13,153 Topics
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hi every body i am trying to display the popup on datalist control when mouseover on image in datalist i want to display the popup [code=aspnet] <td style="width:100%;" valign="top"> <asp:Panel ID="PanelRight" Height="500px" BackColor="White" CssClass="" runat="server" Width="100%"> <div style="padding: 10px;" class="listlight"> <h2 class="topl_lrg"> <asp:Label ID="lblMembers" runat="server" Text="Members"></asp:Label> <asp:Label ID="lblMembersCount" runat="server"></asp:Label> </h2> … | |
Hi all, I am using below code for check space but it generate errors. my Code:: [code]string str = TextBox1.Text; int l = str.Length; int i; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (str[i] == " ") { Response.Write("Invalid"); } else { Response.Write("valid"); } }[/code] Error:: Operator … | |
master of computer application v.b.net project IIIrd sem project i can't find that.. pls helpme | |
hi guys i just want to perform custom paging in which at the footer of the grid view ,there must be a pager 'pervious/next with numeric' this is what i did [B]in aspx page[/B] [code=asp.net]<asp:GridView ID="TableGridView" OnPageIndexChanging="TableGridView_PageIndexChanging" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True" > </asp:GridView> <asp:Button ID="btnConnect" runat="server" Style="z-index: 113; left: 260px; … | |
Hi all, I want to display path(Path of a word Doucument file) stored in a Table (Sql Server 2005) in FileUpload Control through coding. Please Help me. Thanks ! Pankaj | |
hi guys , i got a solution at [url]http://amitkumarmca04.blogspot.com/2009/03/custom-paging-in-grid-view-control.html[/url] but i dnt knw which code has to be written in aspx ,which has to be written in code behind and which has to be written in class file and how the how has to be written can any one help … | |
hi, there, I am coming up with a registration form. I want to know how to come up with a readonly form. Firstly, the user has to register themselves on this form, then once the user has pressed the submit button, the user will be sent to the next page, … | |
Hi, I have a DropDownList (filled in the rowCreated method) in a TemplateColumn in a GridViewRow. A user can add a row to select another value in the new dropdownlist created. I need to trigger a validator (I need this because this is only a small part of a site … | |
Add More parameters on Select method I need to 1) add a string "All" on top of my dropdown. 2) Add "MyState" parameter on Select Method of object Datasource. 3) On "ddlSt_SelectedIndexChanged" event I need to pass selected State Code to City drop down. pl. help. [code] STATE: <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlSt" … | |
This may seem like a simple question but I for the life of me cannot seem to get this working. I have an ASP page that I need to set a dropdown box to a value from sql. I have the dropdown getting filled from sql no problem. [CODE=c#] private … | |
i was trying to build a glossary section for a web. The idea for the glossary part is that, when users mouse over the term in the glossary section the meaning/definition of the term will appear. How this could be done? Do I need a database for easier maintenance rather … | |
Below error occur while deploying on server.while it work on local network . [COde]Server Error in '/' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used … | |
I have developed a aspx page to upload msi file to server ( by using fileupload control ) and install msi in the server. When i acess the web page in the server itself the msi installation takeplace. But when i access from a different machine installation will not start. … | |
Hi, i have a completed codes of a windows app which is used to retrieve data from a card reader. Right now i have to put it up into internet explorer. can i achieve this only by trying to copy whatever on my windows app onto asp? it's abit confusing … | |
I have an enquiry concerning office 2007 automation on windows 2008 64bit. Basically the issue is as follows: · I'm using office 2007 automation on windows 2008 64bit, my solution is using excel office automation (Excel interop assemblies) from a .Net managed DLL to export reports in excel format from … | |
Dear friends Since I am new to asp.net i have no idea in developing data entry form by using msflexgrid / datagrid. I like to use one of these control to create data entry form with the combo box option to select product name where user can enter more than … | |
hi, there , i am coming up with a login page and i am having error when i run the programme. It says [B][ICODE]'Invalid attempt to read when no data is present'.[/ICODE][/B] [B][COLOR="Green"]Session("ses_uname") = rdr("FirstName") + " " + rdr("LastName")[/COLOR][/B] [ICODE]Imports System.Data.Sql Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Web Partial Class _Default Inherits … | |
I have a wizard control. On one of its pages I have various controls like textboxes and checkboxes. Could anybody please tell me how I can check from my code (e.g. on Cancel) if the contents of the controls has been changed? I know how to check if each control … | |
Hello everyone, I'm developing a website in ASP.NET. I have a Gridview and in it two LinkButtons: [I]Details [/I]and [I]Options[/I]. When the user clicks on Details, I have to show a Formview with the Details information. This part is already done. The part that is being difficult for me is, … | |
Hi, I have a site that allows users to upload images. I am able to upload image, save to server, and display images right away. Problem is that the images dissapear after I navigate away from the site! I am using the file system to store images. You can view … | |
Had a repeater giving out an rss xml data feed, but it took too long to load, so I'm using an ajax incremental page loader and need to get the xml into an innerhtml format so I can write it back to the page's div tag via a web service. … | |
I have an asp.net application done in visual studio 2005. When I run the application from code, it rums properly but when I compile the site and run it from IIS there is an ODBCerror. The same is the case when I run the code from IIS instead of running … | |
I used AppendBoundItem in dropdown -but it keeps on adding extra list of data everytime I click does any one have any idea how to restrict it. thanks here's the code: [code] <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="SrcCty" runat="server" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectMethod="GetData" TypeName="stateTableAdapters.CityTableAdapter" > <SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ddlSt" Name="MyState" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" DefaultValue="null" /> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="RBl1" Name="mytype" … | |
Hi friends... am uploading a image file to folder... and as show below am using using a panel with ajax pop up extender.. in that i added the textbox control and fileupload control... but when click the button to upload.. the textbox value will be null... so how i to … | |
Hello, I wanted to know as to how to pass an object of a class with a number of member variables across aspx pages. | |
hi how to write the code for active directory service.. to login into the web page. i am using c#.net.can u give me the idea. | |
Hello, I'm struggling with the following issue, and need help with it.. I'm using ASP.NET, and trying to create a primitive webshop. You "buy" services, not products, and you only need to buy them once, so I'd like to filter the cart to add an element only once, no matter … | |
I want to populate two combo boxes. One is showing customer data and second is showing the order no details related to all this cusotmer. there is relation of master detail. on changing master record in first combo page refreshes and a postback is called and second combo again populate … | |
Hi! I have a server-side button_Click event handler that generates an Excel file and downloads it to client with Response.AddHeader(...); Response.TransmitFile(); I want to refresh a page after the download is complete, but i don't know how to do it - things like ClientScript.RegisterScriptBlock(..., "alert('hi');"...) don't write anything to the … | |
I am trying to write a page that requires a Pass/Fail for conditions that are done everyday and then posting them to a database. The problem I'm having is the validation of the checkboxes. Find the code below: [code=html]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta … |
The End.