13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for jamello

Hi there folks! Please could anyone tell me how I can disable the underline of a hyperlink button server control of datagrid and similar controls ? I had used the following css code on the ItemStyle-CssClass which works for traditional hyperlinks to no avail. Thanks for the help:) [CODE] .tablecellhyperlinks …

Member Avatar for mIssy_ricco
Member Avatar for culebrin

Hi, I have a Button inside of a GridView, inside of another GridView. The higher gv is filled with a dataset, and in the RowCreated event I fill the second gv, and finally, in the RowCreated event (handler added in the RowCreated event of the first gv) of the second …

Member Avatar for mail2saion
Member Avatar for cmg777

I need a comments box where users can use a name textbox to input their name and a comments textbox where they can input what they thought about the site or something they need and then a fixed area of text being displayed on the site. An example (Request Layouts): …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for missbeginner

Please help me, i tried to pass information from detailed view and to another detailed view in another page. I put this code in the first page [code=asp.net] protected void ViewRemuneration_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Button ViewRemuneration = (Button)sender; //string sendID = ViewRemuneration.ID; Response.Redirect("Remuneration.aspx?employeeId=" + DetailsView1.SelectedValue); } [/code] and to …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

Has anyone tried to write [URL="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307398"]this tutorial [/URL]using VC++ 2008 Express? The article claims to be written with VC++ 2005. But I thought 2005 and 2008 used compatible versions of CLR language. I'm getting all kinds of compiler errors -- for example [icode]String* str;[/icode] instead of using [icode]String^ str;[/icode] and …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for pt0909

I need to show a message as a label whenever user selecct To year less than from year. I have created a label "lblYrChk" --doesn't work . what i am doing wrong. Pl. help. [code=asp.net] <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="Srcfmyr" runat="server" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectMethod="GetData" TypeName="HITS.App_code.stateTableAdapters.SOURCE_YEAR_VWTableAdapter"> <SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="RBl1" Name="myType" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" DefaultValue="G" /> </SelectParameters> …

Member Avatar for pt0909
Member Avatar for jamesgurung

On [URL="http://www.oxonacf.org.uk/test.aspx"]this test page[/URL] I intend that if you press the Enter key with focus in TextBox1, Button1_Click will fire, whereas in TextBox2, Button2_Click will fire. This is not working in IE8 or FF3.5. Any ideas? [code]<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="test.aspx.cs" Inherits="test" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" …

Member Avatar for jamesgurung
Member Avatar for momber

Helo everyone, Image a website on server 'A' using windows authentication. A user 'Bart' has access to the website and also full access (read, write, delete, execute) on a folder located on server 'B' (\\B\data for example). Will Bart be able to upload files to that folder thru the website …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for dot_net_rookie

Hi , I am using a gridview to bind values from two tables to checkbox. The tables are category and subcategory . I am using Item Template to bind the values to both the checkboxes. The problem has to do with the data binding... The first checkbox lists categories and …

Member Avatar for dpreznik

I have a wizard control with two steps: Summary and Details. Within Summary, I have a gridview. When I click on the gridview column's header to sort the data, for some reason I am redirected to the next, Details wizard step. Could anybody please tell me why it happens and …

Member Avatar for dpreznik
Member Avatar for erikkl2000

Could some one please help me with the understanding how to pass the values to a drop downlist? What i am tring to do is pass a parameter (@Likethis) from a selected item in a list box or a dropdown to a dropdown or a list box. I am assuming …

Member Avatar for krc
Member Avatar for adamdk

Hello, I am writing a Form that is to be in three parts. 1. Date Selection 2. Report Selection 3. Report Display The way this should work is as follows. 1. User selects a date from section one 2. Section two updates to show a list of reports made on …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Digvijaysinh

Hello, Hii everybody, i want to know how to get live video stream from our web-cam in to our web-page in asp.net ? thanx in advance!

