13,153 Topics
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Hi there folks! Please could anyone tell me how I can disable the underline of a hyperlink button server control of datagrid and similar controls ? I had used the following css code on the ItemStyle-CssClass which works for traditional hyperlinks to no avail. Thanks for the help:) [CODE] .tablecellhyperlinks … | |
Hi, I have a Button inside of a GridView, inside of another GridView. The higher gv is filled with a dataset, and in the RowCreated event I fill the second gv, and finally, in the RowCreated event (handler added in the RowCreated event of the first gv) of the second … | |
I need a comments box where users can use a name textbox to input their name and a comments textbox where they can input what they thought about the site or something they need and then a fixed area of text being displayed on the site. An example (Request Layouts): … | |
Please help me, i tried to pass information from detailed view and to another detailed view in another page. I put this code in the first page [code=asp.net] protected void ViewRemuneration_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Button ViewRemuneration = (Button)sender; //string sendID = ViewRemuneration.ID; Response.Redirect("Remuneration.aspx?employeeId=" + DetailsView1.SelectedValue); } [/code] and to … | |
Has anyone tried to write [URL="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307398"]this tutorial [/URL]using VC++ 2008 Express? The article claims to be written with VC++ 2005. But I thought 2005 and 2008 used compatible versions of CLR language. I'm getting all kinds of compiler errors -- for example [icode]String* str;[/icode] instead of using [icode]String^ str;[/icode] and … | |
I need to show a message as a label whenever user selecct To year less than from year. I have created a label "lblYrChk" --doesn't work . what i am doing wrong. Pl. help. [code=asp.net] <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="Srcfmyr" runat="server" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectMethod="GetData" TypeName="HITS.App_code.stateTableAdapters.SOURCE_YEAR_VWTableAdapter"> <SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="RBl1" Name="myType" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" DefaultValue="G" /> </SelectParameters> … | |
On [URL="http://www.oxonacf.org.uk/test.aspx"]this test page[/URL] I intend that if you press the Enter key with focus in TextBox1, Button1_Click will fire, whereas in TextBox2, Button2_Click will fire. This is not working in IE8 or FF3.5. Any ideas? [code]<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="test.aspx.cs" Inherits="test" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" … | |
Helo everyone, Image a website on server 'A' using windows authentication. A user 'Bart' has access to the website and also full access (read, write, delete, execute) on a folder located on server 'B' (\\B\data for example). Will Bart be able to upload files to that folder thru the website … | |
Hi , I am using a gridview to bind values from two tables to checkbox. The tables are category and subcategory . I am using Item Template to bind the values to both the checkboxes. The problem has to do with the data binding... The first checkbox lists categories and … | |
I have a wizard control with two steps: Summary and Details. Within Summary, I have a gridview. When I click on the gridview column's header to sort the data, for some reason I am redirected to the next, Details wizard step. Could anybody please tell me why it happens and … | |
Could some one please help me with the understanding how to pass the values to a drop downlist? What i am tring to do is pass a parameter (@Likethis) from a selected item in a list box or a dropdown to a dropdown or a list box. I am assuming … | |
Hello, I am writing a Form that is to be in three parts. 1. Date Selection 2. Report Selection 3. Report Display The way this should work is as follows. 1. User selects a date from section one 2. Section two updates to show a list of reports made on … | |
Hello, Hii everybody, i want to know how to get live video stream from our web-cam in to our web-page in asp.net ? thanx in advance! | |
Good Day All After Binding my Grid with 3 Columns , i found out that it Duplicates the Columns Twice. like this [code] Activity || Staff Member || Cycles || Activity || Staff Member || Cycles || Activity || Staff Member || Cycles =============================================================================== C[1] || DR Vuyiswa || Year … | |
hi every body i am using three dropdownlist for search criteria , the problem is when dropdown idex is selected the dropdown itself will disappear,because the page is getting refereshed every time when i select dropdown thwe index value will be 1. pls help me out. i attached the code … | |
Hi all i have checkboxlist populated from a table in database.now how can i store only checked items to database. | |
hi, there, i am doing a and it needs login page. I have a 2 textboxes, one for user id and the other for password. Using this two textboxes, I need to identify the three roles that i am using. This includes manager, delivery boy and customer to redirect to … | |
hi, Where can I practice 70-536 and 70-562 tests online ? Thanks for ur help in advance | |
Hi there, Is it possible that two user's use same application with different computers and somehow one's session data getting overwritten with others? I am not having any code error anywhere but somehow one's data getting overwritten with others. Please help me because I am trying to solve this error … | |
I have business requirement and i need to diplay records of data in certain format. My problem is as below: I have database with two tables names "Restaurant" and "Restaurant_Associates". "Restaruant" table stores list all the restaruants available in town wheres "Restaurant_Associates" sotres the list of associates for particular restaruant … | |
...hope some body can help me resolve the problem....where i have to update a particular data , the datas are retreived from the db using a dropdownlist,selected data are updated inside a textbox........... .....where there are constraints set by validators for space and !^#$%&*^----charaecters: My problm is data is not … | |
Hi All, it's me again :) How can I attach MySQL to my ASP.Net application? I want to create user table in MySQL and then use the login controls in my application to give the user access and different roles? Thanks in advance! Donish | |
Hi guys if i use the asp.net to write the code but i didnt involve to connect to the sql database what should i write in the web.config under the connection string?? | |
Hi, i got a problem that is i create a program based on pervious program that do from others. Now i using the asp.net to create and the sql express 2005 to do it. So the question do anyone know how to open the mdf(master database file) file. I try … | |
Hi guys do anyone know how to change the code line from sql express to ms sql 2000. Below is my code help me to check it? web.config [CODE]<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Note: As an alternative to hand editing this file you can use the web admin tool to configure settings … | |
Dear All, Hope all is doing well, I am developing a portal in ASP.NET 2.0, I am developing a page where I will have multiple search option for to display selected field in gridview. I have setup a dropdown list which is connected with gridview and showing the customized result … | |
So I installed IIS, set up my site and now I have the 3 ticks on the list in the db panel but the + I'm suppose to click is greyed out... | |
Hi All, I am building a global scheduling application in asp.net and I am having a hard time figuring out how to handle the different timezones. In my application when the user selects the date and time of an appointment I save the date time to my DB in UTC … | |
Ok fellows. I've tried EVERYTHING!! System OS: Windows Vista SP2 IIS: version 7 MSSQL: 2008 express ASPX: .NET 3.5 framework my global.asax has sqlcachedependency.start and stop at application start and end i have enabled sqlnotifications on the database. The database has a table for tracking the changes and the track … | |
Hi people, I am working on a asp.net c# project where i need a drop down list and check boxes in a grid view. can any one help me out how to do this. thanks in advance shireesha |
The End.