13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for Pedro93

Hi, I have the fallowing problem: A gridview in panel work fine on some workstation in local area network and at the others the panel appear inactive, the gridview exceed the limit of the panel. The scrollbar appear inactive. What is wrong ?

Member Avatar for juliagarrett
Member Avatar for dsweb1017
Member Avatar for jamello

Hello experts! Please how do I display markup text (in html) with a asp.net 3.0 server control? I have a database full of markup text inputted using a richtext control. but I will like to display these text using other asp.net controls that would render the text correctly with the …

Member Avatar for jamello
Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi, i was got an error, iam using a code to auto increment of serial number, but the problem is selecting the serial number from the database it was insremented from first number itself like as 1,2,3 it was incremented from 1 itself,, i wants to increment the data from …

Member Avatar for pauldani
Member Avatar for murugavel.b

If you want to restrict the user to go back or forward from the web browser, you can use the below mentioned javascript. Use this javascript in the script tag. It works on all browsers. For further details: [url]http://dotnetbypulikesi.blogspot.com[/url]

Member Avatar for tryongliph

Maybe I'm the one not doing anything right but i'm trying to cause a page to display a given information as soon as it load. I'm using labels display the said information. The problem here is, in the Page_Load method, i can't seem to call any of the labels or …

Member Avatar for tryongliph
Member Avatar for unknowndevil41

I am having a problem with modal popup. I used this code an its running fine but the pop appears in black colour. I cant see the text written inside the pop. Pls help me to solve this..... <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > <head runat="server"> <link href="Style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <title>Untitled Page</title> …

Member Avatar for virang_21
Member Avatar for capiono

I want to assign a color to my excel column [CODE] currentRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 17; [/CODE] But I don't want to use one of the colors in the excel palette I do I add my own color. for instances: [CODE] currentRow.Interior.Color = Color.LightBlue; [/CODE] Thanks for the help

Member Avatar for moroshko

Hi, I have an Ellipse on a Canvas and I'm doing a Hit Testing on it. Every time I click the stroke of the Ellipse, the test pass. If I click in the middle of the Ellipse, the test fails. This is good ! After I fill the ellipse like …

Member Avatar for moroshko

Hi, Consider this code: [CODE]Ellipse myCircle = new Ellipse(); myCircle.Width = 400; myCircle.Height = 400; myCircle.Stroke = Brushes.PeachPuff; myCircle.StrokeThickness = 25; myCircle.ToolTip = "Bold Circle"; Canvas.SetTop(myCircle, 0); Canvas.SetLeft(myCircle, 0); canvas.Children.Add(myCircle); Ellipse myCircle2 = new Ellipse(); myCircle2.Width = 400; myCircle2.Height = 400; myCircle2.Stroke = Brushes.Black; myCircle2.StrokeThickness = 1; Canvas.SetTop(myCircle2, 0); Canvas.SetLeft(myCircle2, …

Member Avatar for moroshko
Member Avatar for moroshko

Hi, I added a Rectangle to a Canvas like this: [CODE]Canvas.SetTop(myRectangle, 150); Canvas.SetLeft(myRectangle, 80); canvas.Children.Add(myRectangle);[/CODE] Now I want to move the rectangle to other place, say (100, 100). What is the best way to do this ? Thanks !

Member Avatar for moroshko
Member Avatar for moroshko

Hi, I put several shapes (like Ellipse and Rectangle) on a Canvas. Now, I want user to be able to drag & drop these shapes. Is there some predefined functionality that I can use, or I should implement the drag & drop myself using the mouse events ? Thanks !

