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156 Posted Topics
Re: Pass the header before any HTML tags or else it would show errors | |
I have some files (my work) in a CD which i don't want anyone to copy to their system. They can read the contents of the CD but cannot copy to their hard disk. I mean i want to make a COPY PROTECTED CD. Please help me. Any suggestion will … | |
PHP - Converting IP to Country Hello, Is there any function/pre-made scripts in php which can tell me the name of country based on IP? For example: If I supply an IP then the script would echo "India" Thanx in advance :) ![]() | |
Re: [url]http://www.tutorialized.com/tutorial/Displaying-Records-From-An-Excel-Database/15688[/url] | |
Here's a list of useful freeware applications, arranged alphabetically by category. Please post your favourite software to this thread.... Antivirus: AVG - [url]http://www.grisoft.com/us/us_index.php[/url] Avast - [url]http://www.avast.com/[/url] AntiVir - [url]http://www.free-av.com/[/url] Panda ActiveScan - [url]http://www.pandasoftware.com/activescan[/url] Audio Players: Foobar2000 - [url]http://www.foobar2000.org/[/url] Sonique - [url]http://sonique.lycos.com/[/url] iTunes - [url]http://www.apple.com/itunes/[/url] jetAudio - [url]http://www.jetaudio.com/[/url] QCD - [url]http://www.quinnware.com/[/url] … | |
Re: Scientists have tried to answer the question, "Does Santa come with flying reindeer to deliver presents at Christmas?" This is what they have found: 1. No known species of reindeer can fly, but there are 300,000 species of living organims yet to be classified. Although most of these are insects … | |
Hello, Does anyone know how do I create a subdomain using ASP? I run my own server so I have the full access to it (if that is needed for the same) Thanx | |
Can anyone plz explain wot does PHP stands for? is it Personal Home Page or Hypertext Preprocessor (as written on their official site)? | |
Do u know of any free javascript script that will popup as a bubble with some information on it when I click on any form element in a page? I can show you an example of what I want: [URL=http://www.imagebam.com/image/0c790e4092858][IMG]http://thumbnails5.imagebam.com/410/0c790e4092858.gif[/IMG][/URL] | |
I want to insert records into multiple tables at one go, I am doing this in the following way, is this the correct way of doing? If not, what is the better way? [CODE] mysql_query("insert into table1 values('abc')"); mysql_query("insert into table2 values('ttt')"); mysql_query("insert into table3 values('5t6')"); mysql_query("insert into table4 values('ghy')"); … ![]() | |
I am very sory if I posted in the wrong section, I didnt knew where to post this so I thought this would be the best section to post my question. Well, I am in need of a code for RICH TEXT BOX, just same as where I am typing … | |
Re: Refer this [url]http://www.asp101.com/samples/db_paging.asp?page=2&order=id[/url] | |
I am trying to send an email using CDOSYS with classic ASP. But I am getting this error: [CODE]CDO.Message.1 error '80040220' The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid. /send.asp, line 8 line1 <% line2 Dim myMail line3 Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message") line4 myMail.Subject="Sending email with CDO" line5 myMail.From="from@domain.com" line6 myMail.To="to@domain.com" line7 myMail.TextBody="This is … | |
Re: Try header("location: http://server-to-redirect.com"); pass this above any HTML tags or else it would show errors | |
[img]http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/2500/image0014rn.jpg[/img] [img]http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/6287/image0027na.gif[/img] [b]Oops! you are late, come tomorrow again.... [/b] HEHEHE ;D | |
Guys, I thought this might help you if u r looking for something similar, so I just wanna share this with u all. May b this is the wrong place to post but it is worth posting. I found this simple webserver for those ppl who want to host websites … | |
Hi, I have 2 questions regarding the auto increment datatype in mysql. Q1) Since we all know that if we create an auto increment column, it will start from the number '1' but is there a way we can force it to start with the number '300' and it should … | |
Re: Try to use the session.timeout method <% session("username") = "abc" Session.Timeout = 50 %> By default your session is valid for 20 mins if u r not active. But in the above code, your session will expire after 50 minutes even if u r not active | |
Re: ASP is a server side scripting language, so your asp code will not process/work unless u send a command to the server. This is how your desktop application is differentiated from your server side programming languages. | |
Re: Hey Priya, I am Shouvik From India. I am also persuing MCA from New Delhi. | |
NASA predicts Worldwide Holiday on Feb 1, 2019 as the world is scheduled to end [URL=http://img99.echo.cx/my.php?image=att000063dw.gif][IMG]http://img99.echo.cx/img99/8971/att000063dw.th.gif[/IMG][/URL] the second photo is terrible ....scroll down to see that.... .. .. .. .. .. ... [URL=http://img230.echo.cx/my.php?image=att000099su.gif][IMG]http://img230.echo.cx/img230/1911/att000099su.th.gif[/IMG][/URL] SO, ENJOY EVERY MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST EXTENT.......TILL FEB 1, 2019......... | |
Javascript Page Preloader- Can someone tell me the code for making a Page Pre-loader. The background should be disabled when the pre-loader is prompted. The best example I can give you is the plesk control panel interface as seen in the screenshot below. Notice the background is disabled while the … | |
Hello All, I am stuck with some problem. I have implemented some CSS in my webpage, it works fine with IE but the saddest part is that it is not supported by Firefox. Any ideas how to make it work with Firefox and other browsers (which currently does not support … | |
Hi, I came up with this problem last night. I have a URL [url]http://www.mysite.com[/url] How do I fetch the folder name that was supplied in the URL. For example: [url]http://www.mysite.com/xyz[/url] or [url]http://mysite.com/myfolder[/url] or [url]http://www.mysite.com/xxx[/url] Please note that I can either use www or [url]http://www[/url] or just http:// in my domain … | |
I have a timestamp column in a mysql table. Using PHP, how do I convert the timestamp format which is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" into a format like "March 16 2008, 08:41 am" ? Please help Thanx | |
I like the borders of the forums like this. Can someone tell me how to draw a border in HTML/CSS as shown in the screenshot. [URL=http://img91.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fireshotcapture12helloimn7.jpg][IMG]http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/3292/fireshotcapture12helloimn7.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I would like to have the bordercolor as well. The following HTML does not work perfectly on all browsers :( I mean, with FF … | |
If you have a column, of data type = INT, with the following numbers as separate rows. 1 3 4 5 7 10 How can you write a sql statement where you can calculate the nearest number to any give input. Example , if the input is 9 ? (the … | |
Hi, I am trying to make a shopping cart using paypal payment gateway. Here is a scenario: A customer visits my site, adds an item to the cart, clicks on the "checkout" button, he is then redirected to the paypal payment page, now would could I track if he has … | |
Hi, This is an interesting question (in my humble opinion). I am trying to create a forum in PHP. So there is a "Post a new Thread" link, clicking on which would open a textarea field for posting a message and a textbox for the "title". Now, I dont want … | |
Hi, I am new to PHP oop. I was wondering when and why should we use the following: 1) Public 2) Protected 3) Private 4) are there any other??? An example would be appreciated. Thanx |
The End.