13,153 Topics

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[code] <tr> <td height="12" align="left" class="cont"> <asp:CheckBox ID="chkacsoutreach" runat="server" />Acs Outreach </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="12" align="left" class="cont"> <asp:CheckBox ID="chkaceportal" runat="server" /> Ace Portal </td> </tr> [/code] I took some checkboxes in the following way.I should get a message if atleast 1 checkbox is not checked and the values should …

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Member Avatar for SolonDemos

Hi, is it possible to create the aspnetdb file in Visual Studio 2008 using the "Security" option from Web Site Administration Tool with MS SQL Server 2008 express edition? I get the following error message when I try it: "There is a problem with your selected data store. This can …

Member Avatar for SolonDemos
Member Avatar for .Mido
Member Avatar for srujanac#

[code] <tr> <td height="12" align="left" class="cont"> <asp:CheckBox ID="chkacsoutreach" runat="server" />Acs Outreach </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="12" align="left" class="cont"> <asp:CheckBox ID="chkaceportal" runat="server" /> Ace Portal </td> </tr> [/code] I took some checkboxes in the following way.I should get a message if atleast 1 checkbox is not checked and the values should …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for mahendrabhatt

Hi I am using COM Class and loading it in browser. I am calling LoadLibrary of kernel32 but it returns me zero. I have also tried using LoadLibraryEx which gives me pointer to DLL but when I call any function of that dll it gives me Attempt to read or …

Member Avatar for mahendrabhatt
Member Avatar for new SE

Hi.. now i'm working with asp.net c#.. i want to view the data from database in the textbox in order to make editing to the data is avaiable..but i'm using user stored procedure.. now this is my code where i want to display the data.. [CODE] <tr> <td class="style1">Company Code …

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Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi...to all i've designed an report for the employee database.. i want to display the total no of records in each page.. how to do this.. consider there are 100 records.. for eg.. if in a single page there are 50 records it should display 50 records.. and if that …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for new SE

Hi all, i need some help to carry the data to another page..this is my code to carry the id [CODE] <ASP:HYPERLINK ID="lnkDetails" RUNAT="server" NAVIGATEURL='<%#"Company_vd.aspx?comp_code=" + DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"CmpCode")%>' TEXT="Details"></ASP:HYPERLINK> [/CODE] it works but i dont know how to use the comp_code on the other page to retrieve other data based on …

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Member Avatar for farooq82

I had receive the above mention error I have load printer info in first combo box and when select value a event triggered and load values in second combo box using printer info but i am receiving subject mention error. [CODE]Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) …

Member Avatar for rohand
Member Avatar for frmsasp

Dear Friend, I am new in ASP.Net with c#. I want date in a dd/mm/yyyy format with validation in TextBox . Is anybody guide me how shall ? As I got date with dd/mm/yyyy but it will also accept 32/02/2005. Though Feb has less 30 days. Also when I compare …

Member Avatar for amitesh kaushik
Member Avatar for go4voip

I have one DropDownLis control in my Default.aspx page. In need add data from class, is it possible? I tried below but failed. [CODE] Public Class Mainclass Public Shared Sub Fillvalue() Dim dpage As New _Default For i = 0 To 10 dpage.MyList.items.add(i) Next i End Sub End Class [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for Andreas5
Member Avatar for sganandhsg

Hi All I have one master page with more then 10 tabs.child page i have one check box. when i checked the check box all master page tabs goes disable stage and when i untick all tabs come enable stage.. Any one know replay me.. Thanks Sg

Member Avatar for siju kuriakose
Member Avatar for lordbaddkitty

I'm trying to LINQ two tables based on a dynamic key. User can change key via a combo box. Key may be money, string, double, int, etc. Currently I'm getting the data just fine, but without filtering out the doubles. I can filter the double in VB, but it's slooooow. …

