13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for love_dude1984

hi... im writing a code in which i need to upload some files like pdf's images etc on ftp....my code saves all the files on ftp properly...but ther is one form which allows user to delete the same contents from ftp..n d code written to delete the contents is as …

Member Avatar for morke

Hi, I currently have a database in MS SQL2008 which is accessed via a VB2008 app on a Local Area network. The password for the database is hardcoded within app.config file in the program. However I want to transfer the database out to the web. To that end I have …

Member Avatar for happyns

Hi one and all, I am using C#.net language in asp.net framework using visual studio 2008. I have one checkbox as input control and two textboxes named textbox1 and textbox2 as asp controls. First the client needs to type something in textbox1 and after that the client needs to check …

Member Avatar for happyns
Member Avatar for lucid_dev

Hi, I am relatively new to designing in ASP and this is my first form. I hav created a RadioButtonList within a FormView and one of the items is an other which, when selected, should pass focus onto a textbox for the user to type their 'other' reply. The code …

Member Avatar for MrBlack

[COLOR="Green"]Can anybody plz tell me how to make a windows application form like vista view,Are there any free tools , help me :S[/COLOR]

Member Avatar for shabeg

Hi, I am new in List<string> ,Memory leak,.net, I can i manage memory for List<string> e.g. [CODE]List<string> list=new List<string>(); list.Add("a"); list.Add("b"); list.Add("c"); list.Add("d"); list.Add("e"); list.Clear(); [/CODE] in above example ,will List.Clear() release memory for list or items. Thanks and Regards Shabab Begym

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for algo_man

Hello everybody, I'm about to finish programming my website using VS2008 and VB.NET. It depends on MS Access DB. I've made a contract with ix web hosting to upload my website there. I really don't know exactly what are the steps behind configuring and uploading my files remotely. Is there …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for emilio

hi i realy cant guess what i'm doung wrong i'm trying to fire a simple oninit event. [CODE=asp]<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title></title> </head> <body oninit="alert('hi');"> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="cph2" runat="server"> </asp:ContentPlaceHolder> </div> </form> </body> </html>[/CODE] this works perfectly with onload event.

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for vishalonne

Hi Every Body I learn lots of thing from here. Now I put my hands in ASP.Net. I am creating a web site now I stuck at a point where I want to display the result in sorted order. Actually I have a facility to add new schedule for class …

Member Avatar for vishalonne
Member Avatar for nmuthu_samy

Hi all, I want to validate the text box in gridview for date format. how can I do this. Thanks in Advance

Member Avatar for nmuthu_samy
Member Avatar for drspock

Hi, I am attempted to use .NET's SMTPClient to send e-mail. I get no error messages or exceptions, yet the e-mail does not get sent. I have set the SMTPClient.DeliveryMethod to PickupDirectoryFromIis because I was getting an error message of Mailbox unavailable before. Now I no longer get that error …

Member Avatar for GajananPund
Member Avatar for farooq82

I am working on site [url]http://www.turnkey-solutions.net/[/url] is working on local system. Its also work on live server but I click on any link its give the error. I don't know how to encounter that error can some one help me out from this problem. [CODE]Server Error in '/' Application. Parser …

Member Avatar for farooq82
Member Avatar for sb20642

I have a web service which has the soap authentication. But when i view the HTTP Request format in the soap envelope i dont find the xmlns:type attribute and also in the soap:body i dont find soap:encodingStyles attribute. How to add these attributes from the web service side. I need …

Member Avatar for jcb0806

Hello there, I know this is simple, but I'm trying to add a scrollbar to this pop up window. [code] <script> function PopUpInvestors(investorid,identifier) { window.open('../trades/Peeps.aspx?investorid=' + escape(investorid) + '&id=' + identifier,'','resizable,status,left=100,top=75,width=625,height=600'); } </script>[/code] Can anybody help?

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for AndreRet

Just to say hi to all the .NET helpers out there. I have made the dreaded (but forced) change from vb6 to .NET. I will rely a lot on your expertise in this forum, and thanks to those that will be prepared to sort all my questions. I have been …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for bigfan

1. I have a blank test page. On the page load, it does this: UserControl c1 = (UserControl)LoadControl("control1.ascx"); this.Controls.Add(c1); 2. I have control1.ascx.cs On the ascx side: i have this single literal: <asp:Literal ID="litTest1" runat="server" Text="Hello World" /> On the page load, it does: UserControl c2 = (UserControl)LoadControl("control2.ascx"); this.Controls.Add(c2); 3. …

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for Edmondo

Hello there, I'm again working with a insertTemplate but this time I would like to know, basically I have two SQL tables one called Technician and the other called Alert. Basically I have a TextBox where a user can add new employees and save them to the Technician table, the …

Member Avatar for mshravs

hey, i have a problem regarding the format of the date format. in the form i have the date format in dd/mm/yyyy and when i try to save the date in that format in sql database, it's not accepting in that format. but i need to save the date in …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for pranilrao

Hi, I am working with the treeview control and binding it dynamically using the treeview_TreeNodePopulate method. The code works perfectly fine and treeview behaves as it has to. However, I am facing one annoying issue in the display of the treeview, the last node and its child do not align …

Member Avatar for pranilrao
Member Avatar for Mind Bird

using System.Web.Mail; MailMessage mm = new MailMessage(); mm.To = "mymail@gmail.com"; mm.From = "mymail@gmail.com"; mm.Subject = uxSubjectText.Text; string MESSAGE2 = "<html><body><div><table><tr><td>hiiiii</td></tr></table></div></body></html>" mm.Body = MESSAGE2; mm.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html; mm.Priority = MailPriority.High; SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "smtp.gmail.com"; mm.Fields.Add("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate", "1"); mm.Fields.Add("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername", "maymail@gmail.com"); mm.Fields.Add("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword", "password"); mm.Fields.Add("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport", "465"); mm.Fields.Add("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl", "true"); SmtpMail.Send(mm); plz solve this problem

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for thetodaisies

Hi, I have an aspx textbox control in my webpage its value is being assigned from javascript. Now once the value is assigned from javascript it returns empty string when tried Textbox.text from c# codebehind on submit. here is the definition of the textbox <asp:TextBox ID="TxtTags" CssClass="TextBoxStyle" runat="server" ReadOnly ="true" …

Member Avatar for thetodaisies
Member Avatar for ultras1

How to get the IP address of the Client (visitor of the website) I tryed with theese codes: [CODE]Request.UserHostAddress; and Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"][/CODE] But both gave me back the serrver IP :(

Member Avatar for Kusno
Member Avatar for Stivi

Hi, I'm working on a content management system for our website (ASP.NET project, C# language, SQL Server 2000), but I'm unable to save russian texts into the database. Table is okay, I've created an ntext column, which is able to store unicode characters. However, if I'll look into the database …

Member Avatar for possible181
Member Avatar for love_dude1984

hi.. im using a a gridview with template fields which contains labels to display the dynamic data from database.. my problem is, i want to use paging concept in the gridview. but as im using template fields & a dynamic database, im getting an error.. this is how im binding …

Member Avatar for mail2saion
Member Avatar for GajananPund

Hello All, I want to send the email if there is any Exception in my asp.net site. Please help me. Thank in Advance.

Member Avatar for GajananPund
Member Avatar for nids_511

hi ... i've just received a client requirement stating that he wants to have an [B]offline capability for his asp.net application[/B] being run on tablet PC'S. The application consists of multiple forms being used for data entry. But due to Internet Connectivity not being there sometimes, they want to [B]cache …

Member Avatar for virang_21

Hi, I worked on an application for 5 months and there are different levels of user access to the system like Administrator, Staff, Student etc. I used form based authentication and created different directory for each user type and then set role's access in web.config as follow : [CODE] <location …

Member Avatar for happyns

Im using asp.net using c#.net to retrieve a field from database. The field is xyz. It contains the data value say qwerty~rtyuup. I want to split the data right and left to ~ say(qwerty) and (rtyuup) using a string. For this i have used the code as follows: String abc(); …

Member Avatar for happyns
Member Avatar for jamello

Hello experts! Please how do I display markup text (in html) with a asp.net 3.0 server control? I have a database full of markup text inputted using a rich text control. but I will like to display these text using other asp.net controls that would render the text correctly with …

Member Avatar for Major_Hafez

Hey , Guys !! i'm making very simple ASPX Page to Upload Files ( Zip, PDF , Doc , ...etc ) in Specific Folder (~/MyFiles/) and i save File Path to SQL DB , File Description and File Name as well ... i got [B]GridView [/B]to retrieve data from SQL …

Member Avatar for Major_Hafez

The End.