13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for fdhdsr

Hello. if someone could help on this problem please.. I have a griedView that renders books from a database. In each line a DELETE/EDIT button is rendered. I want when the user clicks the EDIT button, the CANCEL,UPDATE buttoms to appear and the EDIT buttton to become disabled.. I though …

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for anup.maverick

Hi, I want to pass a value from one page to another(say from page1 to page2) & the same value again to another page(say page3). What is the best way to do this in vb.net. Query string, Session Variables or any other method? Thanx “Peace comes from within. Do not …

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for bharanidharanit

Hello, I am having 3 pages default.aspx, default1.aspx and default2.aspx Default.aspx is the home page. When i click default2.aspx, it must check whether i have logged in, if not it must redirect to a login page(default1.aspx)

Member Avatar for bharanidharanit
Member Avatar for praisethelord

I have asked the same question in asp.net forum, there are 4 days past, I still didn't get a solution. I try here and hope to gte help. I have a nested gridview in an update panel. I need to pass two boundfiled values from child gridview gdDetail through CommandArgument …

Member Avatar for praisethelord
Member Avatar for t1g3r

I created a personal website using the Microsoft personal website starter kit ([url]http://www.asp.net/downloads/starter-kits/personal/[/url]) then tried to run it in Visual Web Developer 2008. When I did so, I got the error msg shown below. My OS is Win XP Home and I am running Visual Web Developer in an admin …

Member Avatar for t1g3r
Member Avatar for ferroariel

Hi u all, I'm working on a single asp.net page using this captcha control a couple of images and a password field Everything is OK in firefox and chrome, but IE fails allways This is the page [url]http://www.nngcamisas.com.ar[/url] And these are snapshoots of the problem [url]http://www.nngcamisas.com.ar/sitein_ff.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.nngcamisas.com.ar/sitein_gch.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.nngcamisas.com.ar/sitein_ie7_error.jpg[/url] If you …

Member Avatar for ferroariel
Member Avatar for anup.maverick

Hi, I need a vb.net code that will give me random numbers, which i will save in a database column in a primary key field. But the code should surely generate the random number. Thanx & Regards Anup

Member Avatar for anup.maverick
Member Avatar for abhipro

Hi everyone, I am working on a ASP.NET website and would like to use some functions which are part of a separate C# code. Is it possible to include that .CS file using add items and be able to use the functions. I tried doing it but the code file …

Member Avatar for fawadkhalil
Member Avatar for webdev100

Hi, as the title says, How do I disable the select button text in a gridview after clicking it once? I want to click it once, then have the select cell area render an image (and the image not clickable or linking to anything). Any ideas?

Member Avatar for plusplus
Member Avatar for geraldkf

Hi, I am looking at adding an IIS7 (Windows Server 2008) to an IIS6 webfarm environment. Our webservers handle session state through a common SQL Database that have the ASPState DB. I am getting intermittent viewstate was invalid and viewstate supplied failed integrity check error. I can't be sure if …

Member Avatar for sri_sssitc

Someone is building an application for me in VB.NET. I want to be able to check out their work. I want a way to fill up the form, by drawing values from a text file that contains sample values, as soon as I click a button (outside the application window). …

Member Avatar for MrDavo

Hi Everyone, I am seeing the following error message whilst attempting to access a website that is hosted on my workstation computer ( Error Type: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80004005) [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied. C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\INTRANET\..\connection.asp, line 12 If anybody can shed some …

Member Avatar for kbk_10
Member Avatar for abby524

Hi, I'm a newbie working with ASP.Net, attempting to create a feedback form in ASP.Net VB but I am getting the below error message. Not really sure how to create this query that its asking for. Please help...... Page.IsValid cannot be called before validation has taken place. It should be …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for web_developer

hey developers i am facing a new problem and need ur help. i have a crystal report running perfect but when i press a button to export the report to specific type such as ("pdf", "excel"...) i got this error. [B][COLOR="Red"] Error in File C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\temp_d5b87b69-0a62-48a7-bb70-0f98fdbf36f2.rpt: Access to report file denied. …

Member Avatar for Castle01
Member Avatar for tadi12345@gmail

Hi, I have created a div tag with id and runat server, when the code is inserted from the server side(c#) using inner html of div, the code is inserted, but the data is not shown. ex. HTML Code: [code] <div id="content_container" runat="server" class="xyz"> </div> [/code] C# code [code=c#] protected …