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Member Avatar for cmhampton

I need to return a class which inherits List(Of ) in a webservice. The consuming application simply views it as an array of the class, not a list. In fact, the Collection class is not even available to derive an object from. Class Definition: [CODE=VB.NET] Public Class TestResultCollection Inherits List(Of …

Member Avatar for subhankar02dey

I have a listbox and the listitems are populated from database. The listitems are the students names of a school. Now looking at the items, I cannot distinguish between the names of students of different classes. I want to make some change in the listbox items as example, make different …

Member Avatar for MichaelWClark
Member Avatar for MichaelWClark

I am using a details view and sqldatasource to update information in my database. I keep getting this "Incorrect syntax near 'nvarchar'." Error and from what I have researched this is because there are spaces in my table field names and the table name. Here is some code: [code] <asp:SqlDataSource …

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Member Avatar for ranu jain

Is there any need to install Ajax extantion and toolkit for visual stdio 2008 Plz reply i m facing much trouble thanx

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Member Avatar for sganandhsg

Hi All I have one requirements, In this have some url based on the documents totally 10. when i click one button open a save dialog box, and select destination path then click save to download all files in that particular path. (ASP.Net with VB.NET) can u have any idea …

Member Avatar for RobM_01

Hi, I have a gridview that displays all the users from the ASPDOTNET database and I have some buttons that I can display other details and also edit and delete a user. The show button seems to only work on every other row. The fail message is the following: [CODE]Object …

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Member Avatar for Atif Mahmood

When i run my program with the help of IE its work but when i used mozilla firefox it generates the error [B]Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: value[/B] any body have idea plz tel me.

Member Avatar for rohand
Member Avatar for msrd

I'm trying to figure out how to pass a parameter to a report in VB... [URL="http://screencast.com/t/MjBhYjYxOTM"]http://screencast.com/t/MjBhYjYxOTM[/URL] I've looked at the microsoft library on the report viewer class, but it's only slightly better than a boat anchor... does anyone have any other useful tips on how to figure this out?

Member Avatar for Ana D.

Hi, In my ASP.NET page I have a TreeView where ShowCheckBoxes="Leaf". I want to mark as checked/unchecked all the visible checkboxes by clicking in a button. My code for selecting all/none nodes is like this: [CODE=javascript]function selectAllNone(tvID, value) { var tvNodes = document.getElementById(tvID); var chBoxes = tvNodes.getElementByTagName("input"); for (var i …

Member Avatar for ananthat
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I have a WebUserControl(having a form tag ) in which am using <asp:Image> tag And i used this WebUserControl in my master page but when i use a index.aspx page(having a form tag) with this master page the error occurs "multiple form tag on a page". What should i do …

Member Avatar for Citation
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Hi, i want to display several record from database with data type "date"..but when display, the record displayed in datetime format (default)..what should i do to change the format date..i have tried many thing but it does not work.. now, this is mt coding [CODE] <asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Expiry date" HeaderStyle-Width="10%" SortExpression="CmpExpDate" …

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Member Avatar for dipti_611

Dear All, Please Help Me i want to write a code in asp.net using c# to list previous, current and next 3 years in dropdownlist dynamically at page load without using table. Thanks and regards, Dipti

Member Avatar for rohand
Member Avatar for ajwposh

I have a drop down list that displays all the titles from my table in the database. This works fine, however, i want it to display the title of whichever person the query has searched for. For example, the list has all the titles in, i have clicked on my …

Member Avatar for rohand
Member Avatar for AngelicOne

My gridview is being generated at runtime by a dataset. My first column is a template field with checkbox, how to delete a selected row? C# please.

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Member Avatar for bhaumik1987

Hi everyone, I have a web form and in that I have several fields with one of the fields being the date field where if the user clicks opens up a calendar for picking a date to put in. My question is : Is there a way to open the …

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Member Avatar for dskumar_85

hi frndz ........ i want to create a media player in web application which supports all the video and audio formats . if u know any website url to view the design and components . plz reply me......

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The End.