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78 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for shahriar2403

How are you connecting to the database? If you are using ODBC, you need to create a like ODBC element on the new computer. Hoppy

Member Avatar for Shubham_4
Member Avatar for Lardmeister

I can remember a few years ago (well maybe more than a few) all of the planets, except one lined up almost exactly. Everyone wondered what would happen. There were all sorts of goofy theories floating around. The day came, the day went, nothing happened. Nothing will happen this time …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for johndoe444

This thread is too important to be allowed to die. It solves one of the most annoying problems with AJAX. And, it is difficult to find documentation on this problem. Kudos to fxm and johndoe444.

Member Avatar for bharathivkmani
Member Avatar for lover99509
Member Avatar for cool beans
Member Avatar for abhinav_blue87

[QUOTE=abhinav_blue87;449787]hi this is abhinav i am a newbie to this world ... i very urgently need a project on library management in vb...... is there any one who can help me in this ....... thanks[/QUOTE] Hi, I will be happy to do your project for you. If you will e-mail …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for wraph

[QUOTE=vegaseat;105815]William Gates' claim to the "Programmers Hall of Fame" is DOS, specifically MS-DOS for the the first IBM PC. I think that was written in assembler. It was a great achievement in those early PC days. This comes from a person who used some of the alternative disk operating systems. …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for salman.paracha

The problem is that the variable named "subjectLine" is defined as a String. A String is not an Object. When you use the "Set" statement, the compiler expects that the thing you are "Setting" is an object. Hoppy

Member Avatar for mahdouch5
Member Avatar for satya.vijai

Try rd /s dirToDelete If you don't want it to ask if you're sure, then try rd /s /q dirToDelete Hoppy

Member Avatar for JenniC
Member Avatar for jliu66

It looks like you confused columns and rows in your description in the first paragraph. If this is the case, I can do what you ask, but it will require some programming. I will charge a fee of $150.00 USD. If you're interested, respond to this thread. Hoppy

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for ProgrammersTalk
Member Avatar for hopalongcassidy

My problem is that I have a PHP application that needs to (in Windowsese) multi-task. I am relatively new to PHP and equally new to Linux. I need to know how to pass information from a parent process to a child process and vice versa. If somebody could please provide …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for $nipa

If you really want to drive yourself crazy, learn LISP. "Urg@#%uuuh!". Then, you can spend the rest of your life counting parentheses (inside a padded cell). Excuse the sarcasm, but I hate LISP. Hoppy

Member Avatar for ronicasingh
Member Avatar for mark0420

[QUOTE=mark0420;476221]im only 16 y/o[/QUOTE] Your age is no excuse for your laziness! Hoppy :yawn:

Member Avatar for technogeek_42
Member Avatar for lsprog
Member Avatar for hanusoft

The two biggest risks that I see are the enforcement of contractual obligations and the built-in delays due to the fact that the offshore provider is often many time zones away. Before contracting with a foreign company, you need a pretty good understanding of the laws of the country with …

Member Avatar for fuzzyduq
Member Avatar for TOROOOLOLOOLO

Your problem is on the MsgBox. Try the following: [code] Call MsgBox("Sorry, there is no such record found in the database with Employee ID :" & _ Trim(txtsearch.Text) & "." & vbCrLf & "Please try again...", vbExclamation, "Employee") [/code]

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for dmah2007

Are you sure you have a file named index.heml in your "payment" folder? The page your code redirects to is is "[B]ylhl[/B]/payment/index.html"

Member Avatar for CertGuard
Member Avatar for hatemkhzouz

You can do this using Call DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet(...). You can read about the parameters of this call in the Microsoft Access Help file under TransferSpreadsheet. You can use TransferSpreadsheet to either import, export or link a spreadsheet with a table. The spreadsheet can be Excel or even a Lotus 1,2,3 spreadsheet …

Member Avatar for hopalongcassidy
Member Avatar for lasher511

[QUOTE=Lardmeister;451474]Nicely worded, I think mankind's contribution is about 1%. The sun's often large fluctuations in energy output has never been incorporated into the computer models of the global warming effect. That would have made the calculations too complex![/QUOTE] In these "global warming" rants, I never see (or hear) anyone mention …

Member Avatar for hopalongcassidy
Member Avatar for cancer10

If you are interested in reading a good piece on SQL Injection that tells you how to hack into sites that don't protect themselves against such attacks and (what is more important) how to protect your site against such attacts, let me share a URL with you: [url][/url] This article …

Member Avatar for hopalongcassidy
Member Avatar for mercuryserve

The colon (:) that the error message is referring to might be in your include file. How about sharing that with us as well? Hoppy

Member Avatar for hopalongcassidy
Member Avatar for lydia21

You might want to check for a few more things. Please read the following: [url][/url] Hoppy

Member Avatar for hopalongcassidy
Member Avatar for luke.easdale

The best way to do this is with a macro. Macros in Excel are written in Visual Basic. I don't think you can create such a macro by recording, but you could try. If you don't know Visual Basic, and you don't have a friend who does, then you might …

Member Avatar for hopalongcassidy
Member Avatar for xicago1

I think you should be practical. Look at it from the customer's point of view. He doesn't want to market the software, he just wants to be sure it can be maintained if something should happen to you. If you ask for anywhere near 100% of your development cost, he …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for minbor

Sure, where would you like the contents of the variable (say myHTML) to come from? It could be read from a file, it could be passed in from the old web page. Regardless of the source, you can write it out by: [code] <% response.write(myHTML) %> [/code] Hoppy

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for moongazer

Sounds like a problem with your network hardware. Either your cable(s) or your router. You can identify a faulty cable by replacing it or swapping it with one you know is good. You need to consider the cable from your computer to the router AND the cable from the router …

Member Avatar for sidnoel
Member Avatar for jonwildman

Sorry to have to break the news to you. The code you posted is totally unusable. It has to be rewritten by someone who knows how to program. Even if you get the code to work perfectly, the code is unmaintainable. If you don't believe me, just try coming back …

Member Avatar for hopalongcassidy
Member Avatar for jagpreet
Member Avatar for Magnusz

In whatever code you develop to solve this problem, consider what you would do if the user types in a formula that contains multiple functions (e.g. 3 + 4 - 2). Hoppy

Member Avatar for Prozeen
Member Avatar for shmay

From the message you got, it looks like the database originally resided on a machine that your server accessed as "f:". It is probably not true anymore. Either change the mapping or change the code so that the server is looking for the database in the right place. Hoppy

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine

The End.