Member Avatar for kapil.tandon

i have created the code like this [code=asp.net]<asp:GridView ID="grd" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" onselectedindexchanged="grd_SelectedIndexChanged" Width="100%"> <Columns> <asp:BoundField DataField="ID" HeaderText="Budget ID" /> <asp:CommandField HeaderText="Delete" ShowDeleteButton="True" /> </Columns> </asp:GridView>[/code] a show delete field will appeat at run time. i want to delete the row from the gridview.can anybody tell me how to do it?when …

Member Avatar for sekharM
Member Avatar for Edmondo

Hello everyone, can you help? I am trying to build a site using visual studio with a access database back end, basically two of the tables in the database are linked and I want to update the both of them at the same time. What I have is a "Formview" …

Member Avatar for kameswari
Member Avatar for demo_str

I am a student in need of assistance using Visual Web Deveoper 2008. I am mostly through a project (student website) but have gotten into a few tagles configuring the master page. If you are comfortabel working with me over the internet the porject is mostly done, and I am …

Member Avatar for kardsen

I am having trouble figuring out how to pull this off. Basically I have a gridview table that shows a point value in each cell. What I am attempting to do is replace the point value within the cell and draw a colorized circle/dot where the color is based upon …

Member Avatar for abby524

Hi, I'm a newbie, having problems creating a feedback form that will be sent to me via email after the client fills it out, any help would be great! When I choose ctrl f5 to take a look and test, I'm getting the below error message: A page can have …

Member Avatar for abby524
Member Avatar for abhishektiwari

I have a application where which uses asp.net and php both.So i need a web hosting where i can run both into one.Can anyone suggest me the name of the hosting company where i can run that application. Thanks in advance!!

Member Avatar for ShemoPT
Member Avatar for 15389049

I am creating a page to search for a user in a database and display the results in a gata grid (Which i have done) Then i would like to select one of the results and use this record by holding it as a variable and pass it back into …

Member Avatar for 15389049
Member Avatar for dima shawahneh

hello im a beginner in web programming and i faced a problem i defined a button in a certain page say contact.aspx when i choose button_click event it appears in Default.aspx.cs which is not correct coz i lost my control to the page contact.aspx waiting for ur answers .. thanks

Member Avatar for dima shawahneh
Member Avatar for willopt_ric

Actually i want to add roles to my asp.net application.....how to do do that programatically??? i did in c# like... Roles.CreateRoles("admin") but its showing error:c:\inetpub\wwwroot\RoleMgtTest1\WebForm1.aspx.cs(75): The type or namespace name 'Roles' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Can ny one plz help …

Member Avatar for vksingh24

Please forgive me if I am posting it in a wrong forum. I have a software (Sourcegear) which I use as a configuration management tool. Due to some reason I cannot upgrade the Sourcegear version. The current version i have is 1.2.1 This work well with .NET Framework ver 1.1. …

Member Avatar for Ravenheart
Member Avatar for SusanHAllen

I am having a weird problem with innerHtml that I'm hoping someone can help me with. The code displays two sections (one "EP offers" and one "LP offers" section as indicated in the code below. The code that works just fine locally, but when I upload it to the host …

Member Avatar for chandru7
Member Avatar for Letscode

I need some help to find the frame width and height in a frameset. I used something like top.[framename].document.body.clientwidth but I'm not getting the clientid when i used top. function???

Member Avatar for m.electron67
Member Avatar for witinnovation

I have read the article that how to create waiting page but not understand properly anyone can post one more example of waiting page in ASP.net

Member Avatar for Sals
Member Avatar for culebrin

Hi, I have this: Public Class bParentClass [...] End Class Public Class bChildClass1 inherits bParentClass [...] End Class So, I do this: [CODE=vb] Dim vChildClass1 as bChildClass1 '<-- Here I create a reference to a child class type vChildClass1 = New bChildClass1 '<-- Here I point to a new object …

Member Avatar for KingSoso

[QUOTE=katli;215245]Hi i have a CipherLab CCD 1000 barcode scanner that i need to use with a windows form, and have no clue as to how to focus the scanned data to the textbox. i have already set the scanner up, but somehow i cannot seem to get the .dll file …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S

The End.