13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for jtok

I am working in VS2008. I use vb.net and asp.net. MS SQL2005 as database server. Occasionally when two sets of data are inserted at nearly the same time, I find that one has "stomped" on the other, over-writing it's data. The inserts are done via a stored proc using SCOPE_IDENTITY() …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for rutaba

hi.. How can i add a database in my website using asp.net. its a student project and i hav to create an online flight reservation system. in which i am using SQL Database? Kindly tell me by some example that how can i add record using some form ? but …

Member Avatar for Seten
Member Avatar for algo_man

Hello, I'm using an asp.net [COLOR="Red"][B]Login control [/B][/COLOR]via visual studio 2008 and it is working fine locally. I tried to upload my project files to a web server and trying to login through login control I've been created. I'm facing the following problem: ---------------------------------------------- Server Error in '/test2' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi frnds i had got a problem, i want to increase the serial number automatically when page is loaded and it will be inserted into the database...... pls reply me answer.... here i use vb.net coding.........

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for kthaneer

Hi Pushkar Thanks a lot. The script manager works fine. I have a quick question, We have a java script function: [CODE] function openPickList() { var iMyWidth; var iMyHeight; iMyWidth = (screen.width - 350) / 2; iMyHeight = (screen.height - 200) / 2; //Open the window. var win = window.open("............. …

Member Avatar for wonder_gal

Hi, I have 2 drop down lists, in which the selection value of the 1st drop down list will determine the content of the second drop down list. Is that I need to use javascript function to achieve this? If yes, how should I code the javascript and how should …

Member Avatar for giahmed
Member Avatar for giahmed

Dear all, I am really stuck with inserting record into access database using ASP.net and C#, as in university I am only allowed to use access. I am trying to create new room reservation for meetings its not a hotel room, I have two time slots AM and PM and …

Member Avatar for giahmed
Member Avatar for hubertoe

Hi all, I'm currently stuck with a simple problem, which I cannot seem to get it to work for the past few days. I'm trying to get the CheckBox type from a ControlCollection and it is displayed within a Table However, it don't seem to work regardless of how I …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for gsskkrish

Hi I have a error When I run the application. This problem is created in memory leakage when processing continously at System.Windows.Media.Pen.set_EndLineCap(PenLineCap value) at System.Windows.Shapes.Shape.GetPen() at System.Windows.Shapes.Shape.OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext) at System.Windows.UIElement.Arrange(Rect finalRect) at System.Windows.Controls.Grid.ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize) at System.Windows.FrameworkElement.ArrangeCore(Rect finalRect) at System.Windows.UIElement.Arrange(Rect finalRect) at MS.Internal.Helper.ArrangeElementWithSingleChild(UIElement element, Size arrangeSize) at System.Windows.Controls.ContentPresenter.ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize) at System.Windows.FrameworkElement.ArrangeCore(Rect …

Member Avatar for gsskkrish

Hi I have error when i run the application. application stopped when it is working properly. How to avoid this error ? System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle.ComputeEstimatedSize(IntPtr bitmapObject) at System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle.CalculateSize() at System.Windows.Media.Imaging.UnmanagedBitmapWrapper..ctor(BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle bitmapSource) at System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffect.GetOutput(SafeHandle unmanagedEffect, Int32 index, BitmapEffectRenderContext context) at System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffect.GetOutput(BitmapEffectInput input) at System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffectState.GetEffectOutput(Visual visual, RenderTargetBitmap& renderBitmap, Matrix worldTransform, Rect windowClip, Matrix& finalTransform) …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen

I'm not entirely sure if this thread belongs here, or in "JavaScript / DHTML / AJAX". Anyway. I have a bit of a problem here, hoping that a kind soul might be able to help. On one of the webpages for the site I'm developing I have a bunch of …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for mshravs

below is the code for running and capturing image from the webcam [CODE] Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load 'Jpeg compression quality Dim nQuality As Short = 45 'Shout a picture from my webcam Dim cam As CAMSERVERLib.Camera = New CAMSERVERLib.CameraClass() Dim picture As …