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Day All After Binding my Grid with 3 Columns , i found out that it Duplicates the Columns Twice. like this [code] Activity || Staff Member || Cycles || Activity || Staff Member || Cycles || Activity || Staff Member || Cycles =============================================================================== C[1] || DR Vuyiswa || Year …

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Member Avatar for vytla

hi every body i am using three dropdownlist for search criteria , the problem is when dropdown idex is selected the dropdown itself will disappear,because the page is getting refereshed every time when i select dropdown thwe index value will be 1. pls help me out. i attached the code …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for fawadkhalil

Hi all i have checkboxlist populated from a table in database.now how can i store only checked items to database.

Member Avatar for fawadkhalil
Member Avatar for chrispaul8676

hi, there, i am doing a and it needs login page. I have a 2 textboxes, one for user id and the other for password. Using this two textboxes, I need to identify the three roles that i am using. This includes manager, delivery boy and customer to redirect to …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for sailajap

hi, Where can I practice 70-536 and 70-562 tests online ? Thanks for ur help in advance

Member Avatar for sailajap
Member Avatar for desaiva

Hi there, Is it possible that two user's use same application with different computers and somehow one's session data getting overwritten with others? I am not having any code error anywhere but somehow one's data getting overwritten with others. Please help me because I am trying to solve this error …

Member Avatar for desaiva
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

I have business requirement and i need to diplay records of data in certain format. My problem is as below: I have database with two tables names "Restaurant" and "Restaurant_Associates". "Restaruant" table stores list all the restaruants available in town wheres "Restaurant_Associates" sotres the list of associates for particular restaruant …

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Member Avatar for nikichu

...hope some body can help me resolve the problem....where i have to update a particular data , the datas are retreived from the db using a dropdownlist,selected data are updated inside a textbox........... .....where there are constraints set by validators for space and !^#$%&*^----charaecters: My problm is data is not …

Member Avatar for nikichu
Member Avatar for Donish

Hi All, it's me again :) How can I attach MySQL to my ASP.Net application? I want to create user table in MySQL and then use the login controls in my application to give the user access and different roles? Thanks in advance! Donish

Member Avatar for gingank

Hi guys if i use the asp.net to write the code but i didnt involve to connect to the sql database what should i write in the web.config under the connection string??

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for gingank

Hi, i got a problem that is i create a program based on pervious program that do from others. Now i using the asp.net to create and the sql express 2005 to do it. So the question do anyone know how to open the mdf(master database file) file. I try …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for gingank

Hi guys do anyone know how to change the code line from sql express to ms sql 2000. Below is my code help me to check it? web.config [CODE]<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Note: As an alternative to hand editing this file you can use the web admin tool to configure settings …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for ffaheem

Dear All, Hope all is doing well, I am developing a portal in ASP.NET 2.0, I am developing a page where I will have multiple search option for to display selected field in gridview. I have setup a dropdown list which is connected with gridview and showing the customized result …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for GregoryHouseMD

So I installed IIS, set up my site and now I have the 3 ticks on the list in the db panel but the + I'm suppose to click is greyed out...

Member Avatar for GregoryHouseMD
Member Avatar for mcdt2424

Hi All, I am building a global scheduling application in asp.net and I am having a hard time figuring out how to handle the different timezones. In my application when the user selects the date and time of an appointment I save the date time to my DB in UTC …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for yisman

Ok fellows. I've tried EVERYTHING!! System OS: Windows Vista SP2 IIS: version 7 MSSQL: 2008 express ASPX: .NET 3.5 framework my global.asax has sqlcachedependency.start and stop at application start and end i have enabled sqlnotifications on the database. The database has a table for tracking the changes and the track …

Member Avatar for yisman
Member Avatar for shireesha1

Hi people, I am working on a asp.net c# project where i need a drop down list and check boxes in a grid view. can any one help me out how to do this. thanks in advance shireesha

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The End.