my problem is.. im trying to copy a file from 1 network to another.. but theres an error.. cannot copy (cyclic redundancy error)... pls help.. tnx...

Sounds like a problem with your network hardware. Either your cable(s) or your router. You can identify a faulty cable by replacing it or swapping it with one you know is good. You need to consider the cable from your computer to the router AND the cable from the router to the target computer. One or both could be bad. If all of the cables check out, I'd go after the router next.


but when i tried also to copy the file from my flash disk.. same error "cannot copy (cyclic redundancy check)..

Maybe, its the data cable that connects your hard disk to your motherboard. You probabaly need a hardware expert to troubleshoot this.


yeah.. we have here at the office.. tnx hoppy

The only time i ever got a "cyclic redundancy" error was when installing a game from a scratched DVD. I copied it to my HDD and installed from there and it worked fine???

The only time i ever got a "cyclic redundancy" error was when installing a game from a scratched DVD. I copied it to my HDD and installed from there and it worked fine???

u're right maybe its my HDD. i guess because it has corrupt files.

Just a word of explanation.

Whenever data is sent from one device to another, it generally passes through some number of intermediate devices (i.e. media -> disc drive -> cable -> port on computer -> i/o control software -> memory in computer). At any one of these points, there is the potential for information to be lost.

To solve this problem, a protocol was invented called "Cyclic Redundancy Check" or CRC. Accordingly, every time data is stored on any kind of media, some redundancy information is stored along wih it. Whenever information is moved from one location to another, the CRC bits tag along. There is always software or firmware at the receiving end to check that this redundancy information is correct. If not, a CRC error is generated (after some number of retries).

If a CRC error occurs, it usually means that data was lost or altered somewhere between the place that it began and where it ended up.

To fix this problem, you have to find out where the data is being lost or corrupted. This means testing each of the things the data passes through in its journey. Typically, this means swapping out each component in the chain until the CRC error goes away.

Hope this helps,


This usually happens when you try to to use a scratched dvd or cd so its probably a problem with your network hard drive.

Well, that is certain to be an inconvenience.


It's all crazy in here so crazy....It's so simple the Hard drive is about to CRAASSHH
But I don't know how to fix it either

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