tabpage on a form n on its click event i want to call the tabpage of another form (like frmcut.tabcontrl.tabpage1). But i dont know how to do it???? so plzzz help me...

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for love_dude1984

hi.. i want to know how we can attach a ext. javascript to server controls like buttons or Imagebuttons. cause in my app. im using few image buttons. i want to change the image of image button on mouseover event, but when i try to write properties in my source …

Member Avatar for chandru7
Member Avatar for all4peace

Hi All, I'm trying to create a table that has 2 columns and some number of rows. I would like to add an additional row at the end that is one cell which extends the entire row! I'll show you a simplified code. The problem is that the last row …

Member Avatar for reach_shailshar
Member Avatar for senthilg

I'm new to this asp.net while i'm creating a new website i got error like this i don't know what to do.. my error is... " Configuring web site 'http://localhost/mysite to ASP.NET 2.0 failed. You need to manually configure this for ASP.NET 2.0 in for your site to run correctly"

Member Avatar for reach_shailshar
Member Avatar for dskumar_85

Hai friend's i created one web appliction with visual studio2005 , while i ran that page with internet Explorer it show's the same design which i created , then i tried the application with some other browsers like mozilla , opera and google chrome, it not showed the correct design …

Member Avatar for reach_shailshar
Member Avatar for draxous

hey guys...this is ma code which i used in ma application.i tried different kind of codes,but i got da same error unfortunately.i'm using my university network,which has restricted proxy sever.So is this because of the proxy server restrictions,if so tell me how to over come this please..thanx [code] System.Net.Mail.MailMessage mail …

Member Avatar for reach_shailshar
Member Avatar for thilinam

Hi I am implementing a discussion board as a phase of my project. When we visit a web site to see replies of a thread, the url of the page is something like [url]http://forums.asp.net/t/[/url][U]1335371[/U].aspx. Could anybody please let me know, what is the meaning of number 1335371 and how it …

Member Avatar for reach_shailshar
Member Avatar for dskumar_85

hai , i am the begineer in web development,shall i know how to develope the web page more attractive,i mean what are the combination of colors we use to backgroud color ,and font color and botton , is there any combination's there? give ur advice and suggesstion's Thank You....

Member Avatar for reach_shailshar
Member Avatar for firingnow

Hi, i have my application written in .net 3.5, My IIS is of version 5.1. When i tried to host my application in IIS(5.1) by creating a virtual directory and specifying the path of the application folder (which is in D drive in my machine). When i tried to browse …

Member Avatar for reach_shailshar
Member Avatar for kanuri1

how to clear a textbox, if entering data in text box is in incorrect data format (string format) than correct data format(integer format) at a time displaying range validation when cursor moving to the next text box in asp.net by using vb.net.

Member Avatar for reach_shailshar
Member Avatar for willopt_ric

Hi... M working with ListBox Control in aspx.cs. Can AnyOne help me out regarding....How to ensure that atleast one item gets selected in a listbox before button click event gets fired when button is clicked??? Thanks in Advance.....

Member Avatar for Kusno
Member Avatar for aleph_data

Successfully put two Drop Down Lists into my GridView, now trying to figure out how to retrieve the DataValueField in my code behind Gridview looks like this [CODE] <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="GameID" onrowcommand="GridView1_RowCommand"> <Columns> <asp:BoundField DataField="GameNumber" HeaderText="GM #" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="Home" HeaderText="Home" /> <asp:TemplateField> <ItemTemplate> <asp:DropDownList ID="lstHomeTeams" runat="server" DataSource='<%# …

Member Avatar for darrindarrinnet

I have written a small application and when the form open a new file, etc. the information is not posted to the screen until after the file processing has completed. I would like to display information as it is found. VB 6 used to use the DoEvents fundtion to force …

Member Avatar for shilts
Member Avatar for vikas05nitb

hello guys..!! i m having problem with logout code in asp.net with c#. this logout code should end session, disable browser's back button and and if somebody try to login by paste the url of any user account page, he can't. plzzz help thank you in advance..

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for love_dude1984

hi im trying to upload a file with the help of fileupload control. im using following code to save the file in to the database [code] upPic.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("Images/") + txtPrdId.Text.Trim() + ".jpg");//System.IO.Path.GetExtension(upPic.PostedFile.FileName)); [/code] the file gets saved perfectly..but when i try to display the same image somewher else, it shows a …

Member Avatar for Sals
Member Avatar for pujasunar

I had Feedback in my .net project .My how do i know that feedback is send into email as i am working on local server how do i test it.

Member Avatar for nayal_dani

I am using two dropdown list and one GridView. I have taken two update panels. In first update panel i have placed second dropdownlist in which data is coming based on the value selected in the first dropdown list In second update panel i have placed gridview in which data …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for elidotnet

Hello, i tryin to find some code to handle some situation in webpage using C# and asp.net. I have site with membership, every user have a folder with his name (if UserName is xxyyxx so the folder have the same name xxyyxx) the folder contain lots of images. i want …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for er.daljeetsingh

i have a datagridview with checkboxes in my window form and i want to sort my result with textbox without losting checkbox checked value. i place code in textbox_textchange() event. first i fill datatable with label click() [code] Private Sub Label8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label8.Click …

Member Avatar for RAMAN2233

Whenever i am trying to view the gridview in my web form using scroll bar ..i am not able 2 view it completely(especially save and cancel button). I already used the property overflow:auto. Help is appreciated.Thanx in advance

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for karthikjohn

Hi, How to sent gridview with content to a friend in Asp.Net using c#? if any one know the answer pls reply me , As soon as possible

Member Avatar for emala
Member Avatar for Cruize_Invades

HI currently I am studying asp.net, how ever I manage to view my image just in my test.aspx page using this code [CODE]<img src="img/image.jpg" >[/CODE] but when i use it on my login.aspx using the same code no image shows up. can anyone help me about this?

Member Avatar for Cruize_Invades
Member Avatar for shankbond

Hi, Is there some way by which a web application design view should remain the same even if the resolution of the screen is changed? Please reply Thanks

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for vkkreddy

Hi, I would like to capture the image using WebCam and store it in database. I am using ASP.NET 3.5, C#, Visual Studio 2008, SQL Server 2008, Windows Vista Business (O.S), IIS 7.0 and IE 7.0. I want to integrate WebCam functionality in my Web Application. My requirement is, the …

Member Avatar for sathishkumar.j
Member Avatar for virang_21

Hi, I am trying to create a mailbox on exchange server 2007 using power shell command via ASP.NET page. I am using windows impersonation to do this. I ma able to connect to my exchange server box but when I try to invoke the Mailbox-Create command the webpage displays "Connection …

Member Avatar for yisman

hi everyone. i actually posted this already at forums.asp.net but got no answer. i would appreciate your guys help. thanks. I have a databound ListView and am trying to dynamically add a databound textbox at run time. How can i data-bind it before adding it. This is my code so …

Member Avatar for carobee

What do i need to install silverlight? i have Visual studio 2008.Also how can i check whether visual studio 2008 sp1 is installed or not?

Member Avatar for Ramesh S

The End.