Member Avatar for mshravs
Member Avatar for devji

Hi, I've recently inherited an ASP.NET website. I have moved the site over to a new server and am now having a problem I'd like some help debugging. I'm a new to .NET development but am familiar with other languages so would like to try correcting this myself. The server …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi iam using calender along with javascript in asp.net. here the problen is iam getting in mm/dd/yyyy format ,,,,,but i wants dd/mm/yyyy format so please give me the code, here my code of calender (datepicker) as below [CODE]Imports System.Text Namespace VbNetTest Partial Class DatePicker Inherits System.Web.UI.Page #Region " Web Form …

Member Avatar for mshravs
Member Avatar for shahid007041
Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for andyherebi

Hello... I'm trying to connect the data that is enter in a textbox to an mysql database table, can someone let me know how to do it in visual web developer 2008, and if is not necessary to write the code, just with some of the options on the toolbox.... …

Member Avatar for sworld
Member Avatar for nickEncarnacion

The scenario is: i have a textbox, a button and a grid view that make up a simple webpage where you can search and edit/delete an entry. the grid view's datasource ID is set to NONE. And this is the code for populating the grid view that is found in …

Member Avatar for padtes
Member Avatar for mshravs

here, i got a problem which i could not find solution, here in this form i need to search the data from the sql database and show it in the formview, below is the code [CODE]Protected Sub searchn_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles searchn.Click Dim a As …

Member Avatar for mshravs
Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi i had got a problem that i want to display the difference between two dates to be displayed in a grid view ,here the first date can be taken from a textbox. when the button is clicked the difference between dates to be displyed in days, here iam using …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for shahid007041

Hello, Please help me its very urgent. How can i know all users who is currently online to my website. when i am using MembershipUserCollection getAllUsers method. it is giving me The method or operation is not implemented. since there is nothing i have given in that method. please help. …

Member Avatar for ultras1

I'm getting data form sql table in DataSet object. How to make theese results to slide horizontal in marquee? All rows to be in one line in the marquee. Thanks

Member Avatar for shahid007041

Hello, I want something which should not execute block of code of javascript. when any control fires postback. Please reply. Thanks.

Member Avatar for shahid007041
Member Avatar for PS1

I m using nested repeater repeater1> label1> repeater2> label2> data coming from arraylist(ar1) <%container.Dataitem> Textbox> data coming from two different arraylist??(ar2 and ar3) Earilier I hv connected one arraylsit with it . It was working fine. but the problem is now I have 3 different arraylist for 2 different controls. …

Member Avatar for jonnod123

Hi all, I need some general advice with a webform using an Access 2007 database backend. (Hope this is the right place to post this, my problem seems to cross between several possible forums.) I've written a ASP.NET webform (using c#) which captures data and sticks it into an Access …

Member Avatar for militarymodern
Member Avatar for dima shawahneh

hello every one im trying to send Email using ASP.NET with C# but when recieved it is marked as spam this is a problem... i searched alot and almost i put every thing to avoid marking my emails as spam..but all didn't work this is the piece of code i …

Member Avatar for dima shawahneh
Member Avatar for kanuri1

hi frnd this is raghuram i had got a problem when iam working with a form ,,,,in a textbox it will automatically increment a serial number and it will be stored in sqlaerver2005 database at evey time when form is loaded..... pls give me reply as early as possible.....

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Pankaj18

Hi, I want to validate multiple Email ids separated with comma(,) with single TextBox as CC. please help me. Thanks Pankaj

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for limab

I'm trying to export the contents of a datagrid to excel which I have been able to do as long as its to a generic excel workbook. I can't figure out how to direct to open a specific workbook, create a new tab with a name that I create in …

Member Avatar for kardsen
Member Avatar for workstuff

I have multiple aspx pages which have help buttons. When a user clicks on the help button I want to load up a static image (with help guidelines) and a hide button image on the static image (which will close it and take you back to the originating page). What …

Member Avatar for it-consultant

I am suing ASP.net profile to store some selection on my website and when user logged in it migrate the profile from anonymous user profile to user profile. This Process is working fine with 80% user of website but 20% are complaining that when the login the setting revert back …


The End.