Member Avatar for culebrin

Hi, I've been googling about a simple source code for crystal reports for about 2 weeks now, and no luck. So I wonder if anyone have a source code for a simple report (maybe with subreports and external parameters) on ASP.NET (I'm using VS2008 and the CR emmbeded in it …

Member Avatar for swathichiran

My task is to add new words to dictionary file. so am using infragistics webspell checker control. With out creating virtual directory to application, i could add new words to dictionary file. But if the virtual directory is created, even though i click on add, new words are not included …

Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi frnds, i was a get a problem, i want to update the serialnumber by using a text box,,,, suppose i am updating the serial number as 3,,,,it was updated,,,, but if i wants to update the serial number as 4 ,that is already in the database it is also …

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi how to insert default year in database by uing a textbox in button click event. here iam asp.ent with vb.net database is sqlserver-2005. pls give me code

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for moorcroft

Hi I'm trying to map some tables using Nhibernate and it generally works apart from when it comes to one-to-many classes. I have a Visits table where each visit has many Inspection records. The mapping file for Visits contains the following: [code=c#]<bag name="Inspections" lazy="false" fetch="select" cascade="none" inverse="true"> <key column="VISIT_COUNTER"/> <one-to-many …

Member Avatar for mania_comp

Hi ... I am using details view in one of my aspx page. In DetailsView I have set PagingMode to NextPrevious. Now I load some quiz questions in DetailsView and all this works fine in MOZILLA Firefox . But in IE8 ... when I click on Next button in Details …

Member Avatar for atplerry

Pls i need to know How can i read the content of a word document into a page or what is the alternative way of doing this. because this site is a dynamic and i dont want the site management to be done by typing the page content inside a …

Member Avatar for padtes
Member Avatar for gess6321

how do you add a hyperlinkcolumn column in a gridview dynamically at runtime? if you can't add one, how do you modify its properties at runtime? i can't seem to figure out a way to do this.

Member Avatar for edk1986

sir,i am doing a web based application with front end ASP.net and back end microsoft SQL server.i need to know how to start doing a web based application.i need to know does designing is first to start or coding.suggest me some website for guide.

Member Avatar for Edmondo

Hi All I have a problem where I want to open Outlook from a ASP button click which then pass data into the Outlook form from information that has been entered into textboxes by the user. Could anyone point me in the direction of how I might go about passing …

Member Avatar for Edmondo
Member Avatar for Katherine87

I have problem With My Calculator in ASP.NET C# in Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition : web application not windows application the code: [CODE] protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Double F1; //Double S1; // Double Re; // F1 = Convert.ToDouble(TextBox1.Text); // S1 = Convert.ToDouble(TextBox2.Text); // Re …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Katherine87

I have problem With My Calculator in ASP.NET C# in Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition : web application not windows application the code: [CODE]protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Double F1; //Double S1; // Double Re; // F1 = Convert.ToDouble(TextBox1.Text); // S1 = Convert.ToDouble(TextBox2.Text); // Re = …

Member Avatar for Katherine87
Member Avatar for ajijacobm

hi, I have been doing my ASP.net project in C#.I am a beginner to a programming world.i have Performed executed some sql queries by writing some Connection strings..But i am looking for finding another method,which i could get simpler by calling some function like "studadapter.fill(dataset,"src table")" which is to fill …

Member Avatar for ajijacobm
Member Avatar for moroshko

Hello ! Could you please point me to a good C# tutorial for drawing 2d graphics like Ellipse and Rectangle (that inherit from Shape) on a Canvas using WPF ? I'm also interested later to click on shapes and identify which shape was clicked, and also to drag and drop …

Member Avatar for jamesonh20
Member Avatar for ajitkumar26

HI, I want to Display Confirm box after certain condition using c# code. is there any tool avaolable for that. and also, while using Javascript alert the page getting blank. [code] if (!Page.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("mytest")) Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("myrest", "<script> window.alert('Hello')</script>"); [/code]

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for jpegny

Hi, I'm using visual studio 2008 and it's built in development webserver, with C# as the codebehind language. I'm trying to make a simple webapp in which you click a button which sets a session var (that part is working) and in the pageload i'm checking to see if it's …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for mohittripathi

how to add a circle,square on an image on an imagemap?i want to create a new circle smalll one wid text on an existing image and create tat circle whenever i get tat coordinate position.also how to find coordinates of image point in runtime...in asp.net..i used drawing,graphics class but no …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for rananeisha

Help me out to find the tables along with field to build database for CRM database....


